Happy Merdeka day to all Malaysians.... Satu Malaysia ( 1 Malaysia concept ) .... hopefully all races will live up to that =D My trials will start with a bang tomorrow =D BM paper 1 ( karangansssssssss..... ) and Maths paper 1 tomorrow Honestly...i'm worried about next week's subjects than this week..... and I'm so happy =) because ジェームスは私とのプロムに余りに行っている!! =)
Showing posts from August, 2009
IT ARRIVED !!!! well....sort of...
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Last friday , Zanne and I bought mini clip-on top hats !! ( the purple hat is Zanne's while the white hat is mine =D ) Didn't know she gave us a note as well !! how thoughtful of her =D And free gift bags !! to keep our hats !! =D The hats !!!! ( it's still with Zanne , and i only can get my hat this sunday !! i can't wait !!!! ) btw , it costs us RM 21.50 ( 1.50 postage fee ) considered cheap !! mind you that yesterday i went to jusco and they sell one for RM 22.90 and the designs are not really nice ( beads and everything ) ..... i still like it simple and stylish =D THANK YOU LITTLE MAKETTO AND ZANNE !! Ladies go to www.littlemaketto.blogspot.com =D
Pageant Coach
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Pageant Coach 2009 =D WARNING : BAD ENGLISH AHEAD ( i'm too lazy to type properly ) Make up , high heels , beauty pageants..... = not my type haha.... My mother enrolled me to a grooming class two weeks back so that i could be more ( girly and mature ) * honestly , i prefer the way i am and someone agrees with me =D ( you have to read 1st before you can comprehend what i've just said just now ) Woke up at 7am just to freshen up myself and put on some light makeup ( which im not skilled at ...that's why i woke up early ) Mum borrowed me her green holey apparel ( we thought that we are suppose to dress to be matured and not what i usually wear........ ) Reached The Gardens hotel @ 9.30am.... Met Auntie Ida there with her daughter , Shannen Lim , 16 * Auntie Ida is my mother's friend whom also joined the 2004 MRS. Malaysia World Pageant along with my mother and Dato' Anna Lim * woah...all also " lim " haha xD ( MY mum included xD ) We went...
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Mindy Smith - It Really Is (A Wonderful Life) Lyrics The snow has fallen like it does every year The tree I know so well is aglow And folks are filled up with the usual holiday cheer As they hang pretty lights and mistletoe Oh, but this year is different for you and for me Our own little miracle, on our own little street Never before have I loved 'Silent Night' so But now that you're here by my side Baby, it is, baby, it is It really is a wonderful life I'd never noticed that the crackle of a fire Makes music when accompanied by kiss And when did I start having dreams about pumpkin pies There's not a lot that's sweeter than this Oh, but this year is better for you and for me Our own little miracle, on our own little street Never before have I loved 'Silent Night' so But now that you're here by my side Baby, it is, baby it is It really is a wonderful life Oh, but this year is better for you and for me Our own little mirac...
My Kind of Boy
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well...actually , i did this tag in facebook before...but....just do it here lor haha tagged by Stef and Mun Weng Now, here's what you're supposed to do, and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 15 of your friends here in facebook to answer this. Then see what happens. if you a guy- post this as my kind of girl. if your a girl- post it as my kind of boy. 1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?? - In my eyes...yes =D 2. Smart? -Equal level or smarter than me...i prefer someone who can counter theories and inspires me =) 3. Preferred age? -Same Age or elder than me....( 2 years max ) 4. Preferred height? -Thou shall be taller than me 5. How about sense of humor? -Of course =) He should be crazy with me too... and tolerate my weird humors ( i make ppl swt a lot )xD 6. How about piercings? -one or two on the ears is fine for me ... 7. Accepts you for who you are? -Of course 8. Pink ha...
