THE story of my precious EYE......( and some eye unrelated topics as well xD )

ok...the REAL STORY -->
On Thursday , my dad went to Optical shop A to test his eye power and subsequently hopes to purchase a new pair of spectacle as he felt that his eye powers have increased tremendously , thus , he brought my mum and me into the shop to ask us about the opinions on what frame suits best for him for his brand new spectacle .
Since i was there , my parents are eager to know about my eye power and how high has it increased....Honestly , i was worried because i'm usually worried about any test about health / eye / etc...i'm a hypochondriac btw...
Thus , when they tested both of my eyes , the Optometrist told me that my right eye power is only 30 but my left eye power is 350..and my left eye is a lazy eye...
so ok......i'm used to the " lazy eye " term since i had my first spectacle way back in 2003 until now...but he told me that
" your lazy eye power is really high , you WILL go blind "
I was shocked at that instance......especially when he added..
" you are too late for should see the Opthamologist for further evaluation and treatment.. who ask you not to wear your spectacles should wear it 24/7"
double shock..i think i was nearly gonna cry but i held back my tears...and my parents were shocked as well and my mother was scolding me for NOT wearing my spectacles so often...
Later , my parents and me went to Optical shop B for a second opinion , thus , i was actually acting that i just want to test my eye power there....At optical shop B , my right eye is 50 and my left eye is 300.....
The Optometrist working in optical shop B also confirms that i have lazy eye ( my left eye that is ) mother scolded me there as well for not wearing my spectacle often....and the person also tell me that i should wear my specs often and if i did last time , it still can be prevented...Besides , she told me that my eye won't go blind , but it will just be very very blur.....thus , very very blur and blind makes not much difference because i'm still unable to distinguish images and colours..
thus , The feeling of Guilt and fear overwhelms me....i think i'm going explode at that moment...but still i held my tears and fears ......
I sms-ed someone after that...and i think i made that person very worried as well.. ( SRY ! ) but i was really worried as we walked to a hospital to meet the Opthamologist....( thank God Annie's boyfriend told me before that he knew this Opthamologist that cured his brother's rare eye condition and that he recovered with perfect vision )
that thought comforts me a little...but being a very curious person about everything . I practically kinda know infos about what kind of diseases that can link to my eye condition and that kind of informations actually scares me ( a lot of times actually )....
When we reached the hospital , the receptionist told us that she is not in and that I should visit the doctor on saturday since Friday is her day off....So we made an appointment and left....
The next day , i was very worried , i checked and searched the internet for informations about Amblyopia and hopes and percentages of healing and etc...and other eye conditions as well.....
Going to cell group actually comforts me a least i can leave my THIS HUGE worry behind and understand more about God and meet up with my that time , only a few people know about my eye...and i just do not want to tell everyone ( worried that they might be worried as well ) and i decided that after my doctor's visit then i will tell everyone about my testimonial...good or bad..
I prayed a simple prayer that night , asking him to heal my hopeless left eye for the glory of his kingdom..i want this to be a testimonial for my friends to know and strengthen my faith in him..i think he knows i need these kind of things to come back to him since we are aware that i was kinda drifting away from God at that moment....
Someone also prayed for me ( Thank you loads !! ) and i really appreaciate it...i was able to sleep peacefully that night but i was kinda nauseatic the next morning and even woke up with a stomach ache since Friday ( because I was worried about my eye ) ....
Reached the hospital at 11.15am....Honestly , I HATE hospitals !! a lot !! the colour , the environment...ARGHHH !! When i was there , my dad even shocked me even more...saying that my eye might need some kind of surgery.....i really panicked ......but managed to joke back a little by saying that he is eating the sweet so that he will have awesome breath because the doctor is a woman xD ( just to ease my thought a little )
I thought that even though my appointment is at 11am , i will be in her room and out few minutes later...But I was VERY WRONG....
I ended up waiting for 2 LONG and AGONIZING hours there ...( you know , your mind can be more deadly than your body... ) But I spent my time there talking about the MCA elections with my dad and we end up criticising Dr. CSL to the max while hearing my mum's phone blasting with Lady Gaga's Bad Romance =.= ...( i keep asking her to lower the volume more ) ...
My parents also talked about me being a potential lawyer and it's good because they can sue people for free =.= ...( after the maid fomema thingy and my mum thingy ) haha... and i was critisizing about hospitals about the environments and etc...
" If i'm an architect , i'm going to change the landscape , change the environment , change the colour , make it resort like...etc ( like prince hospital..but it would cost a lot lols xD ) .."
and we also talked about doctors....saying that Doctor A looks odd , Doctor B looks young but not sure about her experiences...and Doctor C looks like a Gangster ! ( really man......) and we keep seeing Doctor A walking infront of me loads of times...and my mum even joked to me that he's interested in me =.='' to the max....
besides , the sound of baby crying in Treatment room A frightens me more....especially when he came out of the room with his face flushing red with the cute Winnie The Pooh " costume " ( He is REALLY REALLY SUPER DUPER cute !! "
I told my dad , " oh shoot.....will I be like that later in the room ? "
he said that the treatment room and the another room does not that comforts me quite a lot lols xD Btw , we even met one of the parent of a student and the student herself of my parents music school...a little cute girl...
i think i was kinda embarassed because she kept seeing my nervous face and me walking about the area reading about informations lols xD
At that moment , i saw an old uncle went into a laser room with the Opthamologist....i was kinda freaking out because the equipments in there was kinda freaky ( x-ray or something ) i was seriously worried and begun to imagine what if they found some growth in my eye that block my veins thus cause my blurred visions...but that moment , i was just making hasty and rough conclusions about my condition of my eye...
