Guys are realistic...
Ok...let me rephrase that :
Beauty is conditioned in everybody's mind...
Hollywood , the entertainment industry and even people themselves discriminate people who are attractive compared to those who are not...
According to statistics , Attractive students get higher marks in universities and institutions , and they also get lighter sentence in court...
( I think i'll talk about discrimination next time...not now... ) XD I THINK...
Back to the topic....
Many might raise an eyebrow on why I say that...
And one incident actually made me realise something .
A suddenly asked B about my things and etc . B told me that A sounds very interested to know many things about me . A actually told B that NOW I resemble A's previous love interest which he adores and loves a lot and she's very pretty!! Then ,A proceeded to ask B whether if many guys are after me now , and why i'm more silent compared to before . Practically , A's more interested to know many things about me and more observant too ( which I did not notice...I am very bad at knowing those things ). Of course , B actually said , " Actually I don't know about guys chasing her or what...She never tell me about those stuff " . ( actually there's more...and actually it's more epic...but I just don't know how to re-tell incidents.. ) A also told b " wahhh....if she wear contact lens then she will become very beautiful ! ) =.=
And A actually told B that I look very very very x100000000 different compared to so much much prettier
Honestly , i'm kinda flattered ....but not so after i heard the " very different from before " part...
which means previously I don't look good lor hor....
Haha...but neh....we cannot control what people wanna say or think right ?
I noticed that guys are more interested to see my hp pics and talk to me about more weird I have a boyfriend or so...not to boast..but I think this is the of them actually asked me whether if i'm still with someone and proceeded to say that my " fake husband " have no chance already.....haha... ( fake husband from a project done in college ) .... i know they are joking...but..yeah...I can see what's up...
and another guy told me that I " more leng lui " already...
( I know la the guy is sincere haha )
But I said , " if not more leng lui is useless right ? "
but sorry la...I victimised you lols XD
but to generalised guys ,
Most are mostly after girls who look more attractive and pretty and popular...
It's true...
But of course , girls are like that too....
Humans like pretty things...
but a pretty personality and heart is more important ( but people overlooked that detail ) ...
But those people who say that that they look solely on pretty personality and not look...
Don't believe them...
Guys are visual beings...
They are mostly attracted by our personality AND your LOOKS....
( SO THAT can serve as both compliment and a discompliment to you aye ? )
Back to my story...
The " if not more leng lui is useless " part is actually very realistic...
when you spent RM 1800 on a DST ( double-suture and stitching method ) procedure to create double eyelids....
of course must look prettier right ?
if you look uglier / the's useless...
yeah..I did a minor surgery to my eye...but it's not incisional ( which means that the doctor didn't not cut my eye..but he just stitch my lids to create a natural double eyelid )
( will blog about the process and all next time)
But , it's something like this...

After DST ( pic above )
She only did her eyes , but her features looked more defined and she have a more " electrifying and deep " eyes.. ( THE double eyelids are not that deep...because this is Asian DST...Caucasians have higher double eyelids...which don't really suit the asian eyes...except some )
Before DST ( She's pretty , but not very outstanding...her eyes give her a steeper and shallow look ) stilll pretty , but not amazingly pretty...( emphasis )
Man...seriously...eyes can make much difference...I used to thought that a rhinoplasty ( nose job ) will make your face better...but i'm wrong...eyes is enough....Never go for's so risky and painful !!! ( I never did rhino. before...i'm a very chicken hearted girl when it comes to injections and all XD )
Beauty is conditioned in everybody's mind...
Hollywood , the entertainment industry and even people themselves discriminate people who are attractive compared to those who are not...
According to statistics , Attractive students get higher marks in universities and institutions , and they also get lighter sentence in court...
( I think i'll talk about discrimination next time...not now... ) XD I THINK...
Back to the topic....
Many might raise an eyebrow on why I say that...
And one incident actually made me realise something .
A suddenly asked B about my things and etc . B told me that A sounds very interested to know many things about me . A actually told B that NOW I resemble A's previous love interest which he adores and loves a lot and she's very pretty!! Then ,A proceeded to ask B whether if many guys are after me now , and why i'm more silent compared to before . Practically , A's more interested to know many things about me and more observant too ( which I did not notice...I am very bad at knowing those things ). Of course , B actually said , " Actually I don't know about guys chasing her or what...She never tell me about those stuff " . ( actually there's more...and actually it's more epic...but I just don't know how to re-tell incidents.. ) A also told b " wahhh....if she wear contact lens then she will become very beautiful ! ) =.=
And A actually told B that I look very very very x100000000 different compared to so much much prettier
Honestly , i'm kinda flattered ....but not so after i heard the " very different from before " part...
which means previously I don't look good lor hor....
Haha...but neh....we cannot control what people wanna say or think right ?
I noticed that guys are more interested to see my hp pics and talk to me about more weird I have a boyfriend or so...not to boast..but I think this is the of them actually asked me whether if i'm still with someone and proceeded to say that my " fake husband " have no chance already.....haha... ( fake husband from a project done in college ) .... i know they are joking...but..yeah...I can see what's up...
and another guy told me that I " more leng lui " already...
( I know la the guy is sincere haha )
But I said , " if not more leng lui is useless right ? "
but sorry la...I victimised you lols XD
but to generalised guys ,
Most are mostly after girls who look more attractive and pretty and popular...
It's true...
But of course , girls are like that too....
Humans like pretty things...
but a pretty personality and heart is more important ( but people overlooked that detail ) ...
But those people who say that that they look solely on pretty personality and not look...
Don't believe them...
Guys are visual beings...
They are mostly attracted by our personality AND your LOOKS....
( SO THAT can serve as both compliment and a discompliment to you aye ? )
Back to my story...
The " if not more leng lui is useless " part is actually very realistic...
when you spent RM 1800 on a DST ( double-suture and stitching method ) procedure to create double eyelids....
of course must look prettier right ?
if you look uglier / the's useless...
yeah..I did a minor surgery to my eye...but it's not incisional ( which means that the doctor didn't not cut my eye..but he just stitch my lids to create a natural double eyelid )
( will blog about the process and all next time)
But , it's something like this...
After DST ( pic above )
She only did her eyes , but her features looked more defined and she have a more " electrifying and deep " eyes.. ( THE double eyelids are not that deep...because this is Asian DST...Caucasians have higher double eyelids...which don't really suit the asian eyes...except some )
Man...seriously...eyes can make much difference...I used to thought that a rhinoplasty ( nose job ) will make your face better...but i'm wrong...eyes is enough....Never go for's so risky and painful !!! ( I never did rhino. before...i'm a very chicken hearted girl when it comes to injections and all XD )