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Woah....didn't know i didn't blog so such a loooong time !! But I can assure you now that i'm really lazy to blog about Pageant Coach now xD so you'd have to wait for that to come xD btw , to all girls !! you should click here >>>> http://littlemaketto.blogspot.com/ it's really a nice blogshop =D love the things they sell and offer =D plus the MUSIC !! I LOVE THE MUSIC ( i'm now trying really hard to put it on my blog xD ) Zanne introduced me to this website when we were chatting yesterday ...and she said something about this mini top hat... and usually...me....the girl who don't buy things online... suddenly got hooked to the little adorable hat clip !!! Zanne got the purple one ( i called it the daring one ) and i got the silver one ( i called it the safe yet versatile one xD ) they have a black one as well...but it was sold to someone else already..... but i didn't go for black because well....my hair is black......xD not out...
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Yay ! tomorrow going for some grooming class.... for two days !! honestly... I CAN'T WAIT to be all girly-fied haha xD ( can't imagine 2 days without any sneakers ) xD I have to bring a pair of 3 inch high heels ( i plan to bring another one....black colour ) 3 inch = 9cm !! ( chermaine.....last time you went for any functions or even MPO also you didn't wear until so high 0.0) So if i'm 164cm + 9cm = 173cm !!! wooohooo !! i'm gonna be a super tall girl for 2 days !! ( but still not tall enough to be a model haha xD YOU NEED TO BE AT LEAST 175CM ( WITHOUT HEELS ) TO QUALIFY AS A RUNWAY MODEL !! ) ( ahhh.....part of my dreams are crushed xD ) JKJK !! Btw , Cay Kuijpers will be one of the guest talker / instructor tomorrow =D she's gonna select 5 best catwalk / runway students and will soon " crown " the winner and the top 5 participants will have an Estee Lauder hamper each ( well...i don't really make up ...as in RARELY MAKE UP ) b...
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Hey Zanne !! you are in the news xD lols xD ( but she was REALLY in the news on wednesday ( 12 August 2009 - I wish.... ( star two ) issue !! You are definately my greatest friend ever and I am really lucky to have a friend like you =D I wish you all the best in everything you venture and do =D * I can't wait for your 1st novel to be publish in the future xD I WILL CERTAINLY BUY A COPY !! Haha , Happy 17th Birthday Zanne !! The 'Slug' is one year older =D Welcome to the 17 world =D
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HEY PEEPS !! TODAY IS AUGUST 13TH !! WHICH IS THE " INTERNATIONAL LEFT-HANDERS DAY !! " In conjunction of this special day , i would like to dedicate this post to my Left-handed brother , Clifford and my left-handed friends ( James T , Joshua , Mei Quen and Nabila and etc... ) =D To start with , here's a newspaper snippet about Left-handers ! SO LUCKY AREN'T THEY ! ( THAT'S WHY THOSE LEFTIES I KNOW ARE JUST SO SMART AND CREATIVE !! ) Left Handed Facts and Trivia: Sinistrophobia is the fear of left-handedness or things on the left side. While many people are left handed, very few are 100% left handed. For example, many Left handers golf and bat right handed. On the other hand, there is a high percentage of righties who are 100% right-handed. Lefties are also called "southpaws". The term was coined in baseball to describe a left handed pitcher. Only about 10% of the population is left handed. During ...
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5 GAHARU'S CLASS JACKET !!!! is finallly HERE !!! Q : 0.0 why they have to put the school name ? A : They have to put the school name because our headmistress do not allow us to wear class T-Shirts / jackets without the school name...( err....actually it's because some of them want to remember the school.....) Q : Why our class jacket is navy blue ? A : Initially , we have few colours in mind.....cobalt blue , white , grey and Pink ( err....some guy la ) but majority prefers a safe colour...thus , navy blue.. Q : What is that " paw like thing " on our class jacket ? A : It is actually a bear paw...this is one of the only remaining features which was carried forward from our initial idea.. Q : I don't know some of the names...they are so...hmm...foreign now... A : Ok...name decoding time Chermaine -> Chermaine Hui Sien -> Hui Sien Suleng -> Stefanie Lai Fun -> Lai Fun Mazya -> Sharifah Maziah Amer -> Amiruddin Fakhroole -...