Orientation Odyssey Night 2011
This is a super delayed post...was suppose to blog about it last month but... XD ( I kinda forgot >< )
So , here we go :D
The event itself was postponed to a week later because of the yellow protest ...
( yeah I know..so lucky..they got extra one week to prepare !! )
Being an ex-finalist..of course I'm excited to meet our juniors and seniors
( seniors too as we are gonna collaborate with them and the juniors for a performance :) )
Honestly , I watched the whole show already since I was there during their " final rehearsal week " ...so yeah...no surprise for me...sad :(((
The show started with two mimes coming out from the stage doing mime
Both of them really did a great job :D
Later , the two MCs took over ..well ( I still miss last year's MCs but waittt.... )
Then they introduced the panel of judges !!!
Chantelle Chuah is their " beauty queen " judge of the night ( Miss Universe 2009 finalists and Miss International 2010 )
After much introduction and some funny jokes ,
The show finally starts !!
The finalists opened the show with Michelle ( ex-TT finalist and champion for TT night 2010 singing ( group )
singing Lady Marmalade and the finalists dancing to it...
Man..I have to say that they are super lucky this year because they can wear fishnet stockings and do sexy dance ( not that I wanna wear fishnet stockings but last year we can't wear shorts only..must wear legging also !! SO unlucky... :(( IT'S really hard when you have to change outfits XD - will blog about it more in the next post )
So yeah..sexy dance , partner dancing and sexy pose in the end :D
So awesome aye ?
After the first performance , the MCs are back for more fun activities and prizes to give away...
They asked few people to shuffle !!! ( super funny !! ) xD
Then it's finalists introduction time !! :
Josephine , 19 ( wow..she really look like MICHAYLA !!! )
Ken , 18 ( he's really adorable !! )
After that , it's can can dance time !!!
The dance is another fun one !!
one thing I noticed about this year it's that the dance are more to partner-partner rather than group dancing like last year ( too bad our partner dance a.k.a No Air was cancelled :( )
Final pose !!
Coincidence ? ( OO 2010 )
Oh ya...they are actually using the same outfit as what we wore last year for our " Nicest Kids In Town " dance number + sketch XDminus our horrible scarf
And I noticed, the A levels girl ( Ninii ) was wearing the exact same one as I wore last year..( and we were both from A levels lols !! )
MY FAVOURITE MCs ARE BACK !!!! omgosh !! I miss them like crazy since their MC-ing last year !!!
Aaron and Shaun !!!
( Aaron that guy...really salute him !! coz he got all those lines last minute + we are having exams during that period ( he's from a levels too..so yeah ..it was during exam period )
Then they selected some audience from the crowd to do " catwalk "
Bryan ( ex-TT ) ( Kioko's bf ) XD
Then later , Saravanan ( the current MC ) performed with Rahman ...
Rahman sang a Chinese song i think..
And surprise !!
NALINA !!!!!!!! omgosh...I miss her man !!
She was our PD last year ( this year the juniors sure " phew " ) but though she's fierce , strict ,
but she really taught us a lot of stuff..
This lady sure have lots of wisdom !!
Sad Rahman..got dumped by his gf for a richer guy
Then it's back to the performance , CATWALK !!! ( MY FAVORITE SEGMENT ! )
Andrea , 18 ( the violin girl..) some people said that she's like me..as in coz we both play musical instruments
She played the violin during 2nd P&P to Bruno Mars Grenade while I did Pokerface ( Lady Gaga ) for 2nd P& P last year XD
Hann , 18
More dancing
then it's Acting !!
Poor Ninii got bullied by Roselyn who is being restrained from further violence by Josephine and Reena
More abuse
Then Jun Yoong ( from SPUS - STPM ) came and cheer her up XD
and oh yeah...the hug...+ the heartbeat thing..epic !!
Kmaey's meow was one of the highlights of the night !! epic XD
Jo-Ann's " like ang moh " line...super epic too XD
this is i guess the most epic scene XD Roselyn and " lala zai " Vincent
kissed ?
oh ya...My favourite scene !!( how i wish they had this scene last year !! )
Andrea and Hann's duet then later Andrea played the violin ! so yeng !!
( sad la..last year I didn't have the chance to perform on the piano during actual night :( ) coz they said I played it during 2nd p&p d :(
Freestyle dancing by Bryan and Casse
this scene..awesome la !! when i saw them , i was so tempted to play the piano !! XD
Everyone praised them except Roselyn..
fight scene !!
Roselyn slapped her sister , Josephin
aww...everyone reconcile :)
Happy Ending :)
The MCs interviewing the judges
they sang....
the end :)
Performance from Rahman and Saravanan again XD
( by ex ex TT )
Then , bridal wear catwalk ! ( so lucky !!)
