Of Training and Chuan Li's Graduation Recital ...
1st : Training for the run xD
Woke up at 7.20am that day to prepare for the run xD
James , Wen Qi , Robyn , Nicholas , Amanda , Janice and Christine walked to my house to meet me @ 8 am....
When I saw Christine i was like
" ahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!! ( Squeals !! ) I have that Shirt as well !! " haha
( i was referring the the shirt we both have and we even bought the shirt @ the same place xD )
We literally chatted and walked all the way to Lake View Park xD
Janice was so lucky to have her bicycle while we all have to walk xD ( but it's fun as well xD )
When we reached our destination , we started to jog and walk haha
Me and Christine really love the unique see saw and the exercise thing ( which SBS and SBU also have ....you know those bars and things ... )
Most of us are really fascinated by the drain xD haha ( short cut ) xD
that we even camwhored there xD
- " Gay " partners xD lol...
From Left : Nicholas , James , Christine and Me
A Bathing Ape and Mickey's " gf " lols xD ( WE BOTH HAVE THE SAME T-SHIRT ...i also have the same bathing ape shirt ! lols xD )
The artificial lake ...... xD or drain ? haha xD
I love this shot of Amanda xD ( I took d ....haha xD )
James and Nicholas chatting away.....
I love this shot as well !! ( this is version 1 btw , version 2 coming soon xD )
Christine's bathing ape and " Mickey hugged me " shot xD
Group photo ( incomplete ) amanda not there !
With Amanda ! =D ( NOW IT'S COMPLETE XD )
The Guys.....
Amanda and Christine's jump shot attempt xD
After having so much fun jogging , walking , talking , talking pictures and enjoying the scenic view there ,
we headed to a nearest mamak for a drink xD
We chatted , swap handphones , sent songs , watched funny videos and are entertained by Wen Qi's unique jokes lols.....
After that , we walked to Carefour for the air cond ( actually is more to FOOD ! )
I like this shot xD ( quite random and candid-ish haha ...was actually returning James's hp ) lols
This is also very random....i think Wen Qi was telling us some jokes......about the triangle cone thing which look like the combustion symbol and bunsen burner lols !!
Another jump shot without my face xD
Hi !!!
Christine and Wen Qi arguing....
Me " scoring a goal " ( so-called )
it's actually a pose haha...kudos to Amanda for this shot xD
This is candid as well xD
After taking pictures ,
we headed to Carefour....and sadly , we can't find much food there....
there's only a Thai food fair and in the end , I asked them to come over to my house to eat xD
Oh ya ...
Many thanks to Wen Qi and Robyn for tuning and " repairing " my guitar lols xD
( THE strings snapped and i didn't know !!! )
Played the piano with Janice !
didn't know that she's a great pianist !!
I like her interpretation of her Jazz piece xD
( i accidentally erased a picture here and i'm so lazy to upload it again....alignment probs haiz )
Practically , we ate and Wen Qi cracked more jokes and etc.....lols
the entire conversation was actually fun and haha....i enjoyed it a lot !! xD
Wen Qi , Guitar and Mango...lols Amanda.... haha
James told me loads of things about fishes when we looked at the aquarium lols...
i don't even know so much about fishes ! thanks !!
* credits to AMANDA for the pictures =D
After they left my house ,
I took a bath and changed into my house clothes haha ( random ) ..
Honestly , i did not have enough rest that day....xD
But it was really awesome xD
I always love busy busy days xD
Anyways , I got ready by 6.15pm and along with My mum and Auntie Yen ,
we headed straight to UCSI for Chuan Li's graduation recital !!
Honestly , i was really excited then because i know Chuan Li always execute near-to-perfection pieces and I am madly in love with Rachmaninoff's ever demanding pieces !!!
Met Skyline and Jin Pang there ( for the 2nd time since we last known )
( Met Skyline in Jan 2009 ( roland piano comp. ) and Jin Pang @ MPO way back in Feb 2009 )
We chatted a little and I sat with them xD
Auntie Yen met her long lost friend there as well haha xD
( IT seems like Chuan Li's recital definately attracted many people from different walks of life )
But Too bad Annie can't make it because she overworked and she was too exhausted to go , so she headed straight back home =( )
Btw , i seriously love the program notes !!!
The Cover , the design , the letters , each words and details...haha really very Ko Chuan Li-ish xD
We were laughing when the emcee introduced him when she said
Chuan Li...hmmm...he's just " Chuan Li "
yeah...right xD haha
Looks can be deceiving xD
Anyways , he started his recital with " The Art of Fugue " by Bach ( his fav. composer )
p.s. i don't dont dont like bach !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But he really played it like...woah ! lols .....
I THINK i should listen to Yan Kit Advice.....
make one of the days in a week as " BACH'S APPRECIATION DAY "
gosh....i wonder whether i could pull it through or not haha
Anyways , The second piece he played was Beethoven's Waldstein
hey !! i have that piece whey !! ( 30++ pages i think )
wonder how he practiced !!!
and honestly , my favourite part have to be the rondo part ( very showy )
I dont really like the slow part xD
After a short break ,
he came back onto the stage and performed Rachmaninoff's Prelude in D major !!
wooohooo !!!!
Honestly , i'm sooooooo anticipating for that piece even before he performed it on stage !!
haha...i was like...playing along when he was playing haha !!
i seriously love this piece !!
especially the climax part !!!
That's what i call...HARMONY XD
The last sonata by Grazyna Bacewick was really special
I didn't really know much about her but he managed to introduce her to the audience XD
and i really love her piece xD
Was shocked to see him wearing really super duper formal suit for his recital haha
didn't expect him to wear like that !!
so un-him haha xD
After the recital , we took pictures xD
frm left : Mum , Chuan Li , Auntie Yen , Me and Han Loong xD
met Kevin there in a really funny way...
I didn't know he was the " photographer " for this picture lols !!
until he sms-ed me and told me it was an awkward moment !
now i know why lols xD
overall , it's was great , wonderful and enriching day =D
Woke up at 7.20am that day to prepare for the run xD
James , Wen Qi , Robyn , Nicholas , Amanda , Janice and Christine walked to my house to meet me @ 8 am....
When I saw Christine i was like
" ahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!! ( Squeals !! ) I have that Shirt as well !! " haha
( i was referring the the shirt we both have and we even bought the shirt @ the same place xD )
We literally chatted and walked all the way to Lake View Park xD
Janice was so lucky to have her bicycle while we all have to walk xD ( but it's fun as well xD )
When we reached our destination , we started to jog and walk haha
Me and Christine really love the unique see saw and the exercise thing ( which SBS and SBU also have ....you know those bars and things ... )
Most of us are really fascinated by the drain xD haha ( short cut ) xD
that we even camwhored there xD

