The year 2008 have been a great and adventerous year for me.. many unexpected things happened too... Friendship , realizations , problems , dilemmas ....etc.... spiritual life I think i have improved quite a lot in my spiritual life . I learnt that GOD is not that big , huge and unreachable for me . YOUTH CAMP really helped me a lot in my spiritual self . I am more daring to go for altar call and not afraid of slainting ( even though i haven't slain yet.. ) . Alter call is amazing . GOD just touched me and tears just flows uncontrollably . Claudia prayed for me on the 1st night when we didn't went for altar call . That is one of the 1st few times i got touched by the presence of GOD . Zanne prayed for me on Monday .. and that's the time when i cried the most ..because i felt more of GOD'S love and i got to learn to forgive myself and just letting it go . In a nutshell , I love what GOD has done in my life in 2008 especially in spiritual learning =)...But i ...
Showing posts from December, 2008
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TOMORROW IS YOUTH CAMP !!!! I'M SO EXCITED. !! I remembered Amanda did asked me on my blog few weeks ago about what I expect to Get from Youth Camp.... I think i'm going to roughly write it here =) This is my first time joining Youth Camp . Well , to be more detail , This is my 1ST ever CHURCH CAMP !! I did not really attend any church camp before ( well , I only attended one day camps at my previous church ). I nearly can attend H.U.G.E last year . Sadly , my parents planned to go Singapore on that week but in the end , they canceled the plan.....I was SUPER DEVASTATED that time... This year I finally get a chance to join Youth Camp . I'm really looking forward to it . I really want to experience GOD presents in the camp and know more about him . Hopefully I can really understands him and not be afraid of slainting ( i'm a methodist...i'm still new to this... ) and speaking a more fluent tongue =) Besides bonding with GOD , I also want to be more close...
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Last Sunday was a BLAST !! We celebrated Christmas , Spend our beloved leaders for LEADERS APPREACIATION DAY , Wen Qi's Birthdays and CHERRIE'S going to Kids Kingdom farewell ....T.T Abigail bought some Andes Chocolate for us !!! YUMMY AND SUPER SWEET !!!! Later , We all test run the game of " Who Am I " Kelvin and William got it right while Abigail got a bit stuck ( maybe because she's the 1st " hamster " ) xD William's " is people jealous of me really bring our the LOLS !! " After that , We invited Cherrie and Wen Qi out to cut the cake =) We sang a birthday song to Wen Qi 1st and asked him to say a speech ( lols ) We even joked about Cherrie and Wen Qi's 20 kids !!!! He got really embarrassed when he have to cut the cake with her !! ( the hands...xD ) After the short party , We all watched them got baptised , Pastor said that this year's batch made history for Charis because 70 people were to be baptised on that day ( AWESOME !...
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Just came back from Charis musical today =) It's fun .... I really enjoyed every second of it !! What pastor said is really the same situation what i'm facing xD SO SHOCKING !!! In a nutshell , the musical is entertaining , meaningful and kinda humerous xD I learnt quite many things from it Went to catch a movie at Jusco today.... ' YES MAN " starring Jim Carrey !! its really a hillarious and wonderful show !!! I strongly recommend everyone to go and watch !! you will definately love it xD Meet James by coincidence as well !! Lol..super duper funny xD we watched the same movie but we didn't met in the cinema..haha _________________________________________________________________ Yesterday , My mum invited me to go for her church's christmas party ( that means my ex church ) Things kinda changed a little Positive changes =) After i left that church last year , I felt that they are livelier and fun =) and other more changes =) I'm happy to meet up my old frie...
