Went to Claudia's house yesterday !! It was so fun !! I was there from 5.00pm-10.00pm ++ !! We just played the piano , talked and I taught her how to change her layout using www.blogskins.com ^^ We've recorded some videos of us playing the piano... Mine is entirely not perfect since i kinda left out the dynamics a lot xD I have more videos especially of Claudia , But I have to get from her... my ' sunflower ' vid was also with her xD and my Full version of Prelude in G minor just take ' years ' to upload...so guys , wait la...haha !!
Showing posts from October, 2008
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Watched High School Musical 3 with family on Monday , I have to say that.. I TOTALLY LOVE THIS MOVIE !! I love those dance sequences and their songs are just so addictive ^^ The cast are well......the same SIX AWESOME CAST !!! But I have to say that my I love Lucas Grabeel and Ashley Tisdale the most.. Why ? Coz they sing and dance better !! Well . Zac Efron CAN dance and Sing ...so does Vannessa Hudgens... but I just felt that Zac's movements are not that sharp... and Vannessa , I don't really like her voice.... Good points about the movie : - Addictive dance movements and songs - New hot actor ( Rocketman something...i forgot his real name... =( ) - Can I have this dance is awesome.... love the waltz !! Bad Points : -I felt that the director tried to squeeze in too many parts... until i just felt something is missing... -Oh Yeah , I felt that they should focus on prom night more... -coz i though after the song is prom night... -while the prom night is combined with the song.....
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I'm bored to death... I hate studying for exams !! and even though i'm bored at home.. I AM RELUCTANT TO GO TO SCHOOL I don't want to sit for exam.... and my parents are going to Switzerland from Nov 6 till Nov 13 =( that means , I have to skip tuiton , miss this year's baptism class , miss piano lesson , miss church and lastly , 私は彼を逃そうと思っている and that means 私は休日の開始 = ( である私の検査の後だけで彼に会ってもいい and not to mention that my days will going to be dull since my daily travel is going to school and coming back home... but think of the bright sight... Everything is going to be so much fun after my exam ends on 14th november !! sighs.... how i wish i do not need to sit for examinations =(
Yunho and JJ'S lover turns 14 !!
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XIETIN TURNS 14 TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ....OR I MEAN 축 생일 !!! Happy Birthday to you (x2) Happy Birthday to Xietin... Happy Birthday to you ! OR 생일 축하 합니다 (x2) Xietin에 축 생일… 생일 축하 합니다! OR Happy Birthday you, The love of Yunho , Or Jae Joong that is.... That's is our girl Xietin ! LOL !!!
Happy Deepavali !!
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Happy Deepavali to all Hindus and Sikhsm friends ^^ Hope you all enjoy this celebration and to all non indians , enjoy the holidays !! maybe you can go to open houses too or study for exam xD FOR ME , gotta go KLCC tomorrow and stay @ Sheraton with family ^^ hopefully i can online there too so that i can update my blog.. talking about updating , i gotta update many things for my next post : >> Helping teachers doing those art layout banners stuff , >> Pandu Puteri Party >> Pandu Puteri Performance >> CLASS PARTY ( pictures needed ! ) hehe xD Till then =)
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QUIZ FEVER AGAIN XD You Are a Cat You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way! You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation. You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from. No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way. What Animal Are You? You Are Break Dancing You are a rebel and a rule breaker. You are uniquely you, and you expressing your individuality. And while you're different and a bit weird, you're no slacker. You're extremely hard working. Having unusual talents is not as easy as it looks! What Dance Are You? What Your Sleeping Position Says You are calm and rational person with a good deal of balance in your life. Friends consider you to be kind, caring, and truly loyal. You are easy going and trusting. However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games. Open to the world, you are not afraid ...
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TAGGED BY ANGELINE Rules and Regulations:- Each player in this game starts off with 15 odd habits, habits or little known facts about themselves.- People who get tagged HAVE TO do this tag and also to copy these rules.- At the end, ten people HAVE TO be chosen to do the tag and their names have to be listed. 1.I don't find myself pretty nor attractive 2.I keep secrets that most would find me UNREADABLE 3.I don't like mushy mushy old love novels ( such as pride and prejudice ) 4.I love WATCHES 5.I love BOB haircuts 6.I play sports 7.I have bad photo taking skills 8.I am really talkative in real life compared to MSN 9.I'm not a Biology student anymore...I study Engineering Drawing now... 10.Among so many composers , I detest BACH ( no offense to Bach lovers ) 11.My favourite piano composers would be RACHMANINOFF , RAVEL , CHOPIN GERSHWIN and sometimes BRAHMS.... 12.I have been maintaining my short haircut f...
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Exam fever starts tomorrow for most of us , Especially all form 3 students in Malaysia ( PMR ) , and some form 4's who are having their exams tomorrow ... I just want to say , All the best to all of you =) Do not worry to much... Just do your best... And don't ever get stressed out or fall sick =) so , stay healthy and study smart ^^
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3 Weeks to dooms day double sadness so not ready yet...i'm so lazy to study xD Planned to study intensively the day after tomorrow onwards.. but i doubt i will do it xD Before exam starts or even ends... , i'm already planning for holiday activities xD Outing , Ping Pong , Badminton , swimming , bowling... teach dance for next year's school event... and JEN'S B'DAY CELEBRATION N MY B'DAY CELEBRATION !! and YOUTH CAMP !! haha just can't wait for exam to end ... gosh...i have to plan for my class party as well =((
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Saw my class's Bio Students dissected froggies yesterday Haha , we LK students very sampat one xD....... We all skipped one period of LK Assuming that teacher was not present yesterday xD Actually , it's not scary at all Just the frog and the organs sobs.....no beating heart can't see the heart beating but it was so funny seeing some of those Bio students screamed and like run a little especially EUGENE... omgosh...... so damn funny... but i was kinda sad... if tht day i didn't change to LK then i got to dissect the frog... awww whatever only dissecting is fun in Bio ( FOR me that is xD )
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INTERESTING FACTS !!! ( once again xD ) Topic : Countries in various aspects ( kinda random xD ) Agriculture People might eat oats when they're hungry, but people from Hungary don't eat oats. What is in a name? More than 90% of people in Bhutan , Burundi and Burkina Faso are involved in agriculture . Iceland has far more tractors per 1000 hectares of cropland than any other nation - more than twice that of the next highest country, Slovenia . Costa Rica leads the world in per capita banana , melon and pineapple exports to the USA . Unsuprisingly, they’re also first in pesticide use . The United States , India and China account for a third of all arable and permanent cropland in the world. China is the textile mill of the world: it leads in cotton production , but also in cotton imports . Australia accounts for more organic cropland than the next 36 countries combined. Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe, and the world's largest producer...
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YAY !!! JEN TURNS 16 TODAY !!! At last , JEN TURNS 16 TODAY !! ( at least this year it's not PMR right xD ) I still remember last year , Jen's b'day is on the 3rd day of PMR... the worst day ( i pressumed ....because history + mathematics = disaster ) for me xD My view about Jen : Jen is like our mother in the gang =) Even though she's the youngest but she gave the most advice haha !! She will go like , " Cher , not like that...." " ahhh..Cher....wrong xD " YEAH... I knew her since we were in primary school But I start to know her well when we were in the same class ( 1 Cendana ) 1 Cendana : Everything is CHAOTIC !!! Ultra CHAOTIC !!! friends , issues...feuds....etc.... 1 C was practically the " dumping place " for us that time..... everyone from different cliques meets here.... I remembered I used to sit with Kim... and we have huge fights all year round... and there's where Jen and Zanne comes in hehe ...