Someone Insulted me...
but somehow i'm just a little bit unhappy about it xD
Went to a press conference today....( it was good )
but i met this uncle ...( claimed to be a key person in the education field - college i think )
he asked me how many A's i got for SPM .....
i smile and said..." lols , i think i rather not tell =) "
He said " i think nowadays the exams are really easy , unlike my's tough "
I said " I see , but i felt that last year's + Maths was the hardest i've seen ..( compared to other years...not his "year" )
He Said " Who said so ? You know my daughter , She got 8A's for SPM and she came home crying like crazy , i comforted her telling her that she did better than me and i didn't give her any stress ...but she cried and btw , she got A+ for add maths and A+ for english , how many B's you got , How many C's you got"
I said : I have a lot of B's and 1 C uncle
Auntie Yen : Guess she's just not lucky that she can't get A
I said " I got an A+ for english as well , so where is she studying now ? "
He Said " She's currently studying @ a renowned college , i plan to send her to China after her studies here in the local Uni , SO WHAT IS YOUR PLAN ? "
I said " I plan to study A levels @ TARC , Starting in May "
He smirked and said " you better not go for A levels , since you did BADLY for SPM , why bother to go for A levels ? You will suffer , you are NOT THAT TYPE ... and besides , A levels are for THOSE people who WANTS to go overseas "
I said : " Uncle =) , i'm taking A levels in arts and not in science , i'm not very good @ science subs and i'm good in writing that's why i opt for Arts ( it's directed to my interest ) , besides , it wasn't really my will to take science during form 4
He said : " you should change your mind la , since you did badly for SPM , you should go for a concurrent degree ( don't really know what is that ) or foundation ... , btw , my daughter studies in a super renowned school , Catholic High School , and you , you did badly for SPM ( so cha... ) how can you wanna go overseas ? "
I said : " I see " ( aww , too bad i didn't have a change to said that i studied in SMKSBS SKK =P ) , but my plan is to do well for a levels ( i can study whole heartedly now since i'm studying what i like and not what i hate ) and to go to singapore's YST "
I said ( just to hint him that i didn't do as BADLY as he thought i did ) " i wonder why colleges nowadays have really low requirement for foundation.....( just a little sarcasm for him , maybe i ter-say his college )
He said : i think because they want to earn money...
* lols xD
THE CONversation above might be a little childish , but i think what he said was worst than how i put all these in words....
to clarify ( maybe a little perasan ahead )
1 ) I'm NOT stupid....Getting " bad " results ( not really bad also btw ) DOESN'T MEAN i'm Stupid and i'm deemed to fail forever
2 ) Even though i'm bad @ calculations , i'm good @ writing
3 ) Catholic High School is not a CONTROL SCHOOL uncle , i haven't tell you about where i'm studying yet ...and i have friends who study @ that school , so do not try to tell me A LIE !
4 ) Your daughter is ok , maybe she studies really hard for it ( i don't hate her for that and don't hate her for crying ) but i detest you that you are criticizing me in a very DOWNGRADING manner
5 ) I'm not as dumb or as Un-Studious as you see.....I get good grades before i step into form 4 and i was the top 3 classes uncle....( sry , a little childish and perasan here )
6 ) Somewhat , your sarcasm doesn't really affects me...but you taught me a lot of things about people like YOU !
7 ) My mum even hate that guy ( she didn't even talk to him and mind you that i didn't tell her about the incident lols xD ) BUT later she know lols xD
9 ) Humiliating me in front of Auntie Yen , is not the way to go man......
10 ) Because of this , I SO WANNA DO WELL IN MY A LEVELS AND GET A SCHORLARSHIP and i wanna talk to you after i do so =)