My Parents just came bacxk from Switzerland !!!
I'm so happy !!! estatic to be exact !!!!
I thought they were to return tomorrow xD

My parents bought me a Switzerland made watch ( do you
I'm so happy !!! estatic to be exact !!!!
I thought they were to return tomorrow xD
My parents bought me a Switzerland made watch ( do you
know Swatches originated from Switzerland haha )
and they bought me a Switzerland Pendrive !! ( but it's only capable of storing 128MB sad.... ) haha
Amazingly ,
I would like to thank God THAT
They didn't scold me for dropping my laptop
My dad just said ,
" Ok , you just have to call the company under the if you drop your laptop , they'll repair it for free !! "
cool !! im so lucky !!
and my parents allows me to stay back to help VBS on decoration stuff this sunday , go to Amanda's party on monday and Kim's b'day celebration @ Pavillion !!
this is so cool !!
and my mum said . " you have so many plans "
me . " hahhaha.....well....i have to ,.... to keep me