I'm so tired...... this is going to be one exhausting week
Showing posts from October, 2009
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YAY !! THANK GOD !!! I passed my QTI XD ( i knw it's not a biggie haha ) and my real test is gonna be on wednesday !!! hopefully i can pass Really thank GOD that i really passed my QTI today because i was totally clueless about them having the driving trial test today xD i just went there thinking it's just another day of my driving lesson haha Thank God !!
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Shinee is back !! and now...it's much better than Juliette ! ( i dont like their image there ) at least they are better here... and them singing live.....good whey !! ( it's hard to sing and dance live ! ) Minho is so hot ! HE'S SO TALL ! =) Taemin and Key's hair is much better here as well xD and what i like the most ? It's gotta be their CHOREOGRAPHY !
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After 2 years having my trademark hair ( short hair ) above shoulders , Now i'm really missing my long hair but I do not really want a super long hair because it doesn't look good on me as i'm skinny.. but i want a slightly longer hair xD and why when i really want my hair to grow slower ( during my bob hair days ) they grow really fast... and now that i want my hair to grow faster , they grow really slow.... =( ah... another random post lols..
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Thank God Yeng is fine already !! I was really worried yesterday when she told me that she've been suffering headaches since the day before until yesterday that she can't even sleep properly !! She told me that the doctor diagnose her with low blood pressure , Hence , the headache.... But I didn't know low blood pressure would bring quite some suffering.... My Dad is also a person with low blood pressure ( practically my father side of the family Are low blood peeps including me ) But mine is not critically low....just 90+ ( but considered very low.... ) normal is 120+ Dad is 80+ and that's why he always have headache everyday ( mild ones ) Conclusion , Not Only High Blood Pressure are dangerous for peeps... Low Blood Peeps as well .... even though you can't die from low blood pressure , A person who have low blood pressure can suddenly faint ( my friend fainted in the toilet before ) , feeling a little light headed after sitting / squatting for a long time and fr...
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What an " Unlucky " day =( Went to school today and i didn't know it's a holiday ! ( Actually today suppose to have an LK seminar ) but since i skipped school last friday , i didn't get the info =( In the end , i was stuck in school till 11.15am when my dad fetched me home xD Would like to thank Elise for accompanying me and Mandy for lending me her 30 cents haha ( since i cannot use my hp in front of everyone , thus i have to use coins - which i don't have xD ) Thank God that this morning i just have the strong feeling that i have to bring my hp to school today and lols..... THANK GOD again because my phone really helped me a lot !! Luckily , Maziah , The twins and Fakhrool were also there .....and i'm not the only Gaharu-ian there xD The good news is that I got to study Physics @ school today , ironically , Puan Sabrina teached well today compared to her teaching attitude when she teaches our class ! Maybe she really detest 5 G a lot.....
Of Training and Chuan Li's Graduation Recital ...
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1st : Training for the run xD Woke up at 7.20am that day to prepare for the run xD James , Wen Qi , Robyn , Nicholas , Amanda , Janice and Christine walked to my house to meet me @ 8 am.... When I saw Christine i was like " ahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!! ( Squeals !! ) I have that Shirt as well !! " haha ( i was referring the the shirt we both have and we even bought the shirt @ the same place xD ) We literally chatted and walked all the way to Lake View Park xD Janice was so lucky to have her bicycle while we all have to walk xD ( but it's fun as well xD ) When we reached our destination , we started to jog and walk haha Me and Christine really love the unique see saw and the exercise thing ( which SBS and SBU also have ....you know those bars and things ... ) Most of us are really fascinated by the drain xD haha ( short cut ) xD that we even camwhored there xD - " Gay " partners xD lol... ...
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Zanne and Chermaine's Outing on the 20th of September 2009 !! xD So sorry that i only blogged about that fun day today as i just got the camera from my mother ... It was really fun ( but a little rushy ) LOLS And believe it or not ....i didn't even purchased a single thing ! ( can't find my ideal stuffs there xD ) We went to Times Square after Youth Service ( thanks to Zanne's dad =) ) We ate this unique folds !!!!! ( this is mine ) - pizza flavoured xD IT'S UBER UBER TASTY !!! Later , we went to I Socks to purchase Yeng's b'day present xD Really Thank God that Yeng's leg and feet fitted into the boots perfectly.... We took turns to try the boots....but to no avail.....my legs are too skinny and zanne's feet is smaller than Yeng's... In the end , we looked into the salesgirl's eye...haha and she tried it xD It fitted her well !!! ( since Zanne felt that her leg and Yeng's is nearly the same ) so we bought it xD Later...
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THANK GOD !!!!!!!!!!!! Last month my Singaporean auntie went for a health check up and found out that her brain have a tumor.... it was really shocking... but THANK GOD !!! Last week they informed us ( my family ) that she went for a brain operation and they successfully extracted the tumor =D IT IS A BENIGN TUMOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord again =D XD haha xD
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48 days to SPM !! was really disappointed after getting my Maths result..... I will not be so disappointed if I don't know how to do a certain question... but she said that my methods are not correct ...( but my answers are !! ) And my marks are freaking low because i lost so so so many points ... have to work harder !!!!! Btw , LK seminar the day before yesterday was really boring.... combined with f4 LK students and we did only tangents , Oblique and Isometric ...... we have to share the tables ( it's ok because it's big xD ) but sitting on such a high chair for 5 hours !!!! .............so uncomfortable xD !! School will be having some barbecue party for form 5-ers next saturday !!! wonder how will it be like xD