The Gloomy and dark side of the entertainment world and the world in general ....Part 1
Honestly , i think a lot of people are aware about occultic / satanic meanings in a lot of songs .Each people came across those things by accident and from various sources . For me ? Lame as it sounds , the usual ultra curious Chermaine first came across these type of things when I was playing Pokemon two years ago and i went on to youtube to see how they complete a level ( or something like that ) and I came across a video which said " Pokemon Backward Message "
This is the fast version , the one i watched few years back is a slower version of it..quite creepy actually ( Zanne , faster agree with me xD lol xD )
So yeah , i thought only some songs and some black metal / heavy metal musicians incoperate these type of freaky things into their music.....
But it turns out that i'm very appears in pop music as well ( next post )
They called it subliminal messages btw , not only satanic etc...but it reveals something more sinister into it .... these are the first few things i know about the evil in the world nowadays is much wide spread and open than i thought ...
Subliminal Logos ( these are more obvious...the 666 sign ) next time i will show everyone a not so obvious one...( if you don't know about it that is )
Example of a short subliminal message in Britney's One More Time :
Told ya it doesn't have to be satanic... i thought that " that only.....not very creepy honestly.... "
until i just doesn't know why i stumble across an article on Lady Gaga when i was searching for something in google about Lady Gaga....
that article blew my mind.....
and i was kinda freaked out after reading that.....
Honestly , Thank God Lady Gaga emerged from the entertainment scene because if not because of her , we would never know that the entertainment industry that produces pop music also incoperate these type of elements into their song...
Lady Gaga .... ( everyone knows that ) is a very bold singer....yeah....her fashion and etc stunned most of the people out there right ? But besides that , she's also making a very obvious statement that she's a follower of Satan and what are the price she have to pay to achieve life-long success in the music industry......
and Thank you Lady Gaga , because of you , i know more about these kind of stuff to share with more people to be aware of what they are listening nowadays....
through her , i knew about Baphomet , the " all seeing eye " , the pyramid and a deeper insight on Freemasonry.. Previously i knew about freemasonry as a cult....but what i didn't know was that Freemasonry is more sinister as it seems...really...Even Mozart is a Freemason btw.....( will blog more about freemasonry in the next post )
Now , let me roughly tell you about the key " characters " and staple things you need to know about what i'm going to share for the upcoming post .. : ( in point form ) kinda lazy now xD
1 ) Baphomet

- A PAGAN deity revived in the 19th century as a figure of SATANISM and OCCULTS in general .
- Worshipped in the church of Satan...... ( using the sigil of Baphomet )

sigil of Baphomet
- Freemasons considers Baphomet a goddess of fertility
- not to be confused with LaVeyian Satanism
- Not to be confused with Lucifer ( but they are both EVIL )
2 ) Lucifer
- Most Christians obviously know who is he ....if you don't , Lucifer = fallen angel
- Many people think that Lucifer is ugly , but the bible said that Lucifer is actually charming..
- God made him Angel of Music when he was in heaven and he was a Leader of all angels
until he rebelled against God
- Some people said that Lucifer and Satan are different beings ( but still evil )
- Since he was the Angel of Music in heaven , until now , he still use music to charm people into
his desires...
3 ) Freemasonry
- An Occultic Organisation that consist of around 5 million members around the world
- Often said as a " secret society " but they themselves claimed that it is an esoteric society
- Often said as an elite society that accepts think tankers but suspected to have more evil
in the society
- The three degrees of Craft or Blue Lodge Freemasonry are those of:
- Some Famous Freemasons : Mozart , Mark Twain , Christopher Columbus , Galileo Galilei
, Queen Elizabeth 1 , Isaac Newton , Adolf Hitler , Elvis Presley
, Mariah Carey , Beyonce ,
- They always flashes the " M " sign...
4 ) The " All Seeing Eye "
- A universal symbol representing spiritual sight , inner vision , higher knowledge and insight
into occult mysteries .
- Masonic Symbol for the " All Seeing eye of God " - Mystical DISTORTION of the Omniscient
( all-knowing ) Biblical God
5 ) Eye of Horus

- A favourite crafts project in witch crafts , represents the eye of the Egyptian sun-god Horus who lost an eye battling Set . Pagans use it as a charm .
6 ) Sign of the horns
- Anton Lavey , founder adn High Priest of the Church of Satan , occasionally made this sign
- Refers to Satanism...
7 ) I11uminati

