45 / 50 !!!
I'm satisfied with my result !!!!
because i only studied the book @ midnight while watching Music Bank xD
YAY !!!! My blog have already reached the 300th mark....( prove that i blabber a lot xD )
I decided to celebrate my 300th post by posting 300 facts of different kinds !!!
Ready ??
1. No piece of normal paper can be folded in half more than 7 times
2. Earth is the only planet not named after a Pagan God
3. The Germans tried copying Coco-cola and came up with a drink named Fanta
4. The national orchestra of Monaco have more individuals than their nation's army
5. Genetically-Engineered babies were born first in 2001
6. The lion costume in the film " Wizard of Oz " is made out of REAL LIONS
7. Two phone books with their pages interlaced needs 8000 pounds of pressure to seperate
8. As of 2006 , 200 millions blogs were left without updates
9. Donald Rumsfeld was both the youngest and oldest defense secretary in US history
10. More than 90% of plane crashes have survivors
11. The portrait of Mona Lisa used to hang on Napoleon's wall
12. Eating a packet of crisps a day is equivalent to drinking 5 litres of cooking oil a year
13. Plant seeds that have been stored for 200 years can be coaxed into new life
14. Watching televisions can act as a natural painkillers for kids
15. Music can help relieved chronic pain by 20% and alleviate depression up to 25%
16. In Bhutan ( a country near China ) , tobacco , street adverts and plastic bags are banned
17. The best-value consumer purchase in terms of price and usage is an electric kettle
17. The best-value consumer purchase in terms of price and usage is an electric kettle
18. The brain is soft and geletinous , it's consistency is between pasta and jelly
19. The average bed is home to an average of 6 million dust mites
20. Native Hawaiian women are not allowed to cook
21. Every drop of sea water contains approximately 1 billion gold atoms
22. There is a rare condition called the Exploding Head Syndrome
23. Joseph Swan invented the light bulb , not Thomas Edison
24. Napoleon made his battle plans in a sandbox
25. A Roman Emperor Caligua made his horse a senator
26. " Jaws " is the most common name for a goldfish
27. There are 333 toilet paper squares on a toilet paper roll
28. Blue and white are the most common school colours
29. A new book is published every 13 minutes in America
30. Every year , the sun losses 360 million tons
31. Japan is the largest exporter for frog legs
32. The doorbell was invented in 1831
33. Napoleon was afraid of cats
34. Russia have the most movie theaters in the world
35. Dry fish food can make a goldfish constipated
36. Toilet paper was invented in 1857
37. Whale dies if their echo system fails
38. It takes a ton of water to make a pound of refined sugar
39. America once issued a 5 cent bill lol !!
40. There are more than 40,000 characters in Chinese script
41. Coco-cola was originally green
42. Men can read smaller print better , while women can hear better
43. The youngest pope was 11 years old
44. Naked means unprotected , Nude means unclothed
well , sry 300 too much la...
i posted few hundred facts before last time
tak akan i post the same one again meh ( wah ....malaysian english all come out ) xD