Thank God that in my disturbed and worried mind , i'm slowly finding peace =) All glory and honour to him =)
Showing posts from September, 2009
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* Sry Claudia !! I took this from your blog !! Happy 17th Birthday Claudia ( 26th September 2009 )!! You've never fail to inspire me to seek God more and you are my piano partner as well !! ( Hey , we should plan a day after SPM a " Make music / piano playing " day xD lols ) May all your dreams come true and God bless you in your every journey of this new chapter in life =D
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"Under the baton of its Music Director, Claus Peter Flor , the MPO will showcase its musicianship in an all-Beethoven showcase performing Overture: Coriolan and the astounding masterpiece, Symphony No.5. What makes the concerts even more auspicious is the MPO’s pioneering collaboration with Malaysia’s very own child prodigy, Tengku Ahmad Irfan Tengku Ahmad Shahrizal . Together, the dynamic duo will bring the house down by presenting Piano Concerto in E flat. A gifted pianist in his own right, Tengku Ahmad Irfan showed a prodigious early talent for music, started his piano lessons at 7. Within 2 years, he was awarded the Trinity Guildhall Certificate of Excellence for Grade 5 Solo Piano, before receiving distinction in his Grade 8. His early public performances saw him bravely tackling demanding repertoire with untutored interpretations, revealing passion and raw talent. It attracted attention and led to a ‘live’ televised performances and events with the MPO Education & Outre...
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Operation Weight Gain For Agent CK 1 and CK 2 ( it's actually Chermaine and Clifford Kang ) Since i'm only 41kg.....( i lost 1kg during May.........because of that really crazy 2 weeks fever and i really have a hard time gaining weight !!! ) since young , i'm really thin.....( skinny ) =( so i do not have medical probs... I did my research and they said that if some one who is not born thin but suddenly they have sudden weight loss , then it might be a prob....well...except if they went for diet xD but i'm not alone....=) My Bro only weighs around 45kg...and he's like....173 / 174cm !! so we really have to buckle up to gain weight !!! xD The Solution : Full Cream Milk......( wonder if it works...but i'm worried that i will have lactose intolerance after that...but thank GOD far , i'm fine xD ) Tadaaaa !!! Mine and Clifford's..... Me and The Milk xD ...
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Felix Mendelssohn's Scherzo in E Op.16 no2 It brings me back those " sweet memories " when i was preparing for my grade 8 exam few years back... * or is it....painful and regretful memories for choosing this crazily fast song for my modern 3rd piece....haha xD AT LEAST now it's few years Over !! =D haha...random....
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Going to play these pieces this week ( maybe i will post it here...not sure ) 1 ) Rachmaninoff prelude in D major ( op23 no4 ) 2 ) Anyband ( korea ) talk , play love ( 2007 ) ......( i'm two years outdated haha xD ) 3 ) Sunflower ( it's been a year since the last time i played that song ) 4 ) G Dragon-Heartbreaker lols....i wonder if i can change this into a piano friendly song xD 5 ) Take That-Rule the World 6 ) Sukiyaki ( oldies haha xD ) many songs there...... as i said... might post...might not xD
I wonder
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Randomness strikes.... sometimes i wonder why i am so random ...... Suddenly some thoughts will just cross my mind...and it would just be gone in seconds... I was wondering...Who I am actually..I don't even know myself since like ...let's say...forever ? I don't even know my passion anymore , my personality...or whatever there is in between those stuff...Honestly , i detest my Socohl ( words are jumbled up ) a lot.....My social life is a mess ( at socohl ) that is....Honestly , i don't really have much friend there ( as if i care ..but part of me does ) and i felt that i just ended up in the wrong scals ( jumbled up again ) for wto ( jumbled up ) years.....I felt that me and my scals peoples...just does not sync.....we are so in ...i just find them annoying at times...especially ..... maybe because i'm the only iglesn ( jumbled up ) one in the " group " ( but as if i care ) ...i just do not like to jump into a relationship so fast....( w...
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I have very cool fishes ........ even my aquarium have this sticker to " certify my claim " =D... they are really special..... especially this one =D _________________ ___________ ______ ___ ______________ _______ ___ __________ ________________________ __________________ _______________ ____________ ________ because they wear sunglasses =) ( sry if it's ter-amat lame ...xD )
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- Other Apps is seriously a SUPER FUNNY website... it's something like wikipedia...but well... wikipedia is the serious version of uncyclopedia xD i'm serious about that lols xD * Note that Uncyclopedia is unsuitable for research or serious study.....and not for sensitive individuals....xD haha for example , i typed in " Sergei Rachmaninoff " and the article really shocked me to the MAX !! was fine actually...but it does contain satirical humour in it......and some facts will offend some people...but well , not me as i'm quite open with ideas and i'm fine with these stuff xD ok it's time to show you the article xD ______________________________________________________________ * Credits to Uncyclopedia..... =D ( i will comment paragraph by paragraph....) Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff was a famed Russian piano composer, whose primary goal in life was to make piano players really f***ing pissed off by ma...
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SPM trials just ended today !!! feel the load of burdens lifted up from me =D it was unlucky that Add. Maths paper 1 the last paper .... usually i just do not have the mood to study the last subject in the whole entire whatever exam time table......ish..... Screwed up Chemistry BIG TIME !!!!! =((((((((( Physics was Ok though.....xD Add. Maths was hard =((( Engineering Drawing was erm...ok and un-ok xD English was fine except the sudden change for essay questions ( it was tough !.... ) B.M. was ok but Puan Hamimy lectured us i guess i'm not getting good marks =( Moral was amazingly bearable xD History essay and structure questions are fine but the objectives questions are not !!! Maths was ok but loads and tons of careless mistakes ( i was kinda nervous that time..for no apparent reason..=( ) last week , i got so addicted to Rachmaninoff's prelude op23 no.4 i know its not my level yet...but it's still haha !!! comprehendable ! =D ( do not even k...
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Happy 22nd Birthday Ko CHUAN LI !!!! you are the funniest and the funnest piano teacher ever ( even though your expectations are undeniably very high....xD) ...AND your ears are super sensitive !!! ( play 0.000001 wrong energy or press the key a little hard also you know ....haha xD ) May your passion in music continue to grow deeper and deeper and continue to soar with music =D I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR GRAD. RECITAL NEXT MONTH !!! I want to hear your intepretation of Rachmaninoff's prelude op23 no4 ( and "challenge" you on that...even though i know i would definately lose xD ) haha...just kidding xD
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I usually don't go for Waltz.... but This particular Chopin's Waltz is terrific !! amazingly awesome !! ( i usually go for his etudes or Rachmaninoff btw..this is a sudden change in my preference in classical music xD haha ) and usually i would say that Evgeny Kissin is not really my favourite pianist ( as he always play too fast !!! ) but i have to say that this interpretation of his is clearly amazing =D