Depressed , confused and really angry at myself...'s nt about love It's about learning piano pieces and mastering it in a short period of time.... I'm learning Rach's Prelude in G Minor now....6 pages.... Honestly....I have no problem memorizing the piece... But.... I am still struggling at page 3 !!!!! * Throw glass on the wall * I really don't know what to do... And the competition is so near..... August 23..... SO DEAD.... And I only discovered Rach's prelude last week... When I was surfing the net finding for songs... Die Die Die Die Dies................................................ I actually have a solution... That is Play Deux Arabesque 1 and 2 by Debussy I know how to play that song Since Deux Arabesques 1 was in my grd 8 exam alternative piece book.... and I can sight read Deux Arabesque 2..... SO , might as well play Deux Arabesque 1 and 2 ... hopefully it would be around 5 minutes something ? since the requirement for my level would be a...
Showing posts from June, 2008
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Haven't got my specs yet.... They haven't finish doing my specs yet.... and I can't believe tht I'm kinda sad... But I am feeling a little excited though.. I can't wait to see myself wearing the new specs... Hopefully I will look much better........ Besides , It's scary today morning tht when I was sitting uncle's transport to school... Near Xietin's house , I heard a lady screaming.... Xietin was shocked as well Me... I straightaway woke up frm my sleep.... she just ran straight to the mamak stall and they just look at her.... She kinda said something.......she is also crying i think.... I heard her quavery voice... So I presumed tht she's crying... I wonder what happened... Rob ? Accident ? .....I have no idea And I AM SO CURIOUS TO KNOW THE ANSWER !!!
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Junsu wear's spectacles The model's also wearing specs JIN AKANISHI wears specs too ! They look super hot wearing specs......... and speaking about tht... reminds me tht I am going to get my specs tomorrow And my parents will force me to wear them.... sad....... Going to look ugly ........=( ___________________________________________________ Btw , Max Changmin ( DBSK ) ...
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Merentas Desa yesterday was fun !!! Especially when it comes to food and drinks.......all are scrumptious and some are unique.. I've spent nearly every ringgit in my wallet.....sobs......xD I was really tired after the event.... Arms sakit , legs sakit , and it really causes me fatigue... I'm a bad runner =( And I rather dance =) ____________________________________________________________ Watched Kung Fu Panda in the evening @ Jusco with family It's really a nice movie to watch... An important lesson learnt and it's really humerous ! I love Po's teacher.... he's really adorable !!! ______________________________________________________ After the movie , I went to Popular..... renewed my card , spot books buy them and read them ! Parents suprised me with RM 100 worth of popular vouchers !! I really feel like screaming that time xD Bought a book entitled " straits chinese " Inspired to buy the book after reading Monsoon History ! I really love the book ...
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PUAN HAMIMY.......... I can't believe that I actually Like her already !! 1st...I hate her... then now.....I can't believe that I enjoy her teaching a lot ! She's fun , humerous and the only teacher that is at the same level of handling Mun Weng's hamsap-ness.... and She's a good BM teacher.....professional too I just can't believe she's this great ! Yeng agreed with me too and I think the rest of the class too..... Gosh...... Add Maths teacher is right....... Her prediction is right......
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Tagged by Alexandra 1.What do you want the most now? -Holiday ! 2.Who is the person you trust the most? -God....he ain't a person......he's God...haha 3. Are you in love? -Presently , I don't care about this matter yet.. 4.If you have a dream come true.. -I wish to have a Steinway and Sons piano...hehe 5.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? -Ya 6.What's your goal for this year? -Excel in all form 4 subs 7.Do you believe in eternity? -As in what kind eternity ? 8.Have you ever broken a person's heart that he/she wanted to commit suicide? -Not tht serious I guess... 9.What feeling do you love the most? -Happiness 10.What are the requirements for your other half? -He must be taller than me , Smarter than me , Have sense of humour , talkative , caring , romantic , Better if know music 11.What kind of feeling do you hate the most? -Anger 12.Do you cherish every friendship of yours? -That is for sure ! 13.What do you want to do in the futur...
