Short semester: The 'Minor Instrument' stuff

There are so many things to talk about my short semester and thus, I decided to break it into few parts... Books, understanding, notes and memorizing Honestly, I never know why my university have this super short semester. Okay..actually the main purpose is for internship..but seriously, 14 weeks of syllabus compressed to only 7 weeks is quite insane especially if your subject is quite heavy!!!! ('World Music', I'm looking at you). Nonetheless, I learnt so many things in just 1 1/2 months.. No worries..I can still (kinda) play the violin but not Vivaldi. That's too tough for me.. Previously, I took violin as my minor instrument because of three reasons : First, I perceived that as a classical major you cannot have a contemporary minor. Second, It looks cool carrying the instrument around (I ...