1. Played Basketball during PJ Today !! So fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (even though this is ONE of my 1st few times playing basketball xD I'm more of a ping pong , cheer leading ppl and a badminton person xD ) 2. Burnt my tongue today as well... but it's all " worth while " since it's so delicious !! 3. Found out that next Thursday my class and 4 Cendana are going to Zoo Negara for our Moral project !!! Yippie !!!!!! so happy to be with Cendana !!!! Zanne and Kim x2 !!!! 4. SO FRUSTRATED that I can't get my dear Rachy's Prelude ( Rachmaninoff xD ) perfect yet SO NOT SATISFIED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5. DONE ~
Showing posts from July, 2008
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Many things happened yesterday and today.. Funny , shocked , angry and stuffs Let's start with today My Group ( Mawar Berduri ) and Ramjito's ( lol ) group presented our syair today It was really fun... Seeing Ramjito's group present and Mun Weng before it was my turn. Before we present , luckily Puan Hamimy's kind enough to demonstrate how to ' bersyair ' and showed us some video of a man reciting pantuns , syairs , gurindams and seloka... Never thought that actually we have to recite pantun , syair , gurindam and seloka like syair...but not so song-ish...( except they use kompang ) Mu Yi even asked wether they have to bring a kompang to present for the next class ! lol ! Eugene's presentation was shocking as we didn't expect that he could actually recite the syair and kinda ' sing ' it ( except when it comes to the end part , he kinda read it selamba-ish Rajmit ( i mean Ramjito ) was really good too ! She sang it... Faisal.....( lol to that gu...
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tagged by Wan Xuan Rules: 1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog. Starting time: 8.34p.m. Name: Chermaine Kang Yi Ting Sisters: - Brothers: Two One Shoe size: 4 or 5 Height: 163 or 164cm Where do you live: Malaysia Favourite drinks: Honey Lemon , Fruit juice , Fruit Punch , Root Bear , Iced drinks Favourite breakfast: Eggs is a must ! Have you ever been on a plane: yes Swam in the ocean: yes Fallen asleep in school: When no teacher is in / when I'm free with no teachers in class Broken someone's heart: Yes Fell off your chair: Yes Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: not call , online =) Saved e-mails: Some What is your room like: Messy What's right beside you: Nothing What is the l...
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Today only Chemistry teacher came in to teach....and it's only for 1/2 hour.... Even though today seems like it's so free...but I have tons of homework to finish ( especially frm Hamimy.......she always give us tons of homework....even though today her time was suppose to be only 50 minutes =.='' The atmosphere in class today was kinda dead. Everyone seems so tired.... Me too !! Aslam fell asleep during halfway of Chem. class Lai Fun too..... I fell asleep when I was reading one of the dramas in the komsas book , entitled " Serunai Malan " Luckily tht time no teacher xD _______________________________________________________________ While everyone was like ' dying ' and really really feeling fatigue , Suddenly we heard a scream frm Hui Sien.. I was shocked and out of nosy-ness... I went to check out what's wrong oOOOOO... Actually it's just a cockroach... I was kinda scared of cockroach.. but I just don't know why I didn't ran away or p...
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July + August = Busy like crazy Actually this " formula " doesn't apply on me only It also applies for most form 4 students around Malaysia ...... Some of my friends are already sitting exam now Some next week , In my case around next 2 weeks . Besides , especially for SBS , We are having lisan now .... 4 Damar nearly finished theirs already 4 Cendana i think theirs also finished already and 4 Gaharu ( my class ) maybe next week start !!! dead dead die die................ Most of the groups in my class are doing sketsa ( skits ) and drama.... how I wish I could do that Too bad that my group wants to do " perdebatan ala parlimen " / parlimen debate GOSHES !!! I admit I'm talkative..... but debate = BIG NO NO ( Luckily I'm only the Dewan Speaker ) but I need to talk like crazy xD AND MEMORIZE THOSE TEXT TOO ! Anyways , I would like to represent my group ( mawar berduri xD ) And thank Fakhrool because he's the one who prepares our super super long scrip...
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Today is a fun fun fun and busy busy busy day !!!! AND it's LEE JO JO's birthday Or more precise , THE BUTT QUEEN !!!!!!!!!!! RATU BUNTUT yEP......she loves making hand prints on girls butt and she named it her " body glove " lolx ________________________________________________________________ We did have a picnic today under the tree , between the basketball stadium and the indoor hall ( SBS students surely know where's tht place ) It was really fun !!! the food is really delicious too Thanks Aubrey and Hui Yinn for the food and next week it will be our turn organize the picnic ( the continuation of Jo's b'day xD ) We have a fun time there.....eating Italian delicacies that are really delicious... and a weird bread ( i have to say ) We mix pasta sauce , biscuits , eggs and other ingredient in tht bread Everyone have a bite on tht and it's realy DELICIOUS !!!!! After we sang Birthday song to Jo -yee , everyone took cake and slop it on her face !!! and...
