Pageant Coach
Pageant Coach 2009 =D
WARNING : BAD ENGLISH AHEAD ( i'm too lazy to type properly )
Make up , high heels , beauty pageants..... = not my type
My mother enrolled me to a grooming class two weeks back so that i could be more ( girly and mature )
* honestly , i prefer the way i am and someone agrees with me =D ( you have to read 1st before you can comprehend what i've just said just now )
Woke up at 7am just to freshen up myself and put on some light makeup ( which im not skilled at ...that's why i woke up early )
Mum borrowed me her green holey apparel ( we thought that we are suppose to dress to be matured and not what i usually wear........ )
Reached The Gardens hotel @ 9.30am....
Met Auntie Ida there with her daughter , Shannen Lim , 16
* Auntie Ida is my mother's friend whom also joined the 2004 MRS. Malaysia World Pageant along with my mother and Dato' Anna Lim
* woah...all also " lim " haha xD ( MY mum included xD )
We went into the hotel lobby to place our luggages in a special room , when i saw that my newly pink luggage ( i brought that there to make me look more " girly " ) was exactly same like Shannen ( we didn't know that we have the same back until the second day xD ...AND WHAT a coincidence , we both were using the bag for the 1st time xD )
When we reached the special floor ( 29th floor ) , we ( Shannen and me ) we shocked that we are the youngest participants there......even though we've never met before , but we bonded quite fast as we have a thing in common.......We are Cheerleaders !!! ( me , Southern star 2006 ( well ex-granny cheerleader la me xD ) AND her , Stompers 2009 )
Before the 1st session starts , we practically talked and discussed about cheerleading , cheerleading and more cheerleading xD stunts , stunts , stunts and more stunts , dance , dance and more dance xD etc.... xD
The first session was more to getting to know who are the special speakers and guests instructors and introducing ourselves infront of everybody with a mic ! ( in a way , i kinda freaked out before it was my turn to speak xD )
I spoke kinda fast ( even my mother said that ) ...because i was nervous xD and practically i think i was making a fool of myself ....i did many actions as in " i usually wear sneakers " all those weird things ...haiz...lols
The next session was about " experience sharing with previous beauty queens " which was conducted by Dato' Anna Lim ( Mrs Malaysia World 2004 and Mrs World top 10 ) and my mother Joyce Lim ( Mrs Malaysia World 2004 2nd runner up ) some great tips during the talk...but honestly , its kinda weird listening to my mother talking ( not in a bad way....just...lols...funny xD )
After the session , we camwhored a little and took some pictures xD
Someone , Auntie Genny , My Mother , Dato' Anna Lim , Auntie Marie , Auntie Yen , someone and Me ( gosh i looked so matured !! )
After lunch , we had some other few sessions which ...honestly....some are quite boring....
The social etiquette class
Auntie Alice ( the organizer ) and Dato' Anna Lim
Stage presentation class with Laurens Zhang ( really a popular actor during the 80's ) and he's the dynamo ad. man xD
it was quite funny when he asked us to touch our partner's hands and close your eyes while imagine that " it " is a fluffy white rabbit ...I kept laughing and giggling and my partner said " why are you so happy , in a weird way lols..... "
After that , it was the most exciting class ( to me that is ) because i've been waiting for that moment !!!
Usually , i don't give care about beauty pageants and etc...but i care about modelling !! I love to catwalk !
it's funny because i'm different from my mother... she loves being a beauty queen...
but i just felt that i'm not a " beauty queen " type of girl , i prefer to be a model xD
usually , mum would catwalk with a smile ( she kept asking me to )
but i usually catwalk the " cool " way ( as in not me being cool , but the you know...runway models type xD )
I JUST felt that it's easier to catwalk without smiling xD
Our instructor was none other than , Carishiela Kuijpers ! ( Estee Lauder 2008 winner ) and Miss Philippines 2009 finalist
I'd say....after Megan Fox , She's one of the prettiest girl i've ever known
( AS IF i know megan fox lols xD )
Leng Lui right ? ( how i wish i have her features !! her face is really small ( like mine ) but of course her face is much sharper and prettier ! ) xD
Look at our 4 inch. heels !!
