Project Timeline
23/9/2019: Monday 3:00pm Watching my advocacy video I did months ago and thinking about how I gathered all my thoughts and years of experience to come up with a decent speech that won me the 'Best in Advocacy' subsidiary title. 4:00pm I'm currently sitting in front of my laptop screen for the past hour; reflecting on my experience in charities and the Autism initiatives that I've started/helped. It's definitely a struggle to summarize my current project into 500 impactful words. Perhaps I'm overthinking and comparing it with myself. Le sigh... 10:00pm Managed to cut down to 4 pages worth of points and sectioned them into categories. Haha yeah, I'm OCD like that. Time to write a rough long essay. 24/9/2019: Tuesday 12:00am: Although I'm half asleep, my brain seems to be sprouting with ideas. 12:50am: I'm halfway through Part 2 but it's bedtime. Hopefully, I'll get some inspiration in my dreams. 25/9/2019: Wednesday 10:0...