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I'm kinda stressed out nowadays... Thinking about the future and what subjects am I taking now.. Sometimes I just think that I should not choose to be in Science stream... Should just go to art I actually feel kind of dissapointed that I my class now do not have art class... Honestly , I'm not interested in Add. Maths , chemistry and Physics... I actually liked bio... But gradually lost interest in it... Luckily Now I've switch frm Biology To Engineering Drawing... At least that's my interest..... Too bad I can't Dissect the froggie..... Honestly , I choose to enter Biology last time just to dissect the frog and peer presure... I just don't want to be seperated frm my friends.... Among all subjects......I love English , BM , art and music ( if tht's a subject ) Too bad our school / schools in malaysia do not have music ' stream ' ________________________________________________________________ I have been thinking about my future a lot.... What I wa...
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Tag By Alexandra ( again ) lols 1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? Angry , feel like killing him , Feel like slapping him 2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? I want to go to Japan again ! , I also want to go to Korea , Australia , France and America 3. Whose butt would you like to kick? I want to SLAP Jo-Yee's Butt....coz she always make ' Body Glove ' print on our butts last time xD ( REVENGE ! ) 4. What would you do with a billion dollars? 50% - myself , 30% family , 10% charity , 10% spend together with friends 5. What's your ideal lover like? Good Looking ? , same age / elder than me , bonus if he knows art and plays musical instruments , cheerful , understanding , active , fun , outgoing , taller than me ( of course ) and talkative like me ^^ 6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? Both is the same ( for me ) =) 7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? Don't know......
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Fireflight - UNBREAKABLE Where are the people that accuse me? The ones who beat me down and bruise me They hide, just out of sight Can’t face me in the light They’ll return, but I’ll be stronger God i want to dream again Take me where I’ve never been I want to go there This time I’m not scared Now I am unbreakable It’s unmistakable No one can touch me Nothing can stop me Sometimes it’s hard to just keep going But faith is moving without knowing Can I trust what I can’t see to reach my destiny? I want to take control, but I know better God i want to dream again Take me where I’ve never been I want to go there This time I’m not scared Now I am unbreakable It’s unmistakable No one can touch me Nothing can stop me Forget the fear, it’s just a crutch That tries to hold you back and turn your dreams to dust All you need to do is just *trust (trust, trust, trust)* God i want to dream again Take me where I’ve never been I want to go there This time I’m not scared Now I am unbreakab...
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Today's kinda busy @ school in class... nowadays Teachers like to shower us with tons of homework We spent our time in class doing homework , completing homework and chasing homework I am sooooo envying 4 C The atmosphere in their class compared to ours is so different They are already enjoying their lives now Like it's already the last day of school and their sketsa wow.... The costumes and props Talking bout that , Saw Yee Wen and Leviana changed frm school uniforms to their costumes They are apparently acting Anis Sophillea ( something like that ) It's so unique Today is the 1st day I went to tuiton with Yeng ( add maths tuiton ) I was trying so hard to concentrate.. At times , my brain would just wonder around and I started to daydream a little Kept snapping myself out so that I could concentrate I just gotta love add maths........... Yeng's mum dropped me @ my parents music shop today Practiced My Prelude in G minor a little.. Too bad I've forgotten to bring my...
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Thursday ( 3rd July 2008 ) I love yesterday Everything went on smoothly..... And it was kinda fun today ! Especially Chemistry class !! I love the experiment we did today ! Testing the reaction of Potassium , Sodium and Lithium in water... It was really awesome !! Especially when Potassium went into the water... It lights up like a firework !! Lithium is nice too ! No matter what shape you cut , in the end also become a tiny metal ball running like ants on water And the boring sodium.....Xd Just sizzles ........... Mun Weng attempted to put more Potassium into the water.... Luckily he was stopped by teacher lol...... Teacher said tht if we put more Potassium in , Our clothes will be full of holes Xd _______________________________________________________________________________ Engineering drawing class was kinda tiring.... A little frustrating too I kept drawing and sketching a certain question for so long..... That it CONSUMED AROUND 1 period....
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Today's homework pile up like mountain... Didn't get to practice piano today Just finished Hamimy's karangan and I have English Essay , Physics report , Chemistry homework and Engineering Drawing to finish Going to be soo dead by tomorrow....... _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Btw . got my new specs already ^^ Will post a picture of me wearing my specs when I have the time to transfer the pic to my laptop... Then You all can judge +)