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BEE HARN TURNS 16 TODAY =D =D Happy Sweet 16th Birthday to you ^^ Hope you get to achieve all your yet-to-achieve dreams =D All the best !! Oh yeah , I can't believe TOMORROW IS ALREADY CHRISTMAS EVE !! SO SO SO FAST !! I'M SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS !!! Tomorrow i have to attend a Christmas Party at my ex church and Tomorrow , the carolling team are going to carol @ Renaissance and PJ Hilton !! All the best to the carolling team and may everyone who hear your voice feels the presence of GOD =D P.S i haven't set up my christmas tree YET !! >.<
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I went for random searches online since i'm bored and i'm trying to forget the m. pain ( girl knw about this xD ) and PMS xD All about 'Chermaine Kang'... 1. 38% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 38.4% have a higher vowel make-up. This means you are well envoweled. 2. In ASCII binary it is... 01000011 01101000 01100101 01110010 01101101 01100001 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01001011 01100001 01101110 01100111 3.Backwards, it is Eniamrehc Gnak... nice ring to it, huh? 4.In Pig Latin, it is Ermainechay Angkay. 5.People with this first name are probably: Male or female... We don't know yet. We're working on it! Name Origin and Meaning: Forename: Origin: Hmmm... Sorry, we don't know.Meaning: ( that meaning T.T ).... xD Things You Didn't Know: are ambitious, independent, and self-sufficient. Although you are generally happy, loving, dynamic and charismatic, you can sometimes be egotistical, se...
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I Sprained my left 2nd finger today It's much better now..... But Hopefully it will heal by this week before Youth Camp =D So that i have time to practice piano and have a perfect finger for camp xD Today is really a Fun FILLED DAY !! I enjoyed every second of it =D Gonna blog about it when i get the pics from Erica =) Btw , IT'S WEN QI'S 16th Birthday today he's so lucky to get baptise today too ! Happy Double Birthday WEN QI !!! May you achieve all your dreams GOD BLESS =)
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I just got my new phone yesterday !! It's a Sony Ericsson W350i model !! and i just LOVE IT SO MUCH !!! Especially the exterior... Honestly , the it don't really have much function... But I love the sound quality of this phone.. Mum was shocked that this phone's sound quality is better than hers...( hers is W910 i think.. ) In a nutshell , I HEART THIS PHONE ! first it's because of the COLOUR ( yeah , my favourite colour is black , white and orange ) second because of the sound quality third because of " music mate " ( one of the function ) it even have a metronome !! and guitar guide.. fourth it's because of the unique earphone ( a little different than some other Sony models ) Anyway , I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW !!! IT'S GONNA BE EXCITING ! Haiz , Jen is on her way to L.A now.... and she's gonna be back on 8th Jan 2009 !! that's so long ! but Jen , YOU ARE SO LUCKY TO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR THERE !! and Yeng !!! She's in Hon...
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Just completed my Kursus Undang-Undang today It was TIRING !! I woke up at 8.00am , reached the driving school at 9.00a.m. , Saw more youth there..... , After that , they fetched us to IMKEDA , Saw many KANCILS there xD It's kinda like a huge driving school , They offers test for Undang-Undang and L license too !! Once we reached there , We have to line up for quite some time , They checked our IC and the " card " given in the book , After that , we went into our class... The Class is boring and nice in many ways.... It's not as boring and pointless as many of us presumed , But it's not that meaningful too I don't really like the 2nd lecturer , Touch so many things about Religion..... =.='' After 6 hours , it's finally over !!! But me and another girl have to wait till 5.30pm only they picked us up... Can't believe the girl stays so near to my house... Too bad i didn't get to know her name....haha Oh yeah , At least now that Undang-undang i...
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Wow , I just finished reading Amanda's blog and i saw DANCE COMPETITION challenge... lol !!! I got the urge to ' join ' but oh man.... I didn't dance for AGES already xD Have to buckle up xD ______________________________________________________________ Oh Yeah , I super love the song on Amanda's blog !!! Jordin Sparks-Once Step at a Time meaningful for me =D
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Tagged By Alexandra 1. Who is your ONE best friend? I don't have best friend , only close friend . If I really have to choose , it will be Zanne 2. How long do you know him/her? Since Primary School 3. Is the person that tagged you your best friend? She's my tuition friend =) , if we have more time to communicate , we would be xD 5. Describe the person that tagged you. Fun , Thin ( like me ) , I just like to talk to her =D x6. How do you get to know the person that tagged you? Minda Ceria x7. Ever regretted from knowing some friend? Nope x8. If your best friend betrayed you, what will you do? Listen to his/her explanation .....then tell her what i think about it. x9. It's your best friend birthday. What would you give him/her? Nah ..i can't reveal it...that wouldn't be a surpise anymore xD x10. Say something grateful to your best friend. I truly appreciate the things you have done for us... No words can describe how thankful and grateful i am to have a friend like y...