( so sad that during my year...we x have..the ONLY year which x have bridal wear )
Then it's ex-finalist performance time !!
Jefferd ( OO 2009 2nd runner up ) kick start the performance medley by singing
then it was Charis ( OO 2009 2nd runner up ) and Angella ( OO Queen 2010 ) to perform their rendition of Selana Gomes's " Who Says "
Then it's ex finalists catwalk time : ( the elegant walk ) :
Soo ( OO king 2010 )
Jade and Kelvin ( 2009 00 finalists )
Then it's our turn ( me , Denise and Angella ) - 1st runners up , 2nd runners up + catwalk PD for 2011 + queen for 2010 TO dance SNSD'S run devil run with the female finalists
one of it XD ( it's so hard to dance in heels ! )
Then it's funky catwalk time !
00 FINALISTS 2009's dance
cute :D oh ya plus " ye ye " ( OO finalist 2008 )
Male finalists chair dance ! ( so yeng so wanna dance this ! )
finale dance ! " J.lo's ON THE FLOOR ! IT WAS EPIC !!
everyone :D ex finalists and finalists unite :')
2011 PDs ( William and Denise = last year's 2nd runners up , Stacey ( Miss Johor Tourism ) , Chel ( ExTT champ, Jefferd ( 2009 2nd runners up and Jia Hui ( last year's comittee:D )
Then it's prize giving time !! :
Subsidary titles ( wow ! they have this whey !! )
Best Catwalk : Sebastian , 18
Most Popular , best in talent , most photogenic : Hann
Best Catwalk : Josephine
Miss Popular : Kmaey
Miss Photogenic : Roselyn
Miss Talent : Andrea
Then it's time for the MAIN TITLES!! :
William and Denise's last walk before passing the 2nd runners up title to the new recipients
OO Night 2011 2nd runners up : Juno , 18
OO NIGHT 2011 2nd runners up : Jo-Ann
Then it's Kenneth and My turn :
( was hoping for SPUS to win something this year..coz me and Kenneth are both from A levels XD )
Kenneth and Me..( man i look weird here XD ) AND I'M THE ONLY ONE WEARING SHORT DRESS T.T
OO NIGHT 2011 1st runners up : Roselyn
OO NIGHT 2011 1st runners up : Vincent
OO KING AND QUEEN 2010 : their final walk and pose :)
OO QUEEN 2011 : REENA ( omgosh..Angella and Reena both look like sisters ! )
OO KING 2011 : HANN !! ( expected..man this guy grabbed all the titles except best catwalk and the king 0.0 )
The new King and Queen :D
This scene reminds me of last year...when we actually cried on stage + hug + take pictures !!
camera time XD
camera time XD
( there are more pictures but so lazy to upload ) oh ya
Photo credits to :
http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=1416560478 ( LJ )
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150259498328470.348700.662708469&type=1 ( Kingking )
Review :
Perks :
1) Wow ! the stage deco this year was awesome ! they painted those famous paintings themselves and the lighting and all...total class !Absolutely flawless ! I heard that they supposed to have an Eiffel Tower @ the middle but i think they have x time :( but the stage deco was still awesome !!
( only flaw = the staircase handle ! it's not made to support human weight ! Fui Meng nearly tripped :( )
2) Better distribution of dance routines as in NOT that last year's dances were bad..I think last year's dance is more to the " powerful" side..This year is more to sexy side.. but The main point is that they have less dances this year which is good since OO is a beauty contest...
( they really took last year's post mortem really good...the ideas and all )
3 ) BETTER prizes !! last year all participants get the same items ( even 1st and 2nd runners up ) except the queen and king ..they get more items.. ( We suggested in post mortem last year than they should give items for 1st and 2nd too..to have differentiation ..like last year..what separate us is only the trophy XD
4 ) They choose those finalists well , good looking and all :) Most of them are part-time models ! ( what a strong year..!! )
5 ) Subsidary titles ! ( last year we only have Most photogenic and Most talented ) :(
6 ) The freedom of wearing shorts without leggings !!
7 ) Equal distribution of stage time and roles ( they learnt this from post mortem last year too...last year..man.my lines are sooo little..that I can remember within 1 hour XD )
Letdowns :
1 ) The scenes are quite rushy .... it's like one minute hate , then one minute back together ( but can't blame them..I heard that they learnt the script pretty last minute... coz they noticed that with catwalk and all they still lack some time to fill )
2 ) The dialogues are too informal...
3 ) It's a little boring ( I heard comments saying that last year's OO was better :x )
4 ) Too many subsidary titles ( if there's too many = everyone gets a title..no fun ) - but it's more like a pageant so good job :)
5 ) The finalists this year are tad a little bit unserious compared to last year.. ( lols..maybe coz our PDs scold us one eh XD ) - ( plus we are a different bunch of finalists : this year , they are the ones who have confidence and all that ...My bunch : we are those who have lots of insecurities and little confidence )
So , here we go :D
The event itself was postponed to a week later because of the yellow protest ...