She greeted us and i just don't know why...she kept picking me 1st for everything ( so unlucky...i have no chance to see others strut their stuff before I do )
When she taught us about proper handshake...she suddenly shaked my hand haha...then i was so blur ! ( my friends would know that i'm a really blur person xD )
After teaching everyone how to catwalk and etc.....
she taught us the " beauty queen smile " technique.....hence , the picture above....lols
it's really hard because you felt like your saliva is going to drip @ any moment =/
Later , picked a few of us to catwalk with a long skirt ( her skirt )
luckily our size is the same and i felt quite comfortable with it xD
except that i catwalked too fast ( because the music is fast ...everyone laughed ) and i have to redo my catwalk " gracefully " lols
After the catwalk session ,
it's picture time again xD
Me , Carishiela Kuijpers , Auntie Genny and Hot Mama ( she's a grandmother btw ) and she knows how to belly dance !!! seriously !!
Carishiela and Me xD ( I'M SO SHORT COMPARED TO HER !! )
After that , it was another session of Social Etiquette class...but it was about Social hugging and kissing ( not french kissing or any kisses related to that ! ) but it's just know ...those beauty queen type of X0X0 )
Too bad the class took so long that me and Shannen have no chance to take a stroll @ The Gardens =(
Later , everyone wore their gowns ( for me it was super matured...=( ) and went to our formal dinner....
They celebrated my mother's birthday there as well xD
Me with my White wine xD
Mum and Laurens Zhang
Me and Shannen =D
Both of us were really bloated and full during dinner + we have to follow those rules when we eat
( even the forks and spoon...the size etc... ) @.@ SUPER DUPER confusing xD
After dinner,
Renowned Designer Lam gave some tips , talks , do's and don't s , critics and etc
I went out and i he gave me loads of tips and critics about me ( hairstyle , unsuitable apparels )
I was right !! mum was wrong !! ( lols....she said that she was embarrassed lols xD because she is the one who asked me to dress to be more matured )
Designer Lam and Me
After his session ,
then it's back to the hotel room =D
Camwhored while mum was bathing xD
This is more like me xD ( I FELT more comfortable wearing something like suits me more also right )
and btw , a dragonfly is always a dragonfly , hence the sunglasses xD
Another camwhoring shot xD
Without sunglasses , but i smuggled my mother's crown xD
I slept well that night and woke up early ....
and....That day , wore my style that day xD
* thank GOD that i brought my shorts , my top and class jacket .... it suppose to be my spare clothing as i actually planned to yum cha with Shannen but the plan failed xD
This girl looks more like me right ? =D
Then it's makeover time =D
Auntie Ida did the make up while Alice Lee's Hairdresser chopped off my hair !! xD
Later , we had lunch and photo shoot session !!
I enjoyed the photo shoot session !!
it was fun !!
and the photographer directed me to do different poses !! different from the others...
Shannen did a " graceful girl " pose and etc....sweet looking =D
BUT mine....the theme was wild....
he asked me to stretched my legs , bend , attitude eyes etc....
practically smilling , cool look xD
And it turned out to be really nice !! ( too bad i do not have the pictures with me yet....)
and too bad i only can choose 4 pictures =( out of 20 pictures =(
After the photo shoot session ,
it's out time to strut out stuff !!
and oh ya,
Designer Lam praised me about my sudden change in style and he said that i looked more comfortable and youthful....just like me xD ( LOLS....i kept thinking that i should bring my clothes there that day ) xD
The Judges : Designer Lam , Alice Lee , Laurens Zhang
My turn to catwalk , talk and speak xD
Then it was certificate presentation time
Then it was group photo time ( spot me )
Then i was shocked when Carishiela picked me as the TOP 5 CATWALK MODEL something WINNER !!
It was quite tough because Crystal ( the girl in blue ) was really good plus megan plus natasha
* Crystal was a finalist for some pageant and she did some modelling ( her photo shoot was great !! )
* Megan have the height and potential !!