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Oh hurts.... I just read your blog post , I'm so sorry if I hurt you too . It is not entirely your fault . Blame my curiosity and suspicion . I would like to thank you that you opened my mind and heart to understand more on this matter . I also did not know it is THIS complicated before , I only knew it after you told me yesterday . I felt the sourness too. I think I have to agree with what you said with the " jealousy kills " slogan . I wonder how could I combat this weird feeling . It did not happened before as I tried to tolerate it as it is not serious . I have a feeling that this is more serious than before.. Both of us did not know the truth yet . I think only the person knows . I know you and me also got distracted by this and not only us , many other " victims " are too fallen in this . Maybe we are one of the main ones . Oh ya , do not ever said you are intruding , because you are not . I think i am an intruder too , well , not intruder...
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Lavshuky and me !!! ( lol to her new ' name ' ) xD Yeah , I went to Claudia's house again yesterday because i miss her house piano ( i really prefer her piano compared to mine , while she prefer my piano...well humans are always not satisfied and content with what they have ) Besides , she wants to return me some of my piano books xD I went to her house at around 5.00pm , watched SpongeBob Square pants there !! ( i heart spongeBob ! ) later , as usual , we started playing the piano xD and share our piano pieces and as usual , we always play Rachmaninoff's Prelude in G Minor everytime we meet xD IT'S LIKE A ROUTINE....haha.. Not only that , Claudia also helped me with my nails and she helped me to put mascara and eyeliner xD So my eyes have this " deepened " look xD I really love it ! it goes well with my highlights Well , maybe the lighting helps too xD Btw , Claudia , if you are reading this , thank your mother for spending me the wonderful and spendid K...
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I highlighted my hair RED !! Well , not the whole head just 2 parts... it's not really obvious but if i lifted up some of the hair , then it's pretty obvious... Another view of it , not obvious right.... haha p.s. i think i look better in reality with that hair and etc... i trimmed my hair a little too...but it's not obvious... i'm the only one who knew haha...
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Awwwwwwwwwww THANKS CLAUDIA I Heart this present loads !!! it's so cute !! I know i do not have tiny fingers to abstract stuff from something small like this so i have to use a hair pin xD omgosh !!! MY FAVOURITE LETTER !!!!! GO " C " !!! Haha , even though my birthday is 11 months before, and my b'day is coming so soon but it's ok xD I HEART THE PRESENT , CLAUDIA ! THANKS LOADS !!
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( this picture is taken from Mumbai By somebody..... ) ( i took this picture from a website ) THE =) MOON xD I got so curious about the smiling moon that i google-d about it and i went to several other blogs to gather more informations about the moon ^^ It opened my eye when i read Erica's blog and she said something about Jupiter and Venus... This is a PHENOMENON !!!! Well, one of my mother's friend said that this is common... well...NOT because if it's common , why Today's Chinese Newspaper have the news about this " smiling moon phenomenon " ? ahahas..... okay , back to the point 1st December 2008, there is the smiling moon on our sky. The phenomenon happened because jupiter and Venus are 2 degree from each other. Although these 2 planets are hundreds of million miles away from each other but the picture showing on the sky make us feel they are closed. Oh , btw , you think this phenomenon only happened in MALAYSIA ? are 100% WRONG It happene...
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Blogthings AGAIN !!!!!!! People Envy Your Compassion You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain. People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them. What Do People Envy About You? You Are 68% Interesting You are a fairly interesting person. Many people find you to be intriguing. You have a dynamic, adventurous life... a life that others envy. You are genuinely interested in and open to the world. You love making new friends, and you're always up for an unusual experience. Like everyone else, you can get a bit boring from time to time. That's normal. But unlike everyone else, you can pull yourself out of a rut. You don't stay boring for long. Are You Boring or Interesting? Men See You As Choosy Men notice you light years before you notice them You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky Y...