Showing posts from March, 2009
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Today is really a Fun and meaningful day for me =) Finally we got our 1st mini worship team practice xD I was in a tiny shock when i realized that i was not suppose to play with the piano , but with the keyboard But thank God for his guidance and comfort that i just let go and just play =) and it did work Thank Zanne for her praise....and her advice " when people praises you , you praises GOD " very true =) Hopefully this sunday practice will be a better one =) and to someone.... may your finger heal fast ! haiz...why your hands always got scars and etc =(
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I seriously love this horror movie........ After " Shutter " this is the best one !!. Siamese are good at making horror films ...and this is really meaningful .... not just ghost , ghost and more ghost... Spoilers : Alone ( Thai : แฝด, or Fad, literally "twin") is a 2007 Thai horror film directed by Banjong Pisanthanakun and Parkpoom Wongpoom, a duo whose debut film, Shutter , was a box-office smash in Thailand and other Asian countries. ( uhhhh...that's why.....this is also directed by Directors of the horror film " Shutter ) Pim was born as a twin , conjoined at the stomach with her sister, Ploy. Ploy acted as an older sister, and was very protective of Pim; even going as far as throwing rocks at a group of children who were taunting them. While they were staying in a hospital, Pim and Ploy met a boy named Wee. Although both loved him, Wee only returned Pim's affections, which made Ploy angry and jealous . Finally Wee recovers from his i...
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Date : 28th March 2008 Time : 8.30pm-9.30 pm Event : Earth Hour 2009 Ooooooo......my house is 100% dark with all the lights out ( that bright streak is actually light from my solar powered torch light ) xD I DO SHINE in DARKNESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol..... After walking around the house with my bro doing nothing , i decided to enhance leng lui miss metronome ..... Since i feel so weird carrying miss leng lui metronome with the box everytime I have my lessons...i decided to turn this Herbaline bag into a metronome bag Well , i clipped the ends with 2 badges ( a Music Festival badge i got during MYMF 2008 and a 007 badge which i got it way back in 1997 ) xD Decorated this during mandarin class after I've completed my works Also done this during Mandarin class xD Done this in the dark.......... Done this in the darkkk this one also this one as well ( actually it's " MUSIC IS ENOUGH FOR A LIFETIME , ...
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Discussed about what car should I have after i get my license... Dad wants the proton while mum prefers Myvi my vote : Myvi =) mum says that proton....the butt not nice xD and i think that Myvi is more economical =) And i just have the feeling that i'm gonna go for the RED MYVI !!! Coz it's simply eye catching !
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Ponteng-ed volley ball ( koko ) today xD Because I HAVE SO MANY HOMEWORK TO COMPLETE BY TODAY since tomorrow is the dateline for another physics assignment , add. maths assignment , moral corrections , hamimy's homework and etc......... Zanne and Jen didn't stay back since Zanne have to practice her piano + rest and Jen just don't want to stay back . So in the end , only me and Yeng stayed....... We went to PAPA RICH ..... erm.... it's a new cafe near our school...... Oh ya... and seriously.... the food are really pricey and that's why all the customers are those working @ offices near our school But i have to say that i just love the ambience there.. just don't wanna leave there without finishing my homework oldies + some antique furniture ( such as the railway clock )+ the shade of brown + the rain = lovely Luckily we got ourselves 2 big tables even though the restaurant is really packed..... the manager should just ask other ppl to sit w...
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OH MAN !!! it's just so tiring nowadays...... Homework , Homework , Homework btw , did my lisan today.... IT SUCKS !!! but it's quite funny la....haha xD teacher is like , " Chermaine , tenang sikit la.......mari kita bernafas... " lol...... it's freaky because today we did our lisan in the library....where.....everyone is just so quiet and your voice can be heard clearly... besides , yeng and eunice they all sat just few feet away from me..... that's freaky xD i prefer to do it in class xD AND TEACHER'S GIVING ME ANOTHER CHANCE TOMORROW =D YAY !!
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Today is my official last day of holiday Because i'm gonna do my assignments tomorrow and on Sunday..... Went to my parents' centre today because I have to attend my piano class @ 5-6.30pm Saw Eddy , William and Annie trying to " built " the piano... and I gladly helped them.... Imagine.....4 person ( plus me ) trying to " built " the piano xD The box The little tiny weeny scar After we've done " building " it ( Annie and Me ) Eddie and the complete piano Went to pasar malam with dad and my bro after my piano class.... MUM WENT TO WATCH A-MEI CONCERT with her friends.... I bought A box of sushi for my supper A fake ODM watch which look only " ok " on me =( ( I seriously need to gain weight ) And THIS CHECKERED DRESS !!!! ( Zanne , you blog post influenced me to buy this !! ) Dad said I looked quite big and auntie-ish when he saw this dress.... I was a little devastated... Eh ?? Well , it actually look nice on...
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WAHHHH !!! After facial session , My face..................... speechless ...... Luckily today's session , I totally didn't feel any pain and I do not need to withstand the pain =D And i can't believed that i actually FELL ASLEEP !!! ( Usually i don't sleep ..... ) Early in the morning , before facial session with my mother After facial session with my mother ( i zoomed in because it can't be seen from afar ) I was so lazy today that was reluctant to go to tuiton today.... Thank GOD , In the end i choose to go Because today sir taught us about Electricity Current and his unique ways of teaching ( funny explanations ....such as " electric current = water " and " electric current have 6 sense " really helped me a lot in understanding the whole chapter about electricity... Did some of my theory corrections while waiting for my brother's tuiton to end.... Continued doing my theory until just now since my teacher gave me HEAP...
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YAY !!!! I OFFICIALLY PASSED MY UNDANG-UNDANG TEST 45 / 50 !!! I'm satisfied with my result !!!! because i only studied the book @ midnight while watching Music Bank xD Besides , THIS IS MY 300TH POST !!!! YAY !!!! My blog have already reached the 300th mark....( prove that i blabber a lot xD ) I decided to celebrate my 300th post by posting 300 facts of different kinds !!! Ready ?? 1. No piece of normal paper can be folded in half more than 7 times 2. Earth is the only planet not named after a Pagan God 3. The Germans tried copying Coco-cola and came up with a drink named Fanta 4. The national orchestra of Monaco have more individuals than their nation's army 5. Genetically-Engineered babies were born first in 2001 6. The lion costume in the film " Wizard of Oz " is made out of REAL LIONS 7. Two phone books with their pages interlaced needs 8000 pounds of pressure to seperate 8. As of 2006 , 200 millions blogs were left without updates 9. Donald Rumsfeld w...
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Since Zanne have already blogged about our MPO outing on the 28th Feb , Thus , now it's my turn to blog about =D Anyways , That day was also my school's annual sports day , So on that day , I woke up @ 5.30a.m. !!!!!!!!! Just to attend my very last Sports Day =( ( Gonna blog about sports day next time ) Ok , back to the main story...... Reached Zanne's house at around 2pm ...... and we started camwhoring and i browse around her room , looking @ her pictures and Japanese MAGAZINES !!!!! Weary Me and my Ticket =D Zanne and her MPO ticket =D Look at Zanne !!! So Sexy =p Us posing / pretending to be cool xD Me being silly behind sweet-looking Zanne xD GROOMING TIME ~ Zanne straightening my hair xD Me blowing dry Zanne's hair Me posing on the staircase Zanne posing on the staircase My black short heels and Zanne's flowery wedges =D Me and Zanne's biggie sunnies =D) Reached KLCC @ 7pm !!! We rushed to Kinokuniya to b...