Some people are so pathetic...
1 ) If you don't know how to put out a solid point , you can zip your mouth.
2 ) If you can put out a solid point but with wrong facts , you will get ridiculed
3 ) If you can argue but with wrong facts , you just showed the world that you lack knowledge
4 ) thus , if you want to argue , please argue with FACTS and make sure your arguments won't fan more flames..
5 ) Oh ya...if have the guts to bring out a controversial agreement ( go ahead .. it's a democratic country ) BUT please be brave and defend your agreement if you can...and not act like a coward ( by deleting your account ?? )
A Malay girl just posted a rather derogatory comment on our Prime Minister's wall , which the comment has since catapulted into " instant hype " among fellow "Facebookers"
Honestly , if she were to say something controversial yet with the right facts , I will keep quiet and support her since I really love people voicing out opinions even though some are very controversial . But this is plain...
yes I said it. STUPID. She did not really managed to degrade the Chinese...but she fanned the flames because she still said that we are " Pendatangs" ( foreigners ) and worst yet : labourers...
Ok...We chinese accept the facts .
Chinese did came to Malaysia AS labourers And some of them established the Kuomintang communist party...( but hey...not ALL chinese are communists ) ..
Our forefathers worked hard and from mining tins , they established various business from that starting point . Chinese are always doing business , and hence , established the mining city of " KUALA LUMPUR " ...
I'm not sure whether my facts are THAT precise , but I DO read history ( Malaysian History - forced to AND world history - out of interest ) and I am confident that my facts are more reliable than hers though not all may be 100% precise ( maybe 98% ? )
Wrong fact 1 : Chinese and Indians are just foreigners , Malay are BUMIPUTERA...
Wow... I've never seen someone who are also foreigners just as us.. but said others are foreigners..
Malays came to Malaysia from several places :
1 ) Yunnan , CHINA
2 ) Taiwan ( because in the past , there are many indigenous tribes there..even Chinese are not originally from Taiwan... )
3 ) Papua New Guinea
4 ) Indonesia
so even Malays are foreigners...
To make the facts even clearer...
Non of us are the " original race " in a country . For instance , in USA , Caucasians are from Europe , and Negros are from Africans . The " original race " will always be the indigenous tribes in their countries the Indians in USA , Kadazan or Murut in Malaysia , Taiwanese Aborigines in Taiwan and the list goes on...
that's why ORANG ASLI are called ORANG asli.... indigenous people...see ???
But wait...
EVEN they are not the original race...there's a theory that states , everyone originates from Africa , then at one period , they spread and settled in different regions of the world...
So now who is the pendatang ?
The Answer : EVERYONE IS !!!!!!! oh ya..and who is Bumiputera : Kadazan , Murut etc...Malays are not the real " earth prince "
Wrong fact 2 : Tunku Abdul Rahman AGREES that Chinese , Indian , Malays to live as one
Though it's wrong , but this is half true.
BUT he did that decision NOT because he's noble to do so... , it's because he's kinda FORCED to do so...
Before Malaya gained independence in 1957 , Malaya is a colonial country under the control of the British forces . Later , they said that " IF TUNKU CAN PROVE AND SHOW THAT ALL RACES IN MALAYSIA CAN LIVE AS ONE " , they will grant Independence to Malaya ..
Since the leaders ( especially Tunku Abdul Rahman ) wanted independence SOOO badly , he made an agreement with the indians and the chinese leaders ....and hence , the Malaysia Social contract was formed ( which is a quid pro quo a.k.a " what for what " a.k.a bargain - wow learnt this in consideration but nvm ) : which is to grant citizenship to the non-bumis ( non-Malays ) in exchange for Malay special rights and privileges .
Wow...Tunku was smart indeed...Honestly , he was a very smart guy , he actually can grant citizenship before THAT , but he choose to delayed it later so that it can be a sufficient consideration to both parties... he's also smart to expel Singapore ( because if he keeps Singapore , the Chinese will outnumber the Malays - which is a bad thing for Malaya ) .
so later , after the agreement , we agreed to " live as one " and British gave us independence... story over ?
Not quite ..
Because of the Malaysian Social contract , some Malays have used this quid pro quo agreement to defend their " Ketuanan Melayu " ( so childish ) - Malay Supremacy
Wrong fact 3 : " Bumiputeras have given non-Bumis so many chance , that is 1 Malaysia "
I saw one man commented this in Bahasa Melayu...and honestly , I soooo wanna LOL like really burst out laughing like a mad woman....They gave us CHANCE ??? what chance ?? I think it should be WE have been giving them chances
Bumiputeras received MORE ( like 90% more ) chances than US in many areas.... : quotas in government jobs , quotas for trade licences , permission to EVEN MONOPOLISE CERTAIN INDUSTRIES , 90% of public university places and 90% schorlarship.... CHEAPER HOUSE , CHEAPER CAR ???????
DID WE GET THOSE ???? we DID complain once in a while...but DID WE REALLY COMPLAIN LIKE HOW YOU DID ???
