She's :
Motherly , Creative , Responsible , Daring , Fun to be with and etc ^^
Her b'day party was so much fun !!!!
Anyways , me and Zanne shared to buy her 1 Elianto eye palette and 4 eyeshadows ( specially handpicked by us )
the palette and eyeshadows cost us RM34 ( which means RM 17 each )
AMANDA , i really hope you like the present that Zanne and me picked ( especially the colours )

oh yeah , many lost their way there
for instance :
We were @ Bintang at around 4.00pm++ to buy some stuff for the party , then suddenly Zanne called.....
I helped her to answer because i knew that area
i knew almost every thing until when she said something about the police station
and everyone was blank
in the end , Zanne's dad have to call Amanda's dad for directions
and there are many more cases next xD
Form 4 cg girls and our leaders , Beatrice and Cherrie ^^ ( photo credits to Erica )
and the extra guy , Joel ( i think ...)

well , since girls outnumbered the guys ,
every group only have 2 guys and we have to pick one to tie or either decorate their hair
My group members consist of Me , Zanne , Erica , Cassandra , Wen Qi and Joel
In the end , we decided to tie Wen Qi's hair because his hair is longer xD
Sadly , we lost to Robyn's group ( 21 rubber bands )
we only have 19 xD
But i have to say that the most interesting one must be James ,
because his hair is filled with rubber bands and pins... ( well , he KINDA look like a girl especially the catwalk part and his pose)
After that , they catwalked xD ( you can see the video here www.claudia-lav.blogspot.com )
and this is the picture

Later , the we bullied them more by telling that they have to scoop up sweets in the Yogurt
Well , Joel WON !!!! ( he's so fast ) followed by James and Robyn
After that , we sang happy b'day song and we started to bully her
in the end , her face was kinda filled with cake xD
SHE KENA-D ME TOO coz we kinda wrestled until she was on the floor holding my hands..but still i got to slop it on her xD
Later , us ( CG girls ) played the game where we have to continue each others' sentences
us it's
Beatrice went into a forest .............then suddenly time machine................cats world..........found prince................prince turn into a frog............then it turned into a rat............found snake......Beatrice kissed every dead rat.................but none of the rat is the ' prince ' ..........time machine again...........bullied by cats.............etc ( this is somewhat the outline of the story )...we got really high that time xD
Balloon war was so much fun !!!
and someone pour the whole bucket of water on me
i was really dripping WET !!
somehow , i enjoyed it !!!
Zanne was the worst one ,
she kena-d the one with crushed peas..pity her
I got back home @ around 11.15pm
thanks to BEATRICE for giving me a lift home =D
I REALLY enjoyed the party
thanks loads to AMANDA
AND IT ALSO HELPS WITH the bonding of us CG girls ^^
picture credits to Erica ^^