THINGS in the world that I'M CURIOUS ABOUT =) / Answers that you want for some questions xD :
Introduction : hmmm... Mayonnaise is always dubbed as the " wonder " among other ingredients
because almost anything taste good when you add mayonnaise ( even burnt
nuggets - tried that xD )
Thus , the question arises , what in the world is Mayonnaise made of.... since the back labels
doesn't give much informations and a lot of people can't answer this question of mine , i've decided to surf the net and find for answers .....
What i found out : -> The few main components that combines to become one of the 7 wonders
of the food world is Lemon Juice , Vinegar and Egg Yolks ( now i know
and that's why i can taste eggs sometimes in Mayonnaise xD )
-> Mayonnaise is an emulsion !!! ( cool !)
* emulsion = mixture of two liquids that normally can't be combined..
for example : water and oil =)
Thus , in Mayonnaise , the EGG YOLK is the Emulsifier..=D
Number 2 : Why Cancer Patients can't really eat Food which contains herbs that is good for their bodies ?

Introduction : I know this is kinda odd that i insert it here , but yeah , it's kinda bizarre
actually when i heard my friend's bf telling us that cancer patients can't eat
food which contains let's get to the answer below..
Answer : It's relatively simple....usually normal human beings like us , we need herbs , etc
to built up our immune system and strengthen our cells.....but you see , the problems
with cancer patients are that CANCER the word itself means cells going haywire ...
thus , if you consume herbs and strenghten those CANCER cells , they will do more
harm than good =) Besides that , they have to consume cooked foods as raw
veggies are not really good for their immune system ( as they are tad a little weaker
than us ) .
Number 3 : Why does certain disease sometimes lies in a body dominantly until a doctor founds out and suddenly , the disease is cured by it's own immune system....and NOT the doctor ?
Introduction : This unique case arises when my previous maid ( who is now already in
Cambodia ) was diagnose with dominant Tuberculosis last February
* Dominant Tuberculosis = won't spread ...but will " erupt " when she gets old /
immune system gets weaker
Answer : It's kinda simple actually . Since this is the second case. The first case happened to my
Cousin..Many years ago , everyone is required to take a jab to prevent ourselves
from several diseases , in my cousin's case , that's Hepatitis A .... Amazingly , the doctor
excused her from the jab because she already have the immunity to fight the disease...
So how does this happened ?
My cousin might have contracted Hepatitis when she was very young , but her
antibodies are strong enough to destroy the disease and keep her clean =)
In her case , she won't contract Hepatitis again because her immune system are
already familiar with the " intruders " and it won't come back...( since she did not
have the scar ) .
BUT for my previous maid's case , She contracted Tuberculosis when she was a kid..
yet her immune system is good enough to heal her from that...Sadly , she still have the
scar in her lungs from her " previous " battle with the disease ( she didn't know that
she contracted Tuberculosis when she was young btw ) ....Thus , the scar will be back
to become tuberculosis in the FAR future somehow , the doctor is useless here..
Number 4 : Why does Emperors in China in the past does not contract HIV /AIDS / STDs ?

Introduction : This is the question that i'm very CURIOUS about...I was just randomly
wondering why does human nowadays are just so easy to contract HIV / AIDS
and other STDs yet the emperors don't ( except impotence... )
My POSSIBLE answer : Too bad i can't find any answers for these answers are merely
my speculations =)
Since i did my BM oral test last year about AIDS , i found out that AIDS only exist circa 1981 in the States i think those emperors are just
very lucky to escape from Aids...
But what about STDs ? Sadly , The China way back then doesn't
really have an impact about STDs in the past dynasties because
STDs are considered a Taboo in those days ...( in present's
still a taboo also haha ) But i think some emperors actually contracted
STDs as they are historical reports than stated some emperors went
impotent after some period of time....So yeah ....STD most probably
YES but AIDS most probably NO..
Number 5 : If a smoker goes into a coma , will their urge and addiction to smoking goes away?

Introduction : You might think that , " Oh yeah , why not knock my boyfriend unconscious
enough to get him into a coma so that his addiction to smoking will go away
since coma makes you forget things ( most of the time but not every time ) "
Answers : Ladies , you are 50/50 correct in this.....If you knock your boyfriend unconscious
in a mild manner ( maybe he will be in coma for only around 5 days ) , sorry ,
his cravings will be back.. According to some information that i got , It takes
around 8 days for nicotine to completely leave the bloodstream...thus , the physical
cravings will also disappear around that time as well . But if your boyfriend is in a
coma longer than that 8 days , they would not have cravings when they wake up ,
but they will still have and feel the effects of habitual , QUIT SMOKING!
Number 6 : How does the Ancient Egyptians put the top onto the pyramid ?
Introduction : Kim Kim and Zanne asked me this question last year that left me baffled and
wanting to know the yeah....i kinda found it but still...not very sure
about it..
Answer : I think the above picture clearly shows you a very BIG AND CLEAR hint about how
they put the top right ? ( they have those shafts and levels that they used to carry
those blocks up ) ...but i can tell you how they built the lower part generally ...
1st : The workers will level out the sand on the site of the future pyramid to even out
the area of work to make a very stable base .
2nd : The workers then make stone blocks near the Nile River by gathering clays
from the river and shape it with a trowel so that the sides of the block have even
and flat surfaces .
3rd : Then , they will bake the finished blocks in the sun for a duration of time until
the clay block hardens evenly and throughly.
4th : Later , the blocks are put together to form a square base . Blocks are placed
side by side to form a HUGE square . Then , they will insert mud between the
blocks to form seal them and let it dry . After that , they will drill holes into the
blocks and insert pegs to hold the blocks together.
5th : The workers will then built a triangular structure with four sides leading on top
to it and push it up to the tip of the pyramid as shown in the figure above =D

