How I celebrated my birthday in 2011 lol...
Somehow , I don't know why....
My birthday celebration this year was really......Unexpected...
Many Surprises and etc.....Didn't expect most of the things that happened to happen ( lols )
Honestly , I wasn't in a very good and happy mood on my birthday week ( as in before my birthday ) coz of reasons I don't even know ( so don't ask me why i'm unhappy...coz i'm also not sure )
I didn't expect much on my birthday ( I DON'T even expect lol !! )
I reach college a bit late that day ( because I overslept ) lol and the first person to wished me was Thivya lols !! ( met her @ the parking area ) ....
Went into the Business lecture hall and was shocked that Kalin wasn't there...apparently she overslept too xD , sat with Chung Wei and was shocked that he remembered my birthday and gave me my very first present on my birthday :)

He gave me this bookmark ( which is from the bible- Corinthians ) , a ring/ jewelery case and the pink bubblegums....( well...the bubblegums reminded me of my childhood..A LOT ! )
After Business lecture , I saw kalin with this HUGE bunch of blue balloons....She approached me and handed to me the balloons....I was dumbfounded
" Chermaine , you have to take this balloon with you everywhere you go today....." she said...
* Oh...I'm so dead...><
SO yeah , I ended up taking the balloon with me and many people looked at me and wished me lols xD
During Econs , my lecturer asked me what is the balloon for , and Kalin answered her " It's her birthday " and my lecturer wished me lols xD
I had my Cultural Revolution presentation on that day , so during break time , Kalin and me headed to CITC for a last run through on the slides... Kalin was really enthusiastic that she even helped me to enhance the pictures and etc on my slides lols xD ( it was perfect )
But...because of that , we entered GP class 5 minutes late..I went into the class , about to apologize to Ms. Sarah and suddenly.....
The whole class sang " Happy Birthday " to me , handed me a personal chocolate cake and this huge teddy bear And another bunch of RED balloons ( but thank God Edward took that home yay ! )
( later I found out that the WHOLE CLASS ACTUALLY CHIPPED IN TO BUY THAT BEAR !! )
Honestly , I was super touched that I was about to cry...but the tears just can't come out lols xD
Presentation that day was a breeze...everyone was so silent and they were so into the slides lols xD
My class' action actually changed many perspective about my class...I thought that my class was very " clique-ish " ( I have to admit I have a clique too...but it varies ) and they don't really care about my birthday...but
Woah......when I look at the teddy bear every single day , i'm still shocked...Thank you so much guys !!!
After that , went to Wangsa Walk with Kalin and Shi Peng for lunch @ Subway...
It was AWESOME !!
But the way I eat the " bread" was really hillarious ( the veggie , etc...kept wanting to fall out ) that Kalin and Shi Peng kept passing me tissues and the kids on the opposite table kept looking at me xD
Later , when I was driving back home , Zanne called me , asking me whether i'm free to go early to Samosa ( actually....Jess told me that we have to meet there @ 7pm to discuss about Xan and Cass' stuff )
Reached Samosa quite late because of the jam.....but we managed to finish dinner ( but I ate quite slow since I was kinda full from lunch , SORRY GUYS !! )
It was raining heavily that night , and we have Passion Alive at was quite a trouble lols....
Later , I just followed them to the church foyer area....and to my surprise , I saw this BIG box in front of my eyes...
They asked me to open the box....
I stood there for awhile....hesitated a little ( quite scary to be honest xD )
since time's catching up , I quickly open the box a little....

That's me trying to peep through the box..
( was super stunned )
Then , when I have mustered enough courage to open the box , suddenly a Girl pop up and said " HAPPY BIRTHDAY " !!

I was shocked to see that the girl is YENG !!!!!!!
I was really touched and I actually covered my mouth in shocked and kept saying " omgosh omgosh !" ....
* Later I found out that I kinda spoil their plan coz YENG was suppose to come up and smash the cake on me..but I was shocked that I turned to the side xD
but somehow , the cake managed to find it's way to my face though xD so yeah , Mini cake fight with everyone xD but it's so hard to run on the slippery floor !!!

