Random , Random topic huh ? xD
Last Night I dreamt that i'm in an imaginary college and I went to the toilet to change clothes
( lols xD i don't know why haha xD )
Then I adjourned to the locker room which I saw another door...
I opened it and saw more lockers ....but this room is somewhat abandoned...
I saw a huge sink in the middle and there were really dirty , grimy algae and fungus in there...
The lockers are somewhat worn out as well .....
In the room I was just thinking....if there's any ghost ...but it's early in the morning and it is a nice weather ( something like it's before of after a rainfall...so you can imagine how is the condition ) ..
I was so eager to continue the dream....but TOO BAD I WOKE UP !!!!!!!!!!...
Since the dream ended abruptly ,
Something random just popped out from my head..
Some humans are so afraid of ghosts . spectre , bad spirits , devils , fallen angel and etc...
( ok , maybe I will just cancel fallen angel out of the list )
Most people are afraid of ghosts when they are alone , in their bedroom , in the DARK , that kind of thing...
I read a lot of Russell Lee's Singapore Ghost Stories and watch The Haunting on Discovery Channel just for the fun of it...
and I noticed that the majority of the hauntings perceived happened when there are ALONE ...
That lights up the bulb in my head....
I read so many stories in the past and i've yet to encounter one story which states that the human encounter the Spectre / Apparition WITH A SMALL or HUGE group of people ( unless they are doing some dark ceremony of sorts ) .
That stimulate my mind to pretend to be a ghost xD ( warning ! quite LAME ! )
Spectre X : Hey Spectre Y !! It's been a long time since we've met ! So how's your life ?
Spectre Y : Yo Spectre X ! I'm feeling awesome ! The humans are just so afraid of me pulling a
few repeated tricks on them , especially now that it is the " Chinese Ghost Festival "
those boring tricks work better !!!
Spectre X : I've been targeting this handsome human and I really had fun scaring the guts
out of him these few weeks... I don't even need to lift my tiny invisible finger to see
his handsome fine face and body being freaked out like crazy ^^
Spectre Y : But Spectre X , you still have to STAY alert and BE caution....Your plan worked the
other day because I was there to help you...You know , things always work better
when we are in groups.
Spectre X : Yeah , you are super right !!! I nearly got into trouble few months back when I
haunt another young lad so much that they even hire some " Ghostbusters " of
sorts to destroy my " soul " completely ....
Spectre Y : Told ya.... I was honestly afraid of humans when i'm completely alone...I usually
have my boyfriend and his sister to be with me and work together to scare them..
Being alone is JUST TOO RISKY !! The Feather , the blessing and the smoke
nearly chocked me to death a second time when I was alone trying to be an
imaginary friend to a 4 year old girl .
Spectre X : Spectre Y , next time please work in groups.... and please be with me...
Humans are too scary when they are in Groups....Even two people is enough to
scare me away ! Eventhough most cannot see me , but some humans have this
weird ability to see US !! they are SCARY !
Spectre Y : Hey , but we do not need to have any special abilities to see them !! .BUT yeah...
things are scary when they deal with us SERIOUSLY ...
Spectre X : It is my rest time now , do you go for a Swim at Spectre Z's house ?
Spectre Y : Sure !!! It's been a long time since we've catch up with each other !!!
Lols...i think i've went too far ! But I think you got the idea xD If you don't , the main Idea is about Humans are afraid of ghosts , but it is usually when they are alone , So i think that Ghosts are also afraid of humans when they are alone and US in a huge group !!!
Being a Christian , most of the believers know that Lucifer is the most attractive angel created by God... ( AND he's good looking and NOT UGLY ! ) but the roots of evil la ( so sad right girls that LUCIFER HAVE TO BE EVIL !! ) i wonder why he wants to disobey GOD last time !!
I watched " The Haunting " on Discovery Channel last saturday and basically it is about this woman who suspects that Her son's imaginary friend is a Ghost . His son mentioned the name " MANN " a lot ...and to cut the story short , his son became super rebellious and scary ( she brought her son to her sister's house to play with her daughter and the daughter freaked out because his voice changed and toys are floating in the air in his presence ) . She then decided to sleep in her son's room for a night alone ....and started to hear weird noises . Then MANN came and tried to strangle her , he grew from a little boy into an ugly weird looking creature ( a demonic creature ) and suddenly just dissapeared , The next day , she prayed and blessed the house in the name of the Lord and he's gone =)
" DEMON = weird looking creatures ...... = HORNED creature with claws ? "
Don't think so ....
If Demons are fallen angels , they are also attractive since angels ARE ATTRACTIVE ( God creates beautiful angels ) ...They are pictured as being UGLY and really horrible looking because the stereotype of BAD is UGLY .....so i think that's the idea....
My friend once wrote somewhere " I wonder how Lucifer looks like... "
I'm wonder how he looks like too....
and I wonder why SUDDENLY BAPHOMET is in the picture
( people in the music industry worships Baphomet.... ) weird
btw , my friend shared a link on my blog , which i found it useful :
click above ! they have more informations !
btw , my friend shared a link on my blog , which i found it useful :
click above ! they have more informations !