I have to say that..
I love those dance sequences and their songs are just so addictive ^^
The cast are well......the same SIX AWESOME CAST !!!
But I have to say that my I love Lucas Grabeel and Ashley Tisdale the most..
Why ?
Coz they sing and dance better !!
Well . Zac Efron CAN dance and Sing ...so does Vannessa Hudgens...
but I just felt that Zac's movements are not that sharp...
and Vannessa ,
I don't really like her voice....
Good points about the movie :
- Addictive dance movements and songs
- New hot actor ( Rocketman something...i forgot his real name... =( )
- Can I have this dance is awesome.... love the waltz !!
Bad Points :
-I felt that the director tried to squeeze in too many parts...
until i just felt something is missing...
-Oh Yeah , I felt that they should focus on prom night more...
-coz i though after the song is prom night...
-while the prom night is combined with the song....
-you will understand when you watch this movie !
I give this movie :
3 1/2 stars !!!!