because almost anything taste good when you add mayonnaise ( even burnt
nuggets - tried that xD )
Thus , the question arises , what in the world is Mayonnaise made of.... since the back labels
doesn't give much informations and a lot of people can't answer this question of mine , i've decided to surf the net and find for answers .....
What i found out : -> The few main components that combines to become one of the 7 wonders
of the food world is Lemon Juice , Vinegar and Egg Yolks ( now i know
and that's why i can taste eggs sometimes in Mayonnaise xD )
-> Mayonnaise is an emulsion !!! ( cool !)
* emulsion = mixture of two liquids that normally can't be combined..
for example : water and oil =)
Thus , in Mayonnaise , the EGG YOLK is the Emulsifier..=D
Number 2 : Why Cancer Patients can't really eat Food which contains herbs that is good for their bodies ?

Introduction : I know this is kinda odd that i insert it here , but yeah , it's kinda bizarre
actually when i heard my friend's bf telling us that cancer patients can't eat
food which contains let's get to the answer below..
Answer : It's relatively simple....usually normal human beings like us , we need herbs , etc
to built up our immune system and strengthen our cells.....but you see , the problems
with cancer patients are that CANCER the word itself means cells going haywire ...
thus , if you consume herbs and strenghten those CANCER cells , they will do more
harm than good =) Besides that , they have to consume cooked foods as raw
veggies are not really good for their immune system ( as they are tad a little weaker
than us ) .
Number 3 : Why does certain disease sometimes lies in a body dominantly until a doctor founds out and suddenly , the disease is cured by it's own immune system....and NOT the doctor ?

Cambodia ) was diagnose with dominant Tuberculosis last February
* Dominant Tuberculosis = won't spread ...but will " erupt " when she gets old /
immune system gets weaker
Answer : It's kinda simple actually . Since this is the second case. The first case happened to my
Cousin..Many years ago , everyone is required to take a jab to prevent ourselves
from several diseases , in my cousin's case , that's Hepatitis A .... Amazingly , the doctor
excused her from the jab because she already have the immunity to fight the disease...
So how does this happened ?
My cousin might have contracted Hepatitis when she was very young , but her
antibodies are strong enough to destroy the disease and keep her clean =)
In her case , she won't contract Hepatitis again because her immune system are
already familiar with the " intruders " and it won't come back...( since she did not
have the scar ) .
BUT for my previous maid's case , She contracted Tuberculosis when she was a kid..
yet her immune system is good enough to heal her from that...Sadly , she still have the
scar in her lungs from her " previous " battle with the disease ( she didn't know that
she contracted Tuberculosis when she was young btw ) ....Thus , the scar will be back
to become tuberculosis in the FAR future somehow , the doctor is useless here..
Number 4 : Why does Emperors in China in the past does not contract HIV /AIDS / STDs ?

Introduction : This is the question that i'm very CURIOUS about...I was just randomly
wondering why does human nowadays are just so easy to contract HIV / AIDS
and other STDs yet the emperors don't ( except impotence... )
My POSSIBLE answer : Too bad i can't find any answers for these answers are merely
my speculations =)
Since i did my BM oral test last year about AIDS , i found out that AIDS only exist circa 1981 in the States i think those emperors are just
very lucky to escape from Aids...
But what about STDs ? Sadly , The China way back then doesn't
really have an impact about STDs in the past dynasties because
STDs are considered a Taboo in those days ...( in present's
still a taboo also haha ) But i think some emperors actually contracted
STDs as they are historical reports than stated some emperors went
impotent after some period of time....So yeah ....STD most probably
YES but AIDS most probably NO..
Number 5 : If a smoker goes into a coma , will their urge and addiction to smoking goes away?

Introduction : You might think that , " Oh yeah , why not knock my boyfriend unconscious
enough to get him into a coma so that his addiction to smoking will go away
since coma makes you forget things ( most of the time but not every time ) "
Answers : Ladies , you are 50/50 correct in this.....If you knock your boyfriend unconscious
in a mild manner ( maybe he will be in coma for only around 5 days ) , sorry ,
his cravings will be back.. According to some information that i got , It takes
around 8 days for nicotine to completely leave the bloodstream...thus , the physical
cravings will also disappear around that time as well . But if your boyfriend is in a
coma longer than that 8 days , they would not have cravings when they wake up ,
but they will still have and feel the effects of habitual , QUIT SMOKING!
Number 6 : How does the Ancient Egyptians put the top onto the pyramid ?

wanting to know the yeah....i kinda found it but still...not very sure
about it..
Answer : I think the above picture clearly shows you a very BIG AND CLEAR hint about how
they put the top right ? ( they have those shafts and levels that they used to carry
those blocks up ) ...but i can tell you how they built the lower part generally ...
1st : The workers will level out the sand on the site of the future pyramid to even out
the area of work to make a very stable base .
2nd : The workers then make stone blocks near the Nile River by gathering clays
from the river and shape it with a trowel so that the sides of the block have even
and flat surfaces .
3rd : Then , they will bake the finished blocks in the sun for a duration of time until
the clay block hardens evenly and throughly.
4th : Later , the blocks are put together to form a square base . Blocks are placed
side by side to form a HUGE square . Then , they will insert mud between the
blocks to form seal them and let it dry . After that , they will drill holes into the
blocks and insert pegs to hold the blocks together.
5th : The workers will then built a triangular structure with four sides leading on top
to it and push it up to the tip of the pyramid as shown in the figure above =D