was there for the past four days...but hmm..ended up buying nothing but getting things including a yellow Nike bag from my cousin !!!( thanks Monica !! ) and thanks Bronica for giving me the sephora perfume and the O.P.I instant nail pen !!!! =D ( too bad i didn't take photos with both of you plus Jenny and her newborn daughter - wasn't feeling well that day ) =(
ok...but that's not the point for this post ( coz i'm going to blog about the outing thing with my cousins after this post )
but now i'm going to blog about Singapore....
Things that shocked me and made me love SINGAPORE more !! :
1 ) Singapore is just slightly bigger than KL ..but there are so MANY INSTITUTIONS THERE..
For your information , Singapore have 100+ primary schools !! ( and i haven't include
Secondary schools , Junior Colleges , Polytechnics , ITE , University and other institutions yet
2 ) Singapore is so small..but there are so many bus terminals near their MRT and LRT !!!
( very organized indeed )
3 ) Their shopping malls are HUGE !
4 ) Their things are cheap !! ( if you live there , and work there...it's cheap )
5 ) You can easily get Japanese chocolates and sweets there !! ( and cheap too !!! )
6 ) Their bus services are awesome !!! ( my cousins said that if the bus is late for 3o mins ,
they can complain a lot already lols xD )
7 ) Their " ah lians " and bad boys ....are somehow good compared to those bad boys and girls
in Malaysia ...LOLS
* we were at this area and my cousin said that a lot of ah lians and bad boys will loiter around there... but at 10pm they went to sleep already ( lols ) Malaysia ah....don't know until what time lols xD
9 ) The cars treat you like KINGS AND QUEENS on the zebra crossing
10 ) The people there dress super casual !!! ( i wore shorts and a pink shirt plus flip flops , and
my cousin told me that it is more than enough to go to Orchard Road - some " high class
street " )
11 ) Their education system allows their students to strive hard and excel in their studies
(* most people will aim for JC and Poly..... )
12 ) Singapore is SO SMALL... but there are so many greenery !!! ( Malaysia , please do not
give modernization as an excuse to chop down those trees !! )
Things that I DETEST about SINGAPORE :
1 ) People look down on Polytechnics there...( i used to thought that Polys were something
for not-so-good students...but now i know it is actually good as well...because Polys are for
people who already have a clear aim....example : i want to be an engineer ... thus , i go
Poly and take that subject and advance into Uni. )
2 ) Their A levels subjects are a little bias.. In the sense that the A levels Arts subjects are so
boring...because it is about Literature , Art , History and Geography...somehow useless
3 ) Their A levels subjects are like O levels...( time wasted... )
4 ) They are smart at milking money from the people
i ) ERP : it's some kind of toll that charge you when you go out of any city....
ii ) If you are a foreigner ( driving a car ) , you have to purchase a card to use it for parking
charges and tolls , if you have balance when you leave the country , the money cannot
be refunded and if you drive another car , the card is NOT VALID !! and you have to
purchase another card
iii ) the parking paper ( where you punch out the date etc ) ...yeah...it is mandatory to
purchase that ( even if you park at public places ) and if you punched the wrong date
SORRY !! you have to buy a new one !!!
5 ) It is compulsory for people to study their native language .
ex : i'm a Chinese , thus , I MUST take mandarin !! ( even for A LEVELS =((((( )
6 ) The stress to study hard and excel is really great !! it determines you to go either JC , POLY
or ITE !! ( not like malaysia , you fail also can get into university )
7 ) It is relatively hard to get into Uni if you are in POLY and NO CHANCE AT ALL if you are in
ITE ( and if those smart people gets into POLY ...they might just grab the chance ....coz only
few places in any UNIversities are offered for POLYs...like only 5 ? )
8 ) Because of the scarcity of land , the houses there are really expensive , a government flat
there cost around $ 200,000-400,000 !!! ( sing. dollars eh )...and mind your , their governt.
flat are also available in two-stories also.....and it's akin to Malaysia's apartments !!