- Considered themselves as advanced thinkers
- have infiltrated every powerful political organization, and is largely composed of the world’s scientific community
- Some believe that the Illuminati's focus on science will ultimately destroy the world
-to be continued-
Honestly , i think a lot of people are aware about occultic / satanic meanings in a lot of songs .Each people came across those things by accident and from various sources . For me ? Lame as it sounds , the usual ultra curious Chermaine first came across these type of things when I was playing Pokemon two years ago and i went on to youtube to see how they complete a level ( or something like that ) and I came across a video which said " Pokemon Backward Message "
This is the fast version , the one i watched few years back is a slower version of it..quite creepy actually ( Zanne , faster agree with me xD lol xD )
So yeah , i thought only some songs and some black metal / heavy metal musicians incoperate these type of freaky things into their music.....
But it turns out that i'm very appears in pop music as well ( next post )
They called it subliminal messages btw , not only satanic etc...but it reveals something more sinister into it .... these are the first few things i know about the evil in the world nowadays is much wide spread and open than i thought ...
Subliminal Logos ( these are more obvious...the 666 sign ) next time i will show everyone a not so obvious one...( if you don't know about it that is )
Example of a short subliminal message in Britney's One More Time :
Told ya it doesn't have to be satanic... i thought that " that only.....not very creepy honestly.... "
until i just doesn't know why i stumble across an article on Lady Gaga when i was searching for something in google about Lady Gaga....
that article blew my mind.....
and i was kinda freaked out after reading that.....
Honestly , Thank God Lady Gaga emerged from the entertainment scene because if not because of her , we would never know that the entertainment industry that produces pop music also incoperate these type of elements into their song...
Lady Gaga .... ( everyone knows that ) is a very bold singer....yeah....her fashion and etc stunned most of the people out there right ? But besides that , she's also making a very obvious statement that she's a follower of Satan and what are the price she have to pay to achieve life-long success in the music industry......
and Thank you Lady Gaga , because of you , i know more about these kind of stuff to share with more people to be aware of what they are listening nowadays....
through her , i knew about Baphomet , the " all seeing eye " , the pyramid and a deeper insight on Freemasonry.. Previously i knew about freemasonry as a cult....but what i didn't know was that Freemasonry is more sinister as it seems...really...Even Mozart is a Freemason btw.....( will blog more about freemasonry in the next post )
Now , let me roughly tell you about the key " characters " and staple things you need to know about what i'm going to share for the upcoming post .. : ( in point form ) kinda lazy now xD
1 ) Baphomet

- A PAGAN deity revived in the 19th century as a figure of SATANISM and OCCULTS in general .
- Worshipped in the church of Satan...... ( using the sigil of Baphomet )
sigil of Baphomet
- Freemasons considers Baphomet a goddess of fertility
- not to be confused with LaVeyian Satanism
- Not to be confused with Lucifer ( but they are both EVIL )
2 ) Lucifer

- Many people think that Lucifer is ugly , but the bible said that Lucifer is actually charming..
- God made him Angel of Music when he was in heaven and he was a Leader of all angels
until he rebelled against God
- Some people said that Lucifer and Satan are different beings ( but still evil )
- Since he was the Angel of Music in heaven , until now , he still use music to charm people into
his desires...
3 ) Freemasonry

- Often said as a " secret society " but they themselves claimed that it is an esoteric society
- Often said as an elite society that accepts think tankers but suspected to have more evil
in the society
- The three degrees of Craft or Blue Lodge Freemasonry are those of:
- Entered Apprentice – the degree of an Initiate, which makes one a Freemason;
- Fellow Craft – an intermediate degree, involved with learning;
- Master Mason – the "third degree", a necessity for participation in most aspects of Masonry
- Some Famous Freemasons : Mozart , Mark Twain , Christopher Columbus , Galileo Galilei
, Queen Elizabeth 1 , Isaac Newton , Adolf Hitler , Elvis Presley
, Mariah Carey , Beyonce ,
- They always flashes the " M " sign...
4 ) The " All Seeing Eye "

into occult mysteries .
- Masonic Symbol for the " All Seeing eye of God " - Mystical DISTORTION of the Omniscient
( all-knowing ) Biblical God
5 ) Eye of Horus

- A favourite crafts project in witch crafts , represents the eye of the Egyptian sun-god Horus who lost an eye battling Set . Pagans use it as a charm .
6 ) Sign of the horns
- Refers to Satanism...
7 ) I11uminati

- Considered themselves as advanced thinkers
- have infiltrated every powerful political organization, and is largely composed of the world’s scientific community
- Some believe that the Illuminati's focus on science will ultimately destroy the world
-to be continued-