Look at the sky !!!
So nice right ??
Took this pic from the 4th floor ...
Overlooking the parking lot , stadium , tennis court , field , pgrm , lol....

Brought camera today as my group have to ' pretend ' to take pictures of us dong our respective tasks...
Thanks Loads to Stef who is the photographer of the day..

Karthi and Stef !!
Yeng and Me
Yeng and Me in class
Yeng and Stefanie
Karthine , Yeng and Stefanie
Me pretending to give a brochure to Stef
Mei Quen and Me
Yeng's Shoe ( she took this PIC herself xD )
OMGOSH...Yeng took this without me realizing
I wonder why suddenly...Fakhrool's pic appeared...
( Stef or Yeng the photographer ? xD )
Our class Slogan....Thanks loads to everyone in 4 G !!
( WE finished that in one day !!! )
Picture of the day : Karthine and Maran !! xD
Me and Michelle
Our Brochure
Hui Sien , Michelle , Yeng and Stefanie
Mun Weng took this candid pic of Yeng and Me
Yeng , Zanne and Me !!! LOVE THIS !! ( thanks Stef ! )
Our civic project
( also last minute work xD )
LOL !!
Yeng and Karthine pretend sticking our project
Then it's Hui Sien and Mei Quen
Our group Members !!!
( we have a weird name too... " Pop Cakes " wonder who named us
like that xD )
After finishing our maths homework , I did this :
^^ Jen
^^ Zanne
^^ Chermaine
^^ Yeng
So nice right ??
Took this pic from the 4th floor ...
Overlooking the parking lot , stadium , tennis court , field , pgrm , lol....
Brought camera today as my group have to ' pretend ' to take pictures of us dong our respective tasks...
Thanks Loads to Stef who is the photographer of the day..
( Stef or Yeng the photographer ? xD )
( WE finished that in one day !!! )
( also last minute work xD )
( we have a weird name too... " Pop Cakes " wonder who named us
like that xD )
After finishing our maths homework , I did this :