From Left : Nicholas , James , Christine and Me

Christine's bathing ape and " Mickey hugged me " shot xD

After having so much fun jogging , walking , talking , talking pictures and enjoying the scenic view there ,
we headed to a nearest mamak for a drink xD
We chatted , swap handphones , sent songs , watched funny videos and are entertained by Wen Qi's unique jokes lols.....
After that , we walked to Carefour for the air cond ( actually is more to FOOD ! )

it's actually a pose haha...kudos to Amanda for this shot xD

After taking pictures ,
we headed to Carefour....and sadly , we can't find much food there....
there's only a Thai food fair and in the end , I asked them to come over to my house to eat xD
Oh ya ...
Many thanks to Wen Qi and Robyn for tuning and " repairing " my guitar lols xD
( THE strings snapped and i didn't know !!! )
Played the piano with Janice !
didn't know that she's a great pianist !!
I like her interpretation of her Jazz piece xD
( i accidentally erased a picture here and i'm so lazy to upload it again....alignment probs haiz )
Practically , we ate and Wen Qi cracked more jokes and etc.....lols
the entire conversation was actually fun and haha....i enjoyed it a lot !! xD

James told me loads of things about fishes when we looked at the aquarium lols...
i don't even know so much about fishes ! thanks !!
* credits to AMANDA for the pictures =D
After they left my house ,
I took a bath and changed into my house clothes haha ( random ) ..
Honestly , i did not have enough rest that day....xD
But it was really awesome xD
I always love busy busy days xD
Anyways , I got ready by 6.15pm and along with My mum and Auntie Yen ,
we headed straight to UCSI for Chuan Li's graduation recital !!
Honestly , i was really excited then because i know Chuan Li always execute near-to-perfection pieces and I am madly in love with Rachmaninoff's ever demanding pieces !!!
Met Skyline and Jin Pang there ( for the 2nd time since we last known )
( Met Skyline in Jan 2009 ( roland piano comp. ) and Jin Pang @ MPO way back in Feb 2009 )
We chatted a little and I sat with them xD
Auntie Yen met her long lost friend there as well haha xD
( IT seems like Chuan Li's recital definately attracted many people from different walks of life )
But Too bad Annie can't make it because she overworked and she was too exhausted to go , so she headed straight back home =( )
The Cover , the design , the letters , each words and details...haha really very Ko Chuan Li-ish xD
We were laughing when the emcee introduced him when she said
Chuan Li...hmmm...he's just " Chuan Li "
yeah...right xD haha
Looks can be deceiving xD
Anyways , he started his recital with " The Art of Fugue " by Bach ( his fav. composer )
p.s. i don't dont dont like bach !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But he really played it like...woah ! lols .....
I THINK i should listen to Yan Kit Advice.....
make one of the days in a week as " BACH'S APPRECIATION DAY "
gosh....i wonder whether i could pull it through or not haha
Anyways , The second piece he played was Beethoven's Waldstein
hey !! i have that piece whey !! ( 30++ pages i think )
wonder how he practiced !!!
and honestly , my favourite part have to be the rondo part ( very showy )
I dont really like the slow part xD
he came back onto the stage and performed Rachmaninoff's Prelude in D major !!
wooohooo !!!!
Honestly , i'm sooooooo anticipating for that piece even before he performed it on stage !!
haha...i was like...playing along when he was playing haha !!
i seriously love this piece !!
especially the climax part !!!
That's what i call...HARMONY XD
The last sonata by Grazyna Bacewick was really special
I didn't really know much about her but he managed to introduce her to the audience XD
and i really love her piece xD
didn't expect him to wear like that !!
so un-him haha xD
After the recital , we took pictures xD
met Kevin there in a really funny way...
I didn't know he was the " photographer " for this picture lols !!
until he sms-ed me and told me it was an awkward moment !
now i know why lols xD
overall , it's was great , wonderful and enriching day =D