Showing posts from November, 2010
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Woke up this morning to my maid's voice... " Ula...ULAA ! " ( something like that ) at first I didn't really care....since I heard something like " ULAT " but when I adjourned to the living room , I saw this SMALL long thing near the window... and it's not's ULAR !!! Dad killed it..... Now we are worried....this is already the 3rd time....where is the MOTHER ???
Miss CHinese International 2010
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MISS CHINESE INTERNATIONAL 2010 goes to .... ....Miss Vancouver ( Eliza Sam #19 ) which was VERY DISAPPOINTING !! honestly , we did not expect her to win ( my family...especially my mother ) and we thought that Miss Malaysia ( Belle Theng #7 ) would win , but she ended up with the 2nd place..... =( wasted... Belle Theng stood out the most in the competition...and even won the " Miss Oriental Beauty award " , she have better body , witty thoughts and super smart in choosing her words and the art of speech.....Immaculate person and..with a decent face....what is WRONG with the judges.... from left ( Miss Malaysia -Belle ( 1st runner up _ , Eliza ( winner ) and Miss Toronto ) I admit , Belle is an average looking girl..( look-wise ) but she really have the charisma and confidence ! her poise was awesome as well !! SOMEHOW the champion is quite a weird person... during the top 6 interview , the question asked to them was those questions imposed by their own ro...
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" Chermaine , you have a very confused brain * laughs " -Miss Mitra- lols xD yeah...I INDEED have a very confused brain....Law lecturer didn't teach law today ( since we finished our syllabus already and she do not want to start with contract law now...too heavy ) so we did brain quiz thing... the first quiz showed that i'm a right-brainer the second quiz showed that i'm a left-brainer... Miss Mitra laughed at me xD saying that my brain is a very confused brain xD
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I really want that mouse !! btw , I was in the CITC few hours back...and the computer beside me have no mouse... wahhh...i think my mouth just went so dry telling everyone single people who wants to use that computer that the Computer have NO MOUSE... and i was blogging at that time...thus , many mistakes and what a hasty piece of writing haha xD
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Last week was Exam week.... and the past two days before the exam was dreadful... let's just say that I locked myself in the room underlining and highlighting my law book xD ( not really studying coz not many things enter my brain ) The 1ST crazy thing I did : the last week before exam , I was thinking how to study ...especially for law since my photostated text book is a mess from the overly yellow and striking orange from excessive highlighting.... since I found out that the new edition of the book is out , I thought of going to the library to borrow and photostat the book AND use that book for studying ...... BUT...i was worried....usually new books will be borrowed by everyone in a FLASH...( happened many times xD ) SO i kept praying to God THAT the book is still available ... When I reached to the library , the computer said that it's unavailable , but I do not really trust the computer and went to the bookshelf.... To my dismay , there is NONE ! but T...
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What a touching story ....REAL life story .... please watch =) : btw , he's my Malaysian Studies LECTURE lecturer ( not tutorial ) .... very inspiring.... =') he really achieved a lot.... we always wondered , how he memorized the WHOLE book and teach us with a clean and smooth flow... awesome =) People with disabilities must be respected , not despised..... ( that would be my next topic after the exam one perhaps , or this one then my exam thing )
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Exam period is gone and the " free , but kinda busy , but erm...i don't know ...argh..." period is on now.... Got to know my paper 1 marks for GP and law marks..... I got 39/50 for paper 1 since I didn't write my answer on the test pad given ( I DIDN'T SAW THE INSTRUCTION !! = high five Chung Wei ! ) so teacher minus 5 marks from that =( ( suppose to be a better looking handsome 44 marks ) ....We predicted that paper 2 marks will be given to us after ALL the other papers ( always like that =( ) and she usually gives us only 10+ to 20+ lower than 25 marks ( previously I got 22.... ) so yeah...Maybe it will not be a very nice looking mark after all ( bye A and Bye B and hello to a possible C ) and law...I got 52.....a " D " compared to my previous " C " ( 61 ) = 9 marks less.... but THANK GOD !!! coz : 1 ) I didn't expect myself to get the highest for law ( it's because of GOD ! ) 2 ) 52 is not a very good mark but it is enou...