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PUAN HAMIMY= WORST BM TEACHER EVER !! Gosh ...1 st she enter my class....I already kena marah... FOR NO APPARENT REASON... SHE said tht I bisu....just because i can't hear and didn't answer her question because of tht.... After that , everyone in class also get scolded by her.... She says tht our school sucks and all....but WTH.......Do you have the power to critique the school so much ? JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE THE EX-PENOLONG KANAN 'S WIFE ( EN.MASLAN'S WIFE ) to be just can't scold us without any resonable reasons !!!! We were the last ones to recess , the ones who get the most homework ( construct 80 sentences of Kata Banyak makna from 20 kata banyak makna ) and she wants it today morning ___________________________________________________________ I was scolded by her this morning as i didn't pass up the whole class's book to her ... hey...she says she wants it early in the morning.... HER CLASS IS THE 1ST PERIOD EARLY IN THE MORNING and she ...
The Super long TAG !!!! ( tagged by VALERIE )
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Quiz . Tagged by VALERIE. 1. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you? -Claudia ? she's muah's friend 2. Do you turn your cell phone off? -No , unless the batt. is running really low lol. 3.What happened at 10.00am today? -Studying add.maths @ school . *yawns 4.When did you last cry? -I don't even remember =D 5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter? -Biscuits I guess....i'm not a fan of peanut butter... 6. What do you want in your life now ? -Faster get my piano diploma cert ( ASAP !! ) 7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or you just put up your hood? -Neither , I rather run under the's fun !! Lol. 8. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed? -My super soft teddy head tht I bought @ Singapore years ago^^ 9. What bottom are you wearing now? -My school uniform ( baju kurung........the sarong ) 10. What's the nicest text in your inbox says? -Zanne telling me tht I always say sorry 3 t...
Happy Birthday Dad !!!!!
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13th June 2008 HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY DAD !!!!!!!! The best dad ever The hottest dad ever The most caring dad ever The most handsome dad ever The most funnt dad ever The most perfect dad ever Is none other than my own dad !!!! Dad , You are officially 50 now ! But you never look a day over 50 ! Keep young !! You are the best dad ever !!
Lazy eye
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Lazy....Lazy eye , Amblyopic eye Stumbled across an article about lazy eye It caught my attention since my left eye is an amblyopic eye I have it Since std 5...haha As the result of my bad habit of reading story books lying down Until now....I still can't change tht bad habit of mine Having a lazy eye is really troublesome Thank god tht my right eye is just short-sighted and nt another lazy eye If not , The world would be very blur and I can't really see and pick up features on a human face According to my " eyesight " , A normal human with normal eye will see something like this : But a person with lazy eye will see something like this : Yes , As blur as this ....... This is the reason why I can't see properly with my left eye Especially if I have my right eye covered by my long frindge..... Imagine what happened if both of my eye are amblyopic ? It would be worse than this... Blur........yep......that's the only word Actually there are treatments for lazy e...
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Sry....laziness strikes me again... Lazy to upload Lazy to blog Not mentioning I am quite busy nowadays haha Basicly , our sleepover lasted 3 days and 2 nights ( we extended our stay....actually it's 2 days and 1night ) We eat ( maggi ) , cook our own food ( all fried ) , Watched Jdoramas , Swam , Play computer and OF haha Actually i think the video tht i posted on my blg last time prettyt much sums up everything Guess tht I don't have to upload pics already Most of them are already there Anyways , ( glad to have my laptop back =) ) _________________________________________________________________ About Hillsong IT'S AWESOME I met many people there Even Rachel Hee ( frm minda ceria ) Tht day itself , I went out to my dad's shop with Claudia We practiced , played and shared knowledge about piano..till.......4 something It's fun !!!! Me and Claudia =) after the concert The concert was really a blast ! I learnt a lot of things there Really...