* Natasha was the finalist for Miss Malaysia Universe 2006
After the closing ceremony ,
mum and Auntie Ida took more pictures of me and Shannen xD
Me =D
Mothers and Daughters ( our colour scheme matched !! especially our mothers ! )
Me and Shannen =D
Btw , I spotted a sports car infront of my mother's car..
guess what was it ?

can you guess it ?
btw , the picture below shows the gooodies bag from the workshop ( left )
and my prize for the top 5 modelling thing xD

* THE pink no.1 key chain was specially handpicked by Designer Lam ( each participants have their own unique key chain...and ...the cost of the keychain ? )
mine is RM 65.90 ( BUT IT'S free for all participants... ) some of them got a key chain which cost around RM80 something 0.0 xD
in a nutshell , it was A fun and enriching Experience =D
( SRY IF i typed too fast or etc... i am rushing !! )
WARNING : BAD ENGLISH AHEAD ( i'm too lazy to type properly )
Make up , high heels , beauty pageants..... = not my type
My mother enrolled me to a grooming class two weeks back so that i could be more ( girly and mature )
* honestly , i prefer the way i am and someone agrees with me =D ( you have to read 1st before you can comprehend what i've just said just now )
Woke up at 7am just to freshen up myself and put on some light makeup ( which im not skilled at ...that's why i woke up early )
Mum borrowed me her green holey apparel ( we thought that we are suppose to dress to be matured and not what i usually wear........ )
Reached The Gardens hotel @ 9.30am....
Met Auntie Ida there with her daughter , Shannen Lim , 16
* Auntie Ida is my mother's friend whom also joined the 2004 MRS. Malaysia World Pageant along with my mother and Dato' Anna Lim
* woah...all also " lim " haha xD ( MY mum included xD )
We went into the hotel lobby to place our luggages in a special room , when i saw that my newly pink luggage ( i brought that there to make me look more " girly " ) was exactly same like Shannen ( we didn't know that we have the same back until the second day xD ...AND WHAT a coincidence , we both were using the bag for the 1st time xD )
When we reached the special floor ( 29th floor ) , we ( Shannen and me ) we shocked that we are the youngest participants there......even though we've never met before , but we bonded quite fast as we have a thing in common.......We are Cheerleaders !!! ( me , Southern star 2006 ( well ex-granny cheerleader la me xD ) AND her , Stompers 2009 )
Before the 1st session starts , we practically talked and discussed about cheerleading , cheerleading and more cheerleading xD stunts , stunts , stunts and more stunts , dance , dance and more dance xD etc.... xD
The first session was more to getting to know who are the special speakers and guests instructors and introducing ourselves infront of everybody with a mic ! ( in a way , i kinda freaked out before it was my turn to speak xD )
I spoke kinda fast ( even my mother said that ) ...because i was nervous xD and practically i think i was making a fool of myself ....i did many actions as in " i usually wear sneakers " all those weird things ...haiz...lols
The next session was about " experience sharing with previous beauty queens " which was conducted by Dato' Anna Lim ( Mrs Malaysia World 2004 and Mrs World top 10 ) and my mother Joyce Lim ( Mrs Malaysia World 2004 2nd runner up ) some great tips during the talk...but honestly , its kinda weird listening to my mother talking ( not in a bad way....just...lols...funny xD )
After the session , we camwhored a little and took some pictures xD
After lunch , we had some other few sessions which ...honestly....some are quite boring....
it was quite funny when he asked us to touch our partner's hands and close your eyes while imagine that " it " is a fluffy white rabbit ...I kept laughing and giggling and my partner said " why are you so happy , in a weird way lols..... "
After that , it was the most exciting class ( to me that is ) because i've been waiting for that moment !!!
