YES ! Moral exam over =D AND i'm quite satisfied with it...xD hopefully I can get an A XD i think I've secured the 60m for section A...not sure about section B ( essay part though )... got a 52 / 60 for my course work... hmm...I think I don't care about the A...just pass and don't resit the paper can d xD .. english xD SRY ! really lazy now xD slept for only few hours yesterday xD
Showing posts from April, 2011
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I spent 1 day reading on how to write a good GP essay... ( borrowed that book from the library xD ) AND it really enrich me a lot !!... Finally I admit to those mistakes that I love to make In fact , my GP teacher is right.... and I managed to keep my essay much shorter ( 1 page - front and back ) instead of my usual ( 2 pages - front and back ) :) btw , found out that Singapore's GP paper have a comprehension section.. so lucky.
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This is actually the best side view picture of me as of date lols xD Was kinda shocked to see that my nose is " sharper " than last year xD ( I know la to many people it's still very flat lols xD ) AND was shocked that my tiny eyes look HUGE here... 0.0 2nd shocker... few weeks back , mum actually sent a picture of me to Sin Chew newspaper for the " shao nu " something thing...She actually pick a picture randomly from my facebook profile =.= man...I was shocked to see that I actually qualify into the top 37....( 1st round ).. oh my goodness...I actually wonder why my mum choose that picture of me.. I look so UGLEH !!!!
Egg baby project !!!
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Egg Baby !!! Well , of course not the baby above haha xD... I would love to sculpt that baby out of marzipan if i'm skilled.... Then I can have the baby which is not as fragile as an egg xD..... It would be fun if this project is done in January or at most in March... But our GP lecturer wants us to do it next week till the week after ( 2 weeks...) and in between there's our Moral exam and preparations for AS.... which makes the project sounds like it's another burden... sounds like a fun one though xD On Monday , our lecturer marry us to the guys..... and haha xD I wasn't even present during my " marriage ceremony " lols xD..... Practically , the project sounds really fun.... I'm excited to be honest xD But the journaling and the " letter to your son/daughter when he/she turns 12 " is the most troublesome part.... and being typical know what ...
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When I study ....I am really bad in doing notes.... and last tuesday was super foolish... I can't believe I nearly broke down when I know that I got a B for law.... and that's the saddest result moment THAT I've experienced in college.... Maybe because I was hoping for an A... but when my lecturer said that one person got an A and a person got a B , I already know that it's me...coz she gave us a clue saying that one person wrote a lot of things on equity and stuff but too bad the bulk of the answer should be on Equitable remedies and not the maxims......'s so obvious... When she called me and I saw my paper...I was really forcing myself to not break down....if not I will look darn stupid....and people would think I'm crazy for crying....after I went to my classmates actually said..." Are you ok ? you look not ok " I know i'm obvious...I still am bad in hiding my feelings.... I'm happy for my friend that she go...
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Someone actually told me about 90s groups and songs recently xD And I noticed that I cannot remember group names....I only remember their tunes xD Like I don't recognize Blue...but I recognize " One Love " after hearing the song =.='' xD and I know Sting , I heard the name " Desert Rose " before..but now after I heard the song , I was like... " ohhhh that song !! I've like...been wanting to know what song is that for a very long time xD " First : Desert Rose Lols..I can't believe that I told that person that Desert Rose sounds so exotic ( and inside my mind I actually picture this exotic and sexy woman in the desert...lols ! ) ....AND I do picture her very mysterious too xD ... I love the meaning of the song. Some said that he found the girl with a lot of problems and he tries to help her but he can't... But I felt that since " Desert Rose " is so exotic , unlikely and rare ...I think he just found this un...