www.uncyclopedia.wikia.com is seriously a SUPER FUNNY website...
it's something like wikipedia...but well...
wikipedia is the serious version of uncyclopedia xD
i'm serious about that lols xD
* Note that Uncyclopedia is unsuitable for research or serious study.....and not for sensitive individuals....xD haha
for example , i typed in " Sergei Rachmaninoff " and the article really shocked me to the MAX !!
well...it was fine actually...but it does contain satirical humour in it......and some facts will offend some people...but well , not me as i'm quite open with ideas and i'm fine with these stuff xD
ok ...now it's time to show you the article xD
* Credits to Uncyclopedia..... =D
( i will comment paragraph by paragraph....)
Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff was a famed Russian piano composer, whose primary goal in life was to make piano players really f***ing pissed off by making his music as unplayable as humanly possible. He claimed to be a pianist himself, but all he must have played was some easy shit like "Chopsticks" or "Mary had a Little Lamb". Seriously, if he had any actual knowledge of playing piano, he would have arranged his music in a way that was actually readable, as opposed to the messes he composed. Either that or he was on shrooms when he wrote them. Or both.
Chermaine's Comment : LOLS !! erm....the facts are true...except that he's a PIANIST not
"claimed to be a pianist " ..but he did ALTER / Improvised musical
works from other composers ...and yes...he made it his style and
it's much much much harder to play !!!! Besides....his fingers are
super long ( and that's real because he's 190cm tall !! ) ..and
you should see his music scores !! a lot of notes !!!! until your eye power
also can increase by few percent xD ( JK XD )...maybe during that
century...it's quite hard to read his writings because it's handwritten
so..errr... yeah....the facts are quite true ....
Rachmaninoff lived most of his life in turn of the 20th century Russia, which would be one explanation as to why his compositions were so screwed up. The man had to live through all 3 of the Russian revolutions, and if you weren't Lenin, the odds are that something bad might have happened to you. I am not an expert on his life, so I'll try to stay away from his specifics as much as possible after trying to get my brain around the convoluted vortices he would call music.
Chermaine's comment : haha xD yeah !! i LOVE 20TH century Russian music !! it's majestic
cool , sounds complicated and really showy !! xD and yep....Rachmaninoff
's music are heavily influenced by Russian folk songs and the revolution
. ( Russian revolutions to be exact ) and for your information , music
and war.......are somewhat related as well ( erm...that's another story xD)
And the " Vortices " the author meant....haha...it's really music
really showy music =D
Chermaine Kang : The 1st sentence is actually quite insulting...but it's quite true in the sense
that his pieces are somewhat like that....loaded with notes and expression
( there's even ffffff !! ) so loud whey !!! And it's true that his parents are
pianists...but the " payback " fact is wrong ...and " his parents savagely beat
him up " that's also false ....
His first popular work was Suite No. 1 for Two Pianos, which was composed of two pianos playing asymmetric fugues at the same time. At random intervals during the episodic mess, a surprise tympani solo would occasionally pop in. It became an instant classic in Russia, further diminishing any credibility the nation had left. Punch drunk from the sudden popularity, Rachmaninoff's later works would echo his Suite No. 1, much to the dismay of non-Ruskies and Geoffrey Rush.
Chermaine's comment : It's true and shocking that his music are not accepted at that time ( his showcase symphony failed and the audience booed him ) . He went into depression for several years and he even failed to marry his cousin...( note that at that period , it's the transition period from late classical to neo-romantic period...that's why the audience can't accept his new style ...they prefer something like Mozart ). Thank God that he bounced back up again after a few years and begin working diligently on composing and creating more wonderful music =D And he finally managed to win his audience hearts !! =D

Don't be fooled by this piece's rather tame introduction, the next few measures are made out of Hell itself. Literally.
Chermaine's Comment : brace yourself for the next surprise !!! =.0 ( next picture ...way below )
Chermaine's comment : Haha...yeah...he wrote and composed many songs and the " random mesh thing is quite true xD but it's not " random mesh " ...it's notes notes and notes xD and yeah.....his pieces have loads of octaves and chords ...practically , just jumble up everything hard in piano = Rachmaninoff xD and try deciphering his scores ( i stress this again ) ...you will get shocked...and yeah....when i started playing Rachmaninoff last year , it's so hard to read his scores that i have to wear my specs...let alone play it .....xD
Rachmaninoff is most famed for his concertos, which have been both more influential and maddening than most other pieces ever made for piano. You know that mental illness schizophrenia? I wouldn't be surprised if these concertos contributed to its origin. If you know about pianos like myself, just listen to his concertos and try to get a grasp on how the fuck someone could play them, and you may give yourself an aneurysm. Trust me, I've been down that path before. Rachmaninoff nearly killed me decades after he died.
