While cleaning up my room , i found many memory cards and this one.... the Vintage Me xD Honestly , i find myself looking quite weird and emo-ish in long hair and i look darn matured xD I prefer my short hairdo =P
Showing posts from February, 2009
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4 more days than it's THE DAY !!! So funny la 2day chatted with my friend about it and just crapping about if i want to go for the rehearsals this friday C H E R M A I N E Just suffer till December.....and we'll be free =D says: i'm dreaming already C H E R M A I N E Just suffer till December.....and we'll be free =D says: xD ♫♬ılılllı~Music~ılılllıll says: den u perform prelude C H E R M A I N E Just suffer till December.....and we'll be free =D says: LOL C H E R M A I N E Just suffer till December.....and we'll be free =D says: my hands will be shaking if i perform up there on the stage xD C H E R M A I N E Just suffer till December.....and we'll be free =D says: xD ♫♬ılılllı~Music~ılılllıll says: hahaha ♫♬ılılllı~Music~ılılllıll says: later he hold ur hand and say ılılllı~Music~ılılllıll says: sergio tiempo ♫♬ılılllı~Music~ılılllıll says: pls be calm i'll guide u C H E R M A I N E Just suffer till December.....and we'll be free =D says: WALAOOOOOO...
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The 25 Facts tag.....by Mabel xD ( since she tagged everyone in her list xD ) Fact no 1 ...... I do not like J.S. Bach ( but his Brandenburg concerto and prelude & Fugues are okay.... ) Fact no 2 ...... I still play neopets ( i know you are secretly laughing there xD ) Fact no 3 ...... When i'm away or I didn't reply those message on MSN , I'm always bathing xD Fact no 4 ....... I love eating oranges and watermelons Fact no 5 ....... I do not communicate well with guys xD ( I'm shy....to be accurate xD ) Fact no 6 ....... Rachmaninoff , Ravel and Liszt are my favourite composers Fact no 7 ....... I love depressed piano works rather than happy ones...because they convey more emotions and depth and it's a wonderful challenge for me =D Fact no 8 ........ Chopin's Etudes ROCK !! Fact no 9 ........ I want to dance like TAEMIN ( Shinee ) !!! Fact no 10 ...... If i have a car now , i would drive to MPO for nearly every show xD Fact no 11 ....... I am working hard o...
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what a BRIGHT CITY !!! FILLED WITH TONS OF CASINOS !!! Las Vegas , Nevada , USA.... PLUS. JAMES BOND = 2009 SMK SERI BINTANG SELATAN'S PROM THEME.... WAHHH....SO unique la... last year it was masquerade at least it's not that formal this year so gonna be interesting !!1 i can't wait to attend prom this December 19 !!! but i gotta take my SPM 1st =(
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5 Gaharu !!!! I seriously love this class suddenly we are so semangat to decorate the class etc......... because of Puan Hamimy xD She's magical and influencial xD NOW out class even have to " dong dong " mini grandfathers' clock because she just joked about it yesterday but it doesn't have the " dong dong " sound it's music.... haha and it's really an accomplishment for us and Hamimy that our class won twice as the cleanest class xD ( usually....we will nvr bother about those things.... ) but told ya....Hamimy is magical xD Thanks loads to Puan Hamimy !! SHE'S THE GREATEST TEACHER EVER !!
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MELODIC MUSIC CENTRE ANNUAL DINNER 2009 And i'm the co-host of the day Suddenly i just look kinda girl-ish but i LOVE IT !!! Especially with this 4 inch heels ( i suddenly morphed into a 175cm girl wearing that ) kinda enjoyed it even though i NEARLY FELL around 3..... times xD I do not really have the picture of me co-hosting the event.... but i do have some hillarious photoes though The popping balloon game ( we called out those single guys and girls and " match-make them xD " ) Chuan li's action was really hillarious !!!! damn funny lar !! Musical chair : Eddy vs Ms Chua Which Eddy ultimately loses to her !! and he blamed me for stopping the music on the wrong timing xD Look at my pretty piano teacher in green ( she damn geng man !!! ) and she's like my sister same personality and she's thin too xD I LOVE TALKING TO HER Xd ( OK.....random xD ) They said that i looked good wearing the attire + the shoes but my face...... look so tired and fatigue haha It was...