Bumiputeras get trade aids...but we get less aids.... and they said they give us kind of argument is that ??
and the irony is that they said our success is because we have been given chance by them and we must be grateful..." wow "
the chance is : we are thrown in cold waters , we learn to survive in harsh environment with less opportunities , and that's how we GROW TO SUCCEED...because we are NOT protected and we are not being SPOON FED !!
AND TUNKU SAID : " "For those who love and feel they owe undivided loyalty to this country, we will welcome them as Malayans. They must truly be Malayans, and they will have the same rights and privileges as the Malays."
see it GIRL ????
THE ECONOMIST ( a popular magazines on international affairs based in London ) stated that the ketuanan melayu is " OFFICIAL RACISM "
well said...
Come to think about's sad that in Malaysia we still have 3rd class mentality people... it's not that i'm condemning them...i'm just disgusted at this childish mentality... it's laughable material seriously...
oh ya.. i DID commented on my friend's wall post and on the picture ( my friend posted it on Najib's wall to see the condition now..but he got scolded with bad words from those was shocked that they know how to curse in chinese )
my comment :
Chermaine Kang Cina jadi boss bukan kerana bumiputera bagi chance..ini adalah kerana kami bekerja keras...semua kaum pun boleh jadi boss kalau mereka bekerja Oh guys get help from the government and have more benefit than us in starting a guys should have been more successful..but...oh well..even uni also you guys get more chance..but some Malays don't appreciate it and when they can't get jobs , they blame others pulak..we other races have to vie with bumiputeras with lesser it's not even that bumiputera giving us chance..well..maybe giving us chance to succeed better in the real world because we are thrown in cold waters and have to work harder to Achieve success in live , without bring spoon fed.. Oh ya , check and recheck your facts , read world history please...Malays are from china , then they migrated to Indonesia and Malaysia to settle Malays are pendatang too..Malaysian history is so screwed and filled with propagandas... Stop saying that " bagi chance" is one Malaysia...with some people who are still childish and loves to use the word "pendatang" so much , we will never achieve one malaysiA..likewise how other races criticizes Malays... If you read world history , everyone is pendatang from Africa then settle down in many parts of the world..the true non-pendatAngs are always the indigenous tribes..even in USA , the whites are from Europe , negros from Africa but did they point fingers on who is the pendatang ? As long as some childish people still loves to claim that they are the " superior, alpha race " let it's a childish fight , like a child keep saying " I'm number one " the modern world , we do not gauge standard by who come first or last , we gauge who succeed better and what country can be peace with each other regardless of differences .. Peace out :D
2 ) If you can put out a solid point but with wrong facts , you will get ridiculed
3 ) If you can argue but with wrong facts , you just showed the world that you lack knowledge
4 ) thus , if you want to argue , please argue with FACTS and make sure your arguments won't fan more flames..
5 ) Oh ya...if have the guts to bring out a controversial agreement ( go ahead .. it's a democratic country ) BUT please be brave and defend your agreement if you can...and not act like a coward ( by deleting your account ?? )
A Malay girl just posted a rather derogatory comment on our Prime Minister's wall , which the comment has since catapulted into " instant hype " among fellow "Facebookers"
Honestly , if she were to say something controversial yet with the right facts , I will keep quiet and support her since I really love people voicing out opinions even though some are very controversial . But this is plain...
yes I said it. STUPID. She did not really managed to degrade the Chinese...but she fanned the flames because she still said that we are " Pendatangs" ( foreigners ) and worst yet : labourers...
Ok...We chinese accept the facts .
Chinese did came to Malaysia AS labourers And some of them established the Kuomintang communist party...( but hey...not ALL chinese are communists ) ..
Our forefathers worked hard and from mining tins , they established various business from that starting point . Chinese are always doing business , and hence , established the mining city of " KUALA LUMPUR " ...
I'm not sure whether my facts are THAT precise , but I DO read history ( Malaysian History - forced to AND world history - out of interest ) and I am confident that my facts are more reliable than hers though not all may be 100% precise ( maybe 98% ? )
Wrong fact 1 : Chinese and Indians are just foreigners , Malay are BUMIPUTERA...
Wow... I've never seen someone who are also foreigners just as us.. but said others are foreigners..
Malays came to Malaysia from several places :
1 ) Yunnan , CHINA
2 ) Taiwan ( because in the past , there are many indigenous tribes there..even Chinese are not originally from Taiwan... )
3 ) Papua New Guinea
4 ) Indonesia
so even Malays are foreigners...
To make the facts even clearer...
Non of us are the " original race " in a country . For instance , in USA , Caucasians are from Europe , and Negros are from Africans . The " original race " will always be the indigenous tribes in their countries the Indians in USA , Kadazan or Murut in Malaysia , Taiwanese Aborigines in Taiwan and the list goes on...
that's why ORANG ASLI are called ORANG asli.... indigenous people...see ???
But wait...
EVEN they are not the original race...there's a theory that states , everyone originates from Africa , then at one period , they spread and settled in different regions of the world...
So now who is the pendatang ?