I would give you an audio sample from the concertos, but the problem is that there are none available. Why, you ask? Did I already mention that they're the most impossible songs to play on piano, ever? Oh, I didn't? Well, that's not even opinion there. It's widely agreed by music professionals that the concertos are the most difficult songs to play on piano, in the instrument's entire centuries long history.
and yup... schizophrenia he doesn't have that...but his music it's like that xD chaotic to the max !!! AND THIS PIECE IS LIKE....hard hard hard and COMPLICATED i only can play a few bars.... ( maybe after SPM i'll try to challenge this piece ) xD
The another picture :
Told you.
it's something like wikipedia...but well...
wikipedia is the serious version of uncyclopedia xD
i'm serious about that lols xD
* Note that Uncyclopedia is unsuitable for research or serious study.....and not for sensitive individuals....xD haha
for example , i typed in " Sergei Rachmaninoff " and the article really shocked me to the MAX !!
well...it was fine actually...but it does contain satirical humour in it......and some facts will offend some people...but well , not me as i'm quite open with ideas and i'm fine with these stuff xD
ok ...now it's time to show you the article xD
* Credits to Uncyclopedia..... =D
( i will comment paragraph by paragraph....)
Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff was a famed Russian piano composer, whose primary goal in life was to make piano players really f***ing pissed off by making his music as unplayable as humanly possible. He claimed to be a pianist himself, but all he must have played was some easy shit like "Chopsticks" or "Mary had a Little Lamb". Seriously, if he had any actual knowledge of playing piano, he would have arranged his music in a way that was actually readable, as opposed to the messes he composed. Either that or he was on shrooms when he wrote them. Or both.
Chermaine's Comment : LOLS !! erm....the facts are true...except that he's a PIANIST not
"claimed to be a pianist " ..but he did ALTER / Improvised musical
works from other composers ...and yes...he made it his style and
it's much much much harder to play !!!! Besides....his fingers are
super long ( and that's real because he's 190cm tall !! ) ..and
you should see his music scores !! a lot of notes !!!! until your eye power
also can increase by few percent xD ( JK XD )...maybe during that
century...it's quite hard to read his writings because it's handwritten
so..errr... yeah....the facts are quite true ....
Rachmaninoff lived most of his life in turn of the 20th century Russia, which would be one explanation as to why his compositions were so screwed up. The man had to live through all 3 of the Russian revolutions, and if you weren't Lenin, the odds are that something bad might have happened to you. I am not an expert on his life, so I'll try to stay away from his specifics as much as possible after trying to get my brain around the convoluted vortices he would call music.
Chermaine's comment : haha xD yeah !! i LOVE 20TH century Russian music !! it's majestic
cool , sounds complicated and really showy !! xD and yep....Rachmaninoff
's music are heavily influenced by Russian folk songs and the revolution
. ( Russian revolutions to be exact ) and for your information , music
and war.......are somewhat related as well ( erm...that's another story xD)
And the " Vortices " the author meant....haha...it's really music
really showy music =D
I'm no psychiatrist, but judging by the music, I could guess his youth was full of demons that sodomized him in front of his entire school. His parents were both amateur pianists, and ever since he was young Sergei aspired to become better than them as a payback for their daily savage beatings. Upon hearing of his aspirations, his parents were happy that young Sergei was finally setting goals in life, then proceeded to savagely beat him.Chermaine Kang : The 1st sentence is actually quite insulting...but it's quite true in the sense
that his pieces are somewhat like that....loaded with notes and expression
( there's even ffffff !! ) so loud whey !!! And it's true that his parents are
pianists...but the " payback " fact is wrong ...and " his parents savagely beat
him up " that's also false ....
