Went out with form 4 cg members and other youth leaders to watch twilight ... Honestly , i still prefer the book to the movie.... Maybe because they cut many scenes until you went " huh " and it's like a fast foward ( super fast ) I think the 1st few scenes is already in the Biology lab Too fAST .... I do not want to complain much but i just prefer the book it's much better but the guys felt that it's still ok to watch and those who haven't read the book yet find that the movie is awesome and they loves edward ( Robert Pattinson ) but i personally prefer my own ' imaginary Edward " wellllll , most of the girls also agreed with this.... except the point that i don't fancy Edward as much as they do because i think in a realistic way.... well , in real life , It's find to find " edward " so i just stick to the reality much better for me p.s. i find those actors who acted as Jasper , Alice , Jacob and Carlisle AWESOME !!! much m...