During the process xD
When I saw Yeng , I was really shocked ! I missed her really badly and the last time we met was during Zanne's 18th birthday so ...yeah... even her b'day present is still with me !!!! THAT'S how long SINCE WE LAST met :(
SO the surprise was really a great present for me....Never felt like that before.!!!! Thank you so much guys !!!
Oh ya , Amanda baked a cake for me !!! It WAS SUPER TASTY !!!!! I kept eating it at home lols xD too bad it's gone now :( Thanks Amanda for the super tasty unique cake ! =D

After that , we braced the rain and ran into the car , Amanda drove my car lols xD ( and she was really good @ it ) xD
Reached Passion Alive and everyone was looking at me...James signal me to go wash my face lol..
When I went into the toilet...Woah...My face was really a MESS ( all the cake and etc xD )
Was shocked again to see Yeng actually coming to Passion Alive ! I was delighted and super excited !! =D really really really really didn't expect her to go lol !
That day was also Cass' last cg before she leave for Australia...SO yeah...another " going to tear " session for me again...( practically I nearly teared for THREE times that day lols xD )
Later , they have this mini b'day celebration for all the January Babes and Dudes xD

Xan , Kenneth , Me , Ivan and Daniel M
Later , Passion Alive/Ex-form 5 2009 people handed me a card
The front part ( LOL to the message xD )
Thank you guys !!!
Oh yeah...later , Zanne , Jess and Cass handed me a black converse plastic bag...
and to my amazement...
They gave me a Very MY-STYLE converse t-shirt ( I nearly scream!!) xD
Thanks Zanne , Cass , Jess and Ca for the awesome t-shirt!!! =D
This is PART of the balloon Kalin gave to me on my b'day xD ( Kalin , it's still in my room !! xD )
The next day was Cass' farewell surprise task challenge and wedding day lol xD
before that , my family ( minus my mum coz she was in Korea ) have a really quite 10 minutes b'day celebration xD )
On Monday during law tutorial ,
Kalin gave me my belated present ( as what she said lol ! )
She gave me a plain t-shirt ( which fits my body perfectly !!! ) , an erasable orange highlighter ( how thoughtful ! she knows i love to highlight and she actually bought me one erasable one so that I don't need to fear about highlighting the wrong words ) and a pair of Letter 'C' earrings =D
It was really a thoughtful gift !! Thanks Kalin !!!!

On Thursday , took me on a ride to a cake shop
and we ate and talked lols
It was awesome !!!!
Got my Christmas and B'day present at the same time lols
( a grow-able Crystal ) and the b'day present was a shocker !!!
At first ,
The picture comes was a painting of a butterfly !!
When I first looked at it...I was speechless....I was really touched and I don't know what to say...
Asked me to look whether is there something peculiar with the painting....and my eyes cannot detect ( what a failure huh )
When pointed out what is the " peculiar thing " ,
I was dumbfounded !!!! ( more touched ) xD
and out of nowhere ,
handed me a box and when I opened it ,
I saw a butterfly ring ,
Exactly like the one on the painting.....
OMGOSH.....that time I was really more than ever speechless and I think I just stoned there !!!
It was amazing....
and the whole experience that day was intriguing and really unique !!!
A lot of first times !! xD

Thanks for the person who did and planned so much on that day for me !!!
It was really unexpected and i'm more than satisfied about the whole plan !! =D
thank you so much for everything again xD
Mum came back from South Korea....and
since it's really cold ( -27 degree celcius ) ,
she said it's hard to shop lol !
branded bag xD ) so oh choice have to use it xD
AND skincare ( so unexpected...and i'm lazy to use THAT much xD)
SHE bought for me things that I really don't expect xD
All in all , A lot of my b'day wishes came true and there are really many first time during the course of my b'day celebration !!!
Everything was AWESOME !!!
Thank you to everyone who's directly / indirectly involved in the celebration =D