Coming of Age
This is the part of his life when the sick stuff his parents did to him as a kid started to settle in and make his brain their playground, and it showed. At around this time, young Rachmaninoff became best buds with an actual composer, Tchaikovsky. The two of them worked together for some time making, believe it or not, actual piano music. When Tchaikovsky died in 1893, though, y oung Sergei began to break down, and the forces of evil in his brain began to sprout wings. For God knows why, they told him: "write as many impossible songs for the piano as you can
Chermaine Kang : the " sick stuff his parents did to him " is false...but it's true that Rachmaninoff
is Tchaikovsky's best buddies and they did compose music and collaborated
before . But when he passed away....Rachmaninoff was sadden...and
somewhat influenced by Tchaikovsky's style ( just a little ) . The evil
forces...those are false as well xD but it's true that around that time...his
music are like " driven by forces..." as his music is really impossible to play
( possible ...but hard lor...xD haha )-i struggled playing his prelude ...and it's
just prelude =(
Chermaine Kang : the " sick stuff his parents did to him " is false...but it's true that Rachmaninoff
is Tchaikovsky's best buddies and they did compose music and collaborated
before . But when he passed away....Rachmaninoff was sadden...and
somewhat influenced by Tchaikovsky's style ( just a little ) . The evil
forces...those are false as well xD but it's true that around that time...his
music are like " driven by forces..." as his music is really impossible to play
( possible ...but hard lor...xD haha )-i struggled playing his prelude ...and it's
just prelude =(
Later life
This is when Rachmaninoff made the most of his mangled magic. Following 1897, Rachmaninoff's life began to take a downward spiral that would be extremely evident in his music. Sergei debuted his first symphony and attempted to marry his cousin; both met with bad results. The Russian audience that viewed the symphony disliked its all too generic sound [1], and the Eastern Orthodox Church denied his marriage claim on the grounds that they had taste. Thrown into a deep funk, Rachmaninoff disappeared for a few years on an epically long bender. He surfaced again some years later, and in a self-proclaimed "moment of clarity", developed the bulk of his works.His first popular work was Suite No. 1 for Two Pianos, which was composed of two pianos playing asymmetric fugues at the same time. At random intervals during the episodic mess, a surprise tympani solo would occasionally pop in. It became an instant classic in Russia, further diminishing any credibility the nation had left. Punch drunk from the sudden popularity, Rachmaninoff's later works would echo his Suite No. 1, much to the dismay of non-Ruskies and Geoffrey Rush.
Chermaine's comment : It's true and shocking that his music are not accepted at that time ( his showcase symphony failed and the audience booed him ) . He went into depression for several years and he even failed to marry his cousin...( note that at that period , it's the transition period from late classical to neo-romantic period...that's why the audience can't accept his new style ...they prefer something like Mozart ). Thank God that he bounced back up again after a few years and begin working diligently on composing and creating more wonderful music =D And he finally managed to win his audience hearts !! =D

Don't be fooled by this piece's rather tame introduction, the next few measures are made out of Hell itself. Literally.
Chermaine's Comment : brace yourself for the next surprise !!! =.0 ( next picture ...way below )
His Works
Rachmaninoff wrote many pieces of works, from operas to concertos and even a few theme songs. Each of them is hard to distinguish from each other, as they all consist of a random mesh of multiple octave-spanning notes thrown together with faux-synchronization. No joke. Have you ever listened to Hungarian Rhapsody No. 3[2]? You would have a hard time deciphering the sheet music itself, let alone trying to even play it. It looks like someone took a shit, smeared it on 20 pieces of paper, and slapped a fancy Italian name on it.Chermaine's comment : Haha...yeah...he wrote and composed many songs and the " random mesh thing is quite true xD but it's not " random mesh " ...it's notes notes and notes xD and yeah.....his pieces have loads of octaves and chords ...practically , just jumble up everything hard in piano = Rachmaninoff xD and try deciphering his scores ( i stress this again ) ...you will get shocked...and yeah....when i started playing Rachmaninoff last year , it's so hard to read his scores that i have to wear my specs...let alone play it .....xD
Rachmaninoff is most famed for his concertos, which have been both more influential and maddening than most other pieces ever made for piano. You know that mental illness schizophrenia? I wouldn't be surprised if these concertos contributed to its origin. If you know about pianos like myself, just listen to his concertos and try to get a grasp on how the fuck someone could play them, and you may give yourself an aneurysm. Trust me, I've been down that path before. Rachmaninoff nearly killed me decades after he died.
I would give you an audio sample from the concertos, but the problem is that there are none available. Why, you ask? Did I already mention that they're the most impossible songs to play on piano, ever? Oh, I didn't? Well, that's not even opinion there. It's widely agreed by music professionals that the concertos are the most difficult songs to play on piano, in the instrument's entire centuries long history.
Chermaine's Comment : it's true that his concertos are clearly remarkable !! definately one
of the wonders of the musical world ( if there is the 7 wonders of the musical world ) haha xD and his concertos are grand and cool as well =D
of the wonders of the musical world ( if there is the 7 wonders of the musical world ) haha xD and his concertos are grand and cool as well =D
and yup... schizophrenia he doesn't have that...but his music it's like that xD chaotic to the max !!! AND THIS PIECE IS LIKE....hard hard hard and COMPLICATED i only can play a few bars.... ( maybe after SPM i'll try to challenge this piece ) xD
The another picture :

Chermaine's comment : lols !! yeah....agree with this 100% ! you should really don't judge a book by it's cover when you are playing Rachmaninoff's pieces...=D hard right ? =) AND that's just the beginning =D
In Conclusion
If you put an infinite number of monkeys in front of an infinite number of pianos, none of them will ever play the entire works of Rachmaninoff. They'd all just die trying.Chermaine Kang : LOLS TO THE MAX !! BUT IT'S THE BEST EXPLANATION FOR