I'm going to talk about MYOF 2008 and blog about zoo in the next post xD I KNOW I AM TOO LAZY TO BLOG BUT NOW....I'M REALLY BUSY XD
Showing posts from August, 2008
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Another long tagged by Alexandra 1.ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? -A fall long time ago 2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? -Colours , posters , my piano grd 8 cert a notice board 3. WHAT DOES YOUR CELL PHONE LOOK LIKE? -Orange ( changable skin ) , flip phone 4. WHAT MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? -Classical , Pop , Rock , JPop , KPop 5. DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME YOU WERE BORN? -YES !!! 1.58pm 6. WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? - I WANT TO WIN THAT COMP....and hmm...some other things ? 8. WHAT'S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? -Kang ? 9. THE BEST TV SHOW EVER CREATED ? -NT so sure , didn't watch a movie since last month...but i want to watch BATMAN and MUMMY 3 : Tomb of the dragon emperor 10. THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO? -Mei Quen , yesterday 11. DO YOU GET SCARED IN THE DARK? -Nope =) 12. THE LAST PERSON TO MAKE YOU CRY? -Forgotten 13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOGNE / PERFUME? -I don't like perfumes 14. WHAT KIND OF HAIR/EYE COLOR DO YOU LIKE ON THE OPPOSITE SEX? -I d...
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Tagged ! ( by Lee Jo Jo ) The rules and regulation : 1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habit/little known facts about yourself . 2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/ little known facts as well as state this rule clearly . 3. At the end , you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names . 4. No tags back !! 1. I hate veggies and durian 2. When I was 4 , an eraser got stuck in my nose that i have to go to a medical centre to remove it . 3. I'm the laziest person on the planet 4. I get satisfied easily....example : ya....this is good enough....blah blah bah 5. When I did something really wrong...i tend to say " ffffffffffffffffffff " ( it's not f*** ok ? ) 6. I am addicted to bob haircuts 7. i can bend my left thumb backwards 8. I love green tea ( pokka ) !!!!!!!! 9. I hug my teddy to sleep ev...
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Rabbit = the slug's love xD 14th August 2008 , Finally ZANNE TURNS 16 !!!! YEAH , Zanne , you old already lu....hehe 16 already 16 already ( repeat 100000000 times !!! xD ) Welcome to the 16th world ! Join me !! Join me !!!!! Hey Girl , Now you are 16 already......I wish you all the best and may you succeed in everything that you do.. and Gambate for your upcoming piano exam !!! Will pray for you everyday !!! God bless you too !!! =)
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Regrets... Now i'm struggling to get Rachmaninoff's Prelude in G Minor right Shouldn't have choose this piece in the 1st place @ last minute... Read forums and other websites , Everyone says that it takes about 1/2 year or at least 4 months to master the song WTH !!!!!!!!!! Dead lar me..... 1 month plus only =( and next week.. cries xD
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Hey there , It seems now my laziness is taking it's toll so now , I better blog about everything I've promised myself to blog about : firstly : Malaysian Atheletes !! !! Wish them all the best !! BIRD NEST STADIUM !! 08.08.08 !!! Have anyone of you watched the opening ceremony of Olympic Games @ Beijing that day ? It's an event that no one should ever miss.... Besides , this is the most expensive Olympic Event in Olympic history !!! I think I Shouldn't talk a lot about it I will let pictures do the talking xD A guy playing Gu Zheng Dancers in movable boxes !! Awesome Kung Fu performance ! ...
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HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY MISS LAW LAI FUN !!!! -The girl who sometimes / suddenly mess up my hair ( she says she likes to play with my hair xD ) - The super geng fighter - The " Traffic Light " ( pengawas pusat sumber xD ) -The girl who sits @ the centre , 2nd line and beside Eunice - The funny girl FINALLY TURNS 16 TODAY !!! MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE , Lai fun !!!
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Gosh , I'm feeling so tired / suffering from fatigue after working in the zoo for our moral project Dead tired after helping with the cleaning and stuffs... I even have to get an afternoon nap xD ( NOTE : i hate taking nap...so this shows that i'm really tired ) But I really did have some fun there.. Will blog about it when I feel to..xD Till then =)
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THE CHOPPING / CUTTING / FREAKY / SCARY / SHARP....OR WHATEVER YOU CALLED - AXE =D I MADE THIS AXE FOR LISAN Out from cardboards of guitar boxes I drew , shaped and cut the axe Dad helped with the gluing since I do not have the right glue to stick those pieces and my Uncle helped with the spraying and it turns out looking like....... This =) ( it looks quite fake here ) Anyways , I wasted no time and started playing with it.... at parent's music centre : Teachers : Wow , that axe is like those from the ancient Chinese time where they served as the chopping machine Chermaine : Haha.......but tht's not what i'm making xD at home : Grandfather : *Laughs. That axe is sure huge Clarence : Flag...flag..... ( snatches it from my hand ) Chermaine : Hey give me back , tht's not a flag....it's an axe Clarence : *Ignores.....Flag....flag.......give me the flag ..... After I managed to get back my axe , I played fighting with Clifford : Clifford ...
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" Friendship brings happiness into your life , Friendship is wonderful , Friendship requires trust , and The friend is you ! " Friends are people who cares for you and do not care about your appearance . They are also very important in everyone's daily routine . We meet friends at school , classes , churches , organizations and other social places . Who says that only parents and teachers plays an important role to educate their children ? Actually friends deserved their credits too . This is because a friend may understand what dilemmas his or her friend is facing and maybe they could help them through past experiences especially dealing with teenage woes . Besides , some parents do not comprehend their children's needs , so the child resort to his or her friends for help . What I have stated above ...