Tagged By Alexandra

1. Who is your ONE best friend?
I don't have best friend , only close friend . If I really have to choose , it will be Zanne

2. How long do you know him/her?
Since Primary School

3. Is the person that tagged you your best friend?
She's my tuition friend =) , if we have more time to communicate , we would be xD

5. Describe the person that tagged you.
Fun , Thin ( like me ) , I just like to talk to her =D

x6. How do you get to know the person that tagged you?
Minda Ceria

x7. Ever regretted from knowing some friend?

x8. If your best friend betrayed you, what will you do?
Listen to his/her explanation .....then tell her what i think about it.

x9. It's your best friend birthday. What would you give him/her?
Nah ..i can't reveal it...that wouldn't be a surpise anymore xD

x10. Say something grateful to your best friend.

I truly appreciate the things you have done for us...
No words can describe how thankful and grateful i am to have a friend like you =)


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