Someone actually told me about 90s groups and songs recently xD
And I noticed that I cannot remember group names....I only remember their tunes xD
Like I don't recognize Blue...but I recognize " One Love " after hearing the song =.='' xD
and I know Sting , I heard the name " Desert Rose " before..but now after I heard the song ,
I was like... " ohhhh that song !! I've like...been wanting to know what song is that for a very long time xD "
First : Desert Rose
Lols..I can't believe that I told that person that Desert Rose sounds so exotic ( and inside my mind I actually picture this exotic and sexy woman in the desert...lols ! ) ....AND I do picture her very mysterious too xD ...
I love the meaning of the song. Some said that he found the girl with a lot of problems and he tries to help her but he can't...
But I felt that since " Desert Rose " is so exotic , unlikely and rare ...I think he just found this unique girl with this mysterious and perhaps a little problematic ( in a cool way ) aura in an unlikely exotic place and he dreams of her and want her ( err...she may be his fantasy kind of imaginary girl ..or just a real girl he met somewhere random and fell super deep for her..he wants to be with her and help her with her problems that kind of thing xD)
I'M NOT SURE XD i'm not a poetry writer nor I'm good in interpretations.. xD i'm just giving my view xD
BUT THE song is really nice and really exotic...kinda sexy if you omit the lyrics and very meaningful if you omit the tune xD
OH YA...i think the exotic-ness and "sexiness" of this song might be maximized if the song is sung in Arabic...( I find the beginning part so alluring xD ) ...or maybe a little arabic and english is fine like the present song xD or maybe too much Arabic can have an adverse effect on this song xD
mAN.. i don't even know what i'm talking about... xD
Second : Blue's One love !
Needless to say...This song totally reminded me of primary school where we like to sing a long to this song ....and I think a lot of performance in school did use this song as their background music xD

And I noticed that I cannot remember group names....I only remember their tunes xD
Like I don't recognize Blue...but I recognize " One Love " after hearing the song =.='' xD
and I know Sting , I heard the name " Desert Rose " before..but now after I heard the song ,
I was like... " ohhhh that song !! I've like...been wanting to know what song is that for a very long time xD "
First : Desert Rose
Lols..I can't believe that I told that person that Desert Rose sounds so exotic ( and inside my mind I actually picture this exotic and sexy woman in the desert...lols ! ) ....AND I do picture her very mysterious too xD ...
I love the meaning of the song. Some said that he found the girl with a lot of problems and he tries to help her but he can't...
But I felt that since " Desert Rose " is so exotic , unlikely and rare ...I think he just found this unique girl with this mysterious and perhaps a little problematic ( in a cool way ) aura in an unlikely exotic place and he dreams of her and want her ( err...she may be his fantasy kind of imaginary girl ..or just a real girl he met somewhere random and fell super deep for her..he wants to be with her and help her with her problems that kind of thing xD)
I'M NOT SURE XD i'm not a poetry writer nor I'm good in interpretations.. xD i'm just giving my view xD
BUT THE song is really nice and really exotic...kinda sexy if you omit the lyrics and very meaningful if you omit the tune xD
OH YA...i think the exotic-ness and "sexiness" of this song might be maximized if the song is sung in Arabic...( I find the beginning part so alluring xD ) ...or maybe a little arabic and english is fine like the present song xD or maybe too much Arabic can have an adverse effect on this song xD
mAN.. i don't even know what i'm talking about... xD
Second : Blue's One love !