( yeah I know..so lucky..they got extra one week to prepare !! )
Being an ex-finalist..of course I'm excited to meet our juniors and seniors
( seniors too as we are gonna collaborate with them and the juniors for a performance :) )
Honestly , I watched the whole show already since I was there during their " final rehearsal week " ...so yeah...no surprise for me...sad :(((
The show started with two mimes coming out from the stage doing mime
Both of them really did a great job :D
Later , the two MCs took over ..well ( I still miss last year's MCs but waittt.... )
Then they introduced the panel of judges !!!
Chantelle Chuah is their " beauty queen " judge of the night ( Miss Universe 2009 finalists and Miss International 2010 )
After much introduction and some funny jokes ,
The show finally starts !!
The finalists opened the show with Michelle ( ex-TT finalist and champion for TT night 2010 singing ( group )
singing Lady Marmalade and the finalists dancing to it...
Man..I have to say that they are super lucky this year because they can wear fishnet stockings and do sexy dance ( not that I wanna wear fishnet stockings but last year we can't wear shorts only..must wear legging also !! SO unlucky... :(( IT'S really hard when you have to change outfits XD - will blog about it more in the next post )
So yeah..sexy dance , partner dancing and sexy pose in the end :D
So awesome aye ?
After the first performance , the MCs are back for more fun activities and prizes to give away...
They asked few people to shuffle !!! ( super funny !! ) xD
Then it's finalists introduction time !! :
Josephine , 19 ( wow..she really look like MICHAYLA !!! )
Ken , 18 ( he's really adorable !! )
After that , it's can can dance time !!!
The dance is another fun one !!
one thing I noticed about this year it's that the dance are more to partner-partner rather than group dancing like last year ( too bad our partner dance a.k.a No Air was cancelled :( )
Final pose !!
Coincidence ? ( OO 2010 )
Oh ya...they are actually using the same outfit as what we wore last year for our " Nicest Kids In Town " dance number + sketch XD
And I noticed, the A levels girl ( Ninii ) was wearing the exact same one as I wore last year..( and we were both from A levels lols !! )
MY FAVOURITE MCs ARE BACK !!!! omgosh !! I miss them like crazy since their MC-ing last year !!!
( Aaron that guy...really salute him !! coz he got all those lines last minute + we are having exams during that period ( he's from a levels too..so yeah ..it was during exam period )
Then they selected some audience from the crowd to do " catwalk "
Bryan ( ex-TT ) ( Kioko's bf ) XD
Then later , Saravanan ( the current MC ) performed with Rahman ...
Rahman sang a Chinese song i think..
And surprise !!
NALINA !!!!!!!! omgosh...I miss her man !!
She was our PD last year ( this year the juniors sure " phew " ) but though she's fierce , strict ,
but she really taught us a lot of stuff..
This lady sure have lots of wisdom !!
Sad Rahman..got dumped by his gf for a richer guy
Then it's back to the performance , CATWALK !!! ( MY FAVORITE SEGMENT ! )
Andrea , 18 ( the violin girl..) some people said that she's like me..as in coz we both play musical instruments
She played the violin during 2nd P&P to Bruno Mars Grenade while I did Pokerface ( Lady Gaga ) for 2nd P& P last year XD
Hann , 18
More dancing
then it's Acting !!
Poor Ninii got bullied by Roselyn who is being restrained from further violence by Josephine and Reena
More abuse
Then Jun Yoong ( from SPUS - STPM ) came and cheer her up XD
and oh yeah...the hug...+ the heartbeat thing..epic !!
Kmaey's meow was one of the highlights of the night !! epic XD
Jo-Ann's " like ang moh " line...super epic too XD
this is i guess the most epic scene XD Roselyn and " lala zai " Vincent
kissed ?
oh ya...My favourite scene !!( how i wish they had this scene last year !! )
Andrea and Hann's duet then later Andrea played the violin ! so yeng !!
( sad la..last year I didn't have the chance to perform on the piano during actual night :( ) coz they said I played it during 2nd p&p d :(
Freestyle dancing by Bryan and Casse
this scene..awesome la !! when i saw them , i was so tempted to play the piano !! XD
Everyone praised them except Roselyn..
fight scene !!
Roselyn slapped her sister , Josephin

aww...everyone reconcile :)
Happy Ending :)
The MCs interviewing the judges
they sang....
the end :)
Performance from Rahman and Saravanan again XD
( by ex ex TT )
Then , bridal wear catwalk ! ( so lucky !!)
