Merentas Desa was aweesome !! but i didn't get top 15 or top 30.... i was slightly out of the 30 rank..... sad right ? but i was really tired....xD and i was embarrased because i was leading at the first 200-250 meter ( run UPHILL some more ) ....then until utara primary school....more and more people passed me...( those were the top 15s.....haiz ) top 16-30 get points only.... top 1-15 get MEDALS my name wasn't listed on the 30's list...but wan xuan insisted that she saw my full name there.. haha....i too blur to noticed....unsure la.... xD i told her... " maybe it was my spirit who flew there 1st and wrote it's name there " haha....random la xD at least i didn't get to see any of the under-18 guys passing me by...only under-15 guys...which is a good sign that i was quite ( well...just quite ) infront becauuse last year those under 18 guys passed me ( haha....they start after under-15 ) and now you know how slow i was last year... ...
Showing posts from April, 2009
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I just feel so happy nowadays... for no apparent reasons..... i wonder what's happening to me ... i know i have studies to catch up..... and to improve a lot of things in my life..... i just wonder why i feel so free now even though i'm busy.... it's weird to feel happy this way..... ok. this is stupid.
Cik Random...
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Yesterday My laptop went kaboommmm again..... ( now you know i'm an evil owner that tortures my laptop ) haha xD So , i was computer-less for a day......and IT WAS FRIDAY !!! WAS kinda heart broken but...uh....nvm xD Took this picture of myself to show how gloomy I am ( GLOOMY friday ) lols swt la.....just joking...i won't emo want la.....just computer sent for repair only....xD I went down to the fridge and found this hacks sweet ! so long didn't savour them already ! Now you know why my laptop went kabooooommmmmm... I even took picture of my dry lips to remind myself that i have to take care of it.... HAHA.....ignore this xD At night , we went to Jusco Selatan....Bro got drive for awhile... he was like a PRO !!! AND i got to drive too... but honestly he's a better driver since my dad taught him many times already last year ... And i was so not used to drive auto giant cars.... My mum said that i looked funny coz my face was little pale ( maybe in...
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CG invasion last sunday was fun ! We ( as seniors ) definately learnt more things during this short session I thank GOD that everything went smoothly eventhough i'm dissapointed that the worship session have to be called off as we ran out of time... The games session by James and Cassandra was fun !! really evil mastermind queen la... tie their hand xD I was laughing away when the groups can't find my card ( i didn't hide it ) i just pasted it on the wall...which was really obvious haha xD Claudia was our leader in sharing that day she seriously have the pastor potential xD CAN PREECH !! YOU GO GIRL ! Others did a great job in sharing too Zanne , Jessica , Erica , Darrell , etc....=) congrats !! Thank GOD for this awesome experience.. I hope that we have more time like this =D For the worship team. cheer up...=) at least we have great memories during practice =D We will have the chance next time when GOD felt that we are really and...
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SBU IU DAY 2009 Reached SBU @ around 1.05pm that day met Zanne there......i love the shirt she wore that day... then Cass came over and we chatted a little =D After awhile , i saw Wan Xuan , Vivienne , Yeng and Cheng Yee ( Michelle ) we chatted and i think they noticed my "bear bear bag" xD me and Zanne entered the compound @ 1.30pm Yeng accompanied Cheng Yee since her friend is still on the way... We were entertained by an opening 50's dance sequence xD After that , they have some dances and a drama skit....Cass was in xD Sally and Fassler are the lead in this skit =D They seriously have the chemistry XD And Cass..... SAW YOUR KAP-ING CHAI in the drama lol !! and you dance well xD CONGRATZ ! Ruzanna was the host of the day.... ( she used to be my primary schoolmate ! ) Later , they called out Interacters and representitive from different schools... Didn't know Lester was our school's representitive xD That's why he wore until s...
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Just came back from my very 1st driving lesson =D IT'S SO FUN !! The instructor sat on the left...then i sat behind the stering !! i drove from my house to the IMKEDA....... honestly it was fun... then he taugh me how to go up hills , reverse , turn left turn right , clutch , handbrake , oil....etc...... haven't learn parking yet.. haha i'm so greedy right ? i noticed that i have a slight problem in balancing the clutch and the oil pedal... but i'm now slowly getting the hang of it ( hopefully the next lesson still can la ) and i realized that i have the tendency to speed xD N o patience ?? haha...maybe XD he said..." can race in F1.... " LOL ! 14 HOURS TO GO !
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i'm STONED ! erm...not quite those drunk...then stoned... it's STONES !! painted 5 stones during Art Club session last thursday... quite ugly...but i don't mind sharing with everyone about it xD I call this one...... ' STONE-A-board ' Hmm...this one....... ' Splitter Splatters ' Urrr.....this one aaaa...... ' Dirty shoe ' This one ..... ' Unshoe shoe ' haha ...this one.... ' Old school pencil ' random la the names....straight away type without thinking...haiz... when will i grow up.....ish ish ish
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Obtained this new scar today.... was entering the van...then suddenly out of nowhere a metal thing caused this to my leg.... didn't felt any pain....even during bathing....this is miraculous !! Really thank GOD that i didn't felt any pain =D THE scar is quite big too...honestly xD LIKE I CARE XD ( I even played with it and closing the skin xD ) haha... i'm crapping now... super mengesweatkan =.='' right xD
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For now , exam is temporarily over xD Not going to attend school tomorrow since they will have Raptai for Anugerah Cemerlang tomorrow and the day after tomorrow =D SO SO SO HAPPY..... parents always forget to take my L license eventhough i reminded them 100000000000000000000 times since last monday they called us.... gonna blog about IU day and CG invasion right after i get those pictures from zanne's camera =D Ciaoz for now.......i have to be prepared for my 3 hours and 30 minutes tuiton later T.T
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Last Wednesday was our Pandu Puteri's gotong-royong day... each and everyone of us was given a task to bring at least one plant to be planted @ our Science and K.H Garden . everyone bought flowers.... but i bought veggie..... My plant looked small compared to the ones beside mine and seriously...i looked like a kid ( in pandu puteri uniform ) holding a plant like that....and i have to endure that feeling frm 7eleven that area until i reached my school ( that's long distance walking whey xD )-SINCE i usually walk to school from that area because my parents said that they don't want to be stuck in the horrific jam. I thought mine was small until i saw Kim's babies !! these are setawar leaves !!!! ( those leaves that grow on a leaf...those we used to bring way back during primary school for science classes ! Hui Sien , Poh Yee , Mandy , Ei Lynn and Hui Sien's plants got their own spot surrounding the unknown tree.... we joked that later....those flowers...