When the assistant called Chew Meng Kang ( another patient ) i thought it was Chermaine Kang...thus , i went to the table really fast and that was really really embarrasing ><
but true enough , after Chew Meng Kang , it's my turn to enter....Inside the room , the doctor ( DR. KHAW HOON HOON ) asked me and my dad who wants to go first , so i shoved my dad and asked him to go first lols xD She did several test on him but the most freaky part was when she put some clear liquid first into his eye and a yellow thing into his eye...and i heard he said " wow..burning sensation " ...that really " shred " me into pieces knowing that i would endure the same thing...later , she shone a super duper bright light into my dad's eye...
But Dr. Khaw was really a funny lady....her sarcastic humours are really growing on me xD
My mother and me was shocked to found out that my dad's eye is worst than mine...he admitted that he can see my mum's face but blur...yet he refuses to wear specs before this ( same like me...the KANGS are equally stubborn type xD ) AND I was shocked as well because he kept teasing me and testing me on the number plates on other cars...but himself is worst than mine...
Dr. Khaw even teases him " that means you only can see lorries on the road la... "
LOL !! funny dad actually admitted that....and me and my mum was like " woah.... we don't dare to sit your car anymore !! "
After my dad , it was finally my turn , she first checked my eye power... and i was shocked that my left eye is 300 but my right eye is ok la.....because i thought that usually hospitals they have more precise equipments and maybe my power would be higher...( usually , the machine that they optometrists use to test your eye powers are 80% accurate....even the thermometer in your house that you use to measure your body temperature are not 100% accurate )
Later , she performed several test on me and told me that I do not have GOD !! my parents actually was very relieved indeed....especially me la lols xD....She then asked me to place my chin on a machine and use a super bright fluroscent light to shine into my eye ( to see the inside of my eye ) and she proceeded to tell my parents that i have very healthy and " beautiful " eyes ( the interior la ) lols xD
and said that i'm the super perfect candidate to perform a laser surgery ....
She told me that I can go for the procedure now...but she advised me to wait till i'm 21 because that time , my eye would be fully firm and developed ....
She told my dad that he's also fit for the procedure and saying that he's a " young " man with beautiful BIG eyes ( thus , easy to laser lols xD ) I THINK la... haha
* Young because he's 52...but most of her patients are 60 and above ( those who went for laser la lols xD )
Actually she have another option for him...which is a lens implant..but my dad don't dare to do it...laser it's still the best even though you may feel burning etc...(my previous piano teacher did eye laser and she does not need any specs anymore =) )
Later , she wrote something on a paper then passed it to me , asking me to hand it to any optometrist ...which is about the correct eye power this time xD
and my mum complained to her about me and my dad not wearing specs...especially me....
and she told her " it's ok.....of course she don't want to wear her specs....her right eye power is good...and wearing specs makes her uncomfortable.....( because previously last year they said my right eye is 250 =.= )
250 become 30 = crazy...
the opthamologist said that optometrist sometimes gives wrong informations about the really thank God that i really rarely wear my specs...
and she actually told my parents that i don't have to wear my specs all the time...except for lectures or when i need to revise / study.... the rest , i can go on without my specs...
and she also told me that i can wear contacts as well =D
but she advised me to preserve the condition of my eye ( that means contacts are not highly recommended because of me being not very careful and detailed xD = NOT careful to wash my contacts throughly xD ) thus , can leads to infection like my friend ....( he have to be admitted in the hospital for 3 days =.= )
and my dad is going get his eyes lasered this friday =D
yay !! i'm soo gonna go ! soo gonna ask her about various things that i'm curious to know especially about astigmatism , myopia , amblyopia , diplopia ( something like that ) and etc...xD
besides , i even asked her to write down about the condition of my eye ,
some information about ANISOMETROPIA : ( what i knowla xD )
Definition / meaning : Condition where two eyes have unequal refractive power...can be myopia with amblyopia, or hyperopia with myopia ( wahh...hyperopia and myopia = far and near =.= sad man xD )
- PATIENT will have LARGE difference in clarity between both eyes..
- The brain will often thinks that the vision in the blurrer eye as Amblyopia ( lazy ) eye because of the difference..( now i know why so many optometrist misdiagnosed me ! )
- I'm the unlucky 6% of the population in the world that have this condition ( but lucky not to have amblyopia )
Can't wait to see dad doing this :
Things i know about Laser Eye Surgery ( usually known as Lasik )
- the procedure last for only a few minutes
- can only be done twice in a lifetime ( that's really the MAXIMUM limit )
- preferably after the age of 21 =)
After the consultation from the doctor ( RM 80 each btw ....ok la... ) i can breath and smile widely =) and i told someone to stop worrying ..and we are all amazed by what God has done to my eyes =)
I'm eyes are healthy , because God has taken care of them =) I know he always do =)