( so sad that during my year...we x have..the ONLY year which x have bridal wear )
Then it's ex-finalist performance time !!
then it was Charis ( OO 2009 2nd runner up ) and Angella ( OO Queen 2010 ) to perform their rendition of Selana Gomes's " Who Says "
Then it's ex finalists catwalk time : ( the elegant walk ) :
Soo ( OO king 2010 )
Jade and Kelvin ( 2009 00 finalists )
Then it's our turn ( me , Denise and Angella ) - 1st runners up , 2nd runners up + catwalk PD for 2011 + queen for 2010 TO dance SNSD'S run devil run with the female finalists
one of it XD ( it's so hard to dance in heels ! )
Then it's funky catwalk time !
00 FINALISTS 2009's dance
cute :D oh ya plus " ye ye " ( OO finalist 2008 )
Male finalists chair dance ! ( so yeng so wanna dance this ! )
finale dance ! " J.lo's ON THE FLOOR ! IT WAS EPIC !!
everyone :D ex finalists and finalists unite :')
2011 PDs ( William and Denise = last year's 2nd runners up , Stacey ( Miss Johor Tourism ) , Chel ( ExTT champ, Jefferd ( 2009 2nd runners up and Jia Hui ( last year's comittee:D )
Then it's prize giving time !! :
Subsidary titles ( wow ! they have this whey !! )
Best Catwalk : Sebastian , 18
Most Popular , best in talent , most photogenic : Hann
Best Catwalk : Josephine
Miss Popular : Kmaey
Miss Photogenic : Roselyn
Miss Talent : Andrea
Then it's time for the MAIN TITLES!! :
William and Denise's last walk before passing the 2nd runners up title to the new recipients
OO Night 2011 2nd runners up : Juno , 18
OO NIGHT 2011 2nd runners up : Jo-Ann
Then it's Kenneth and My turn :
( was hoping for SPUS to win something this year..coz me and Kenneth are both from A levels XD )
Kenneth and Me..( man i look weird here XD ) AND I'M THE ONLY ONE WEARING SHORT DRESS T.T
OO NIGHT 2011 1st runners up : Roselyn
OO NIGHT 2011 1st runners up : Vincent
OO KING AND QUEEN 2010 : their final walk and pose :)
OO QUEEN 2011 : REENA ( omgosh..Angella and Reena both look like sisters ! )
OO KING 2011 : HANN !! ( expected..man this guy grabbed all the titles except best catwalk and the king 0.0 )
The new King and Queen :D
This scene reminds me of last year...when we actually cried on stage + hug + take pictures !!
camera time XD
camera time XD
( there are more pictures but so lazy to upload ) oh ya
Photo credits to :
http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=1416560478 ( LJ )
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150259498328470.348700.662708469&type=1 ( Kingking )
Review :
Perks :
1) Wow ! the stage deco this year was awesome ! they painted those famous paintings themselves and the lighting and all...total class !Absolutely flawless ! I heard that they supposed to have an Eiffel Tower @ the middle but i think they have x time :( but the stage deco was still awesome !!
( only flaw = the staircase handle ! it's not made to support human weight ! Fui Meng nearly tripped :( )
2) Better distribution of dance routines as in NOT that last year's dances were bad..I think last year's dance is more to the " powerful" side..This year is more to sexy side.. but The main point is that they have less dances this year which is good since OO is a beauty contest...
( they really took last year's post mortem really good...the ideas and all )
3 ) BETTER prizes !! last year all participants get the same items ( even 1st and 2nd runners up ) except the queen and king ..they get more items.. ( We suggested in post mortem last year than they should give items for 1st and 2nd too..to have differentiation ..like last year..what separate us is only the trophy XD
4 ) They choose those finalists well , good looking and all :) Most of them are part-time models ! ( what a strong year..!! )
5 ) Subsidary titles ! ( last year we only have Most photogenic and Most talented ) :(
6 ) The freedom of wearing shorts without leggings !!
7 ) Equal distribution of stage time and roles ( they learnt this from post mortem last year too..
Letdowns :
1 ) The scenes are quite rushy .... it's like one minute hate , then one minute back together ( but can't blame them..I heard that they learnt the script pretty last minute... coz they noticed that with catwalk and all they still lack some time to fill )
2 ) The dialogues are too informal...
3 ) It's a little boring (
4 ) Too many subsidary titles ( if there's too many = everyone gets a title..no fun ) - but it's more like a pageant so good job :)
5 ) The finalists this year are tad a little bit unserious compared to last year.. ( lols..maybe coz our PDs scold us one eh XD ) - ( plus we are a different bunch of finalists : this year , they are the ones who have confidence and all that ...My bunch : we are those who have lots of insecurities and little confidence )