Usually , i don't give care about beauty pageants and etc...but i care about modelling !! I love to catwalk !
it's funny because i'm different from my mother... she loves being a beauty queen...
but i just felt that i'm not a " beauty queen " type of girl , i prefer to be a model xD
usually , mum would catwalk with a smile ( she kept asking me to )
but i usually catwalk the " cool " way ( as in not me being cool , but the you know...runway models type xD )
I JUST felt that it's easier to catwalk without smiling xD
Our instructor was none other than , Carishiela Kuijpers ! ( Estee Lauder 2008 winner ) and Miss Philippines 2009 finalist
I'd say....after Megan Fox , She's one of the prettiest girl i've ever known
( AS IF i know megan fox lols xD )
She greeted us and i just don't know why...she kept picking me 1st for everything ( so unlucky...i have no chance to see others strut their stuff before I do )
When she taught us about proper handshake...she suddenly shaked my hand haha...then i was so blur ! ( my friends would know that i'm a really blur person xD )
she taught us the " beauty queen smile " technique.....hence , the picture above....lols
it's really hard because you felt like your saliva is going to drip @ any moment =/
luckily our size is the same and i felt quite comfortable with it xD
except that i catwalked too fast ( because the music is fast ...everyone laughed ) and i have to redo my catwalk " gracefully " lols
After the catwalk session ,
it's picture time again xD
After that , it was another session of Social Etiquette class...but it was about Social hugging and kissing ( not french kissing or any kisses related to that ! ) but it's just know ...those beauty queen type of X0X0 )
Too bad the class took so long that me and Shannen have no chance to take a stroll @ The Gardens =(
Later , everyone wore their gowns ( for me it was super matured...=( ) and went to our formal dinner....
Both of us were really bloated and full during dinner + we have to follow those rules when we eat
( even the forks and spoon...the size etc... ) @.@ SUPER DUPER confusing xD
After dinner,
Renowned Designer Lam gave some tips , talks , do's and don't s , critics and etc
I was right !! mum was wrong !! ( lols....she said that she was embarrassed lols xD because she is the one who asked me to dress to be more matured )
After his session ,
then it's back to the hotel room =D
Camwhored while mum was bathing xD
and btw , a dragonfly is always a dragonfly , hence the sunglasses xD
I slept well that night and woke up early ....
and....That day , wore my style that day xD
* thank GOD that i brought my shorts , my top and class jacket .... it suppose to be my spare clothing as i actually planned to yum cha with Shannen but the plan failed xD
Then it's makeover time =D
Later , we had lunch and photo shoot session !!
I enjoyed the photo shoot session !!
it was fun !!
and the photographer directed me to do different poses !! different from the others...
Shannen did a " graceful girl " pose and etc....sweet looking =D
BUT mine....the theme was wild....
he asked me to stretched my legs , bend , attitude eyes etc....
practically smilling , cool look xD
And it turned out to be really nice !! ( too bad i do not have the pictures with me yet....)
and too bad i only can choose 4 pictures =( out of 20 pictures =(
After the photo shoot session ,
it's out time to strut out stuff !!
and oh ya,
Designer Lam praised me about my sudden change in style and he said that i looked more comfortable and youthful....just like me xD ( LOLS....i kept thinking that i should bring my clothes there that day ) xD
The Judges : Designer Lam , Alice Lee , Laurens Zhang
* Crystal was a finalist for some pageant and she did some modelling ( her photo shoot was great !! )
* Megan have the height and potential !!
* Natasha was the finalist for Miss Malaysia Universe 2006
After the closing ceremony ,
mum and Auntie Ida took more pictures of me and Shannen xD
Btw , I spotted a sports car infront of my mother's car..
guess what was it ?
btw , the picture below shows the gooodies bag from the workshop ( left )
and my prize for the top 5 modelling thing xD

* THE pink no.1 key chain was specially handpicked by Designer Lam ( each participants have their own unique key chain...and ...the cost of the keychain ? )
mine is RM 65.90 ( BUT IT'S free for all participants... ) some of them got a key chain which cost around RM80 something 0.0 xD
in a nutshell , it was A fun and enriching Experience =D
( SRY IF i typed too fast or etc... i am rushing !! )