The Answer : EVERYONE IS !!!!!!! oh ya..and who is Bumiputera : Kadazan , Murut etc...Malays are not the real " earth prince "
Wrong fact 2 : Tunku Abdul Rahman AGREES that Chinese , Indian , Malays to live as one
Though it's wrong , but this is half true.
BUT he did that decision NOT because he's noble to do so... , it's because he's kinda FORCED to do so...
Before Malaya gained independence in 1957 , Malaya is a colonial country under the control of the British forces . Later , they said that " IF TUNKU CAN PROVE AND SHOW THAT ALL RACES IN MALAYSIA CAN LIVE AS ONE " , they will grant Independence to Malaya ..
Since the leaders ( especially Tunku Abdul Rahman ) wanted independence SOOO badly , he made an agreement with the indians and the chinese leaders ....and hence , the Malaysia Social contract was formed ( which is a quid pro quo a.k.a " what for what " a.k.a bargain - wow learnt this in consideration but nvm ) : which is to grant citizenship to the non-bumis ( non-Malays ) in exchange for Malay special rights and privileges .
Wow...Tunku was smart indeed...Honestly , he was a very smart guy , he actually can grant citizenship before THAT , but he choose to delayed it later so that it can be a sufficient consideration to both parties... he's also smart to expel Singapore ( because if he keeps Singapore , the Chinese will outnumber the Malays - which is a bad thing for Malaya ) .
so later , after the agreement , we agreed to " live as one " and British gave us independence... story over ?
Not quite ..
Because of the Malaysian Social contract , some Malays have used this quid pro quo agreement to defend their " Ketuanan Melayu " ( so childish ) - Malay Supremacy
Wrong fact 3 : " Bumiputeras have given non-Bumis so many chance , that is 1 Malaysia "
I saw one man commented this in Bahasa Melayu...and honestly , I soooo wanna LOL like really burst out laughing like a mad woman....They gave us CHANCE ??? what chance ?? I think it should be WE have been giving them chances
Bumiputeras received MORE ( like 90% more ) chances than US in many areas.... : quotas in government jobs , quotas for trade licences , permission to EVEN MONOPOLISE CERTAIN INDUSTRIES , 90% of public university places and 90% schorlarship.... CHEAPER HOUSE , CHEAPER CAR ???????
DID WE GET THOSE ???? we DID complain once in a while...but DID WE REALLY COMPLAIN LIKE HOW YOU DID ???
Bumiputeras get trade aids...but we get less aids.... and they said they give us kind of argument is that ??
and the irony is that they said our success is because we have been given chance by them and we must be grateful..." wow "
the chance is : we are thrown in cold waters , we learn to survive in harsh environment with less opportunities , and that's how we GROW TO SUCCEED...because we are NOT protected and we are not being SPOON FED !!
AND TUNKU SAID : " "For those who love and feel they owe undivided loyalty to this country, we will welcome them as Malayans. They must truly be Malayans, and they will have the same rights and privileges as the Malays."
see it GIRL ????
THE ECONOMIST ( a popular magazines on international affairs based in London ) stated that the ketuanan melayu is " OFFICIAL RACISM "
well said...
Come to think about's sad that in Malaysia we still have 3rd class mentality people... it's not that i'm condemning them...i'm just disgusted at this childish mentality... it's laughable material seriously...
oh ya.. i DID commented on my friend's wall post and on the picture ( my friend posted it on Najib's wall to see the condition now..but he got scolded with bad words from those was shocked that they know how to curse in chinese )
my comment :
Chermaine Kang Cina jadi boss bukan kerana bumiputera bagi chance..ini adalah kerana kami bekerja keras...semua kaum pun boleh jadi boss kalau mereka bekerja Oh guys get help from the government and have more benefit than us in starting a guys should have been more successful..but...oh well..even uni also you guys get more chance..but some Malays don't appreciate it and when they can't get jobs , they blame others pulak..we other races have to vie with bumiputeras with lesser it's not even that bumiputera giving us chance..well..maybe giving us chance to succeed better in the real world because we are thrown in cold waters and have to work harder to Achieve success in live , without bring spoon fed.. Oh ya , check and recheck your facts , read world history please...Malays are from china , then they migrated to Indonesia and Malaysia to settle Malays are pendatang too..Malaysian history is so screwed and filled with propagandas... Stop saying that " bagi chance" is one Malaysia...with some people who are still childish and loves to use the word "pendatang" so much , we will never achieve one malaysiA..likewise how other races criticizes Malays... If you read world history , everyone is pendatang from Africa then settle down in many parts of the world..the true non-pendatAngs are always the indigenous tribes..even in USA , the whites are from Europe , negros from Africa but did they point fingers on who is the pendatang ? As long as some childish people still loves to claim that they are the " superior, alpha race " let it's a childish fight , like a child keep saying " I'm number one " the modern world , we do not gauge standard by who come first or last , we gauge who succeed better and what country can be peace with each other regardless of differences .. Peace out :D
3 hours ago · ·
21 people

* I won't censor my name because I stand in what I believe.. :)
I don't intend to promote any racism.....but I just want to clarify some thought that lingers in the mind of the non-Bumis... I know not all Bumis are like that..