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HAPPY BELATED VALENTINE EVERYONE !!!! I really have a BLAST spending Valentines' with my beloved friends and my love !!! which is classical music =D Went MPO with Zanne , Jen , Yeng and Jo on a school trip.... and the programme of the day.... Moussorgsky's PICTURE OF AN EXHIBITION !!! Seriously ...it's ENTERTAINING =D =D They made me want to learn violin again xD AND leaves me to crave , wanting to go MPO more often..... and yeah I'm planning with Zanne to go to MPO next saturday.... RACHMANINOFF + LISZT = ULTIMATE MUSIC EXPERIENCE =D Hopefully the ticket is not sold out yet...... coz we are getting the tickets this FRiday xD P.s. Thanks Zanne for the chocos and Jen for the candy cane and Yecng for the funny cupcake =D xD
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DEVILISH !!! = A GREAT BOOK TO READ !! seriously !!! honestly i find this book better than twilight in several ways =D 1ST.......it's NOT really a oh-so-perfect love story ( in fact , it's not love-centered ) 2ND......There might be a supernatural character....but it's not a Vampire xD 3RD.......I love how the author manage to turn a friendship story into an interesting one !! ( not many author can do that ) But i find this book a little predictable..... but it's still a GREAT book to read though !!! =D =D\ TQ OLIVIA LENDING ME THIS AWESOME BOOK !! AND ZANNE WHOM INTRODUCED ME TO THIS AWESOME READ !!
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Oh man.... now i'm so worried about the drama team audition this coming Wednesday.... I just have no confidence in getting any parts.... and the problem is that i can project my voice..... but i just can't feel the character........ and i can't really act it out either.... i'm so so so so so so worried...... and i really hope i can get a part =)
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I'm bored.....so i took few random quizzes just to entertain myself a little xD You Are Mac and Cheese When you are stressed out, you seek safety above everything else. And nothing is more nourishing than a big warm plate of carbs. Taking risks takes a toll on you, and you prefer your comfort food to be old fashioned. You're the type of person who could eat the same meal every night, especially when life is hard. http://www.blogthings.com/whatcomfortfoodareyouquiz/">What Comfort Food Are You? You Were a Creative Kid When you were a kid, you always had to be doing something with your hands. Whether you were painting a picture or just doodling, you had to be creating something. You were too busy thinking about your future creations to listen in school. It's likely that every part of school was a challenge for you, except for art class. http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofkidwereyouquiz/">What Kind of Kid Were You? What Your Back to School Personality Says Ab...
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Last Sunday form 5 cg had our CNY Visitation organized by Wen Qi xD We all went except Erica and Claudia !!!! =( Everyone went for the 1st service that day... it was freezing COLD !!!! And oh yeah , I Really looked like a guy that day......with the hair , checkered shirt and etc....... gotta switch to girlish mode now !!!! First stop : ARWYN'S HOUSE !! The 1st thing i noticed is her black cat !!! So yeng man !!! the cat looked cool and mysterious....but it's really bashful xD We spent our time eating tidbits and chocolates there.. Some of them played scrabble while the rest watched CSI : Miami ...hahas xD After spending some time there , we went to Wen Qi's house !! 2nd stop : WEN QI'S HOUSE His house is spacious !!! and his room is the neatest and cleanest boy's room i've ever seen xD But James said that it's only for that day .....maybe lor....haha Wen Qi's mother taught us how to make our own sushi ! and it's really fun and scrumptious t...
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YAY !! I'm going to Philharmonic next saturday xD HAHA GONNA SPEND MY " VALENTINE'S DAY " THERE WITH ZANNE , JEN , YENG AND JO-YEE !! I am also planning to go to Philharmonic on the 28th Februrary ( Rachmaninoff's symphony whey !!! ) hopefully I can go , because I am gonna miss this Sunday's Philharmonic programme , which is MOUSSORGSKY'S PICTURE AT AN EXHIBITION